New TOL A&K DAP : the AK Ultima SP1000
Jun 20, 2017 at 1:46 PM Post #466 of 9,433
I doubt the DX200 will be anywhere near the SP1000 in terms of SQ. I am one who do not believe in "digital EQs"
You need to hear the DX200 with the latest FW. A totally different machine now and I thought it was good before, especially with the AMP2.
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Jun 20, 2017 at 1:47 PM Post #467 of 9,433
I've always found the idea of using EQ settings in a player a contradictory position. If you need to eq the player, then clearly the sound signature isnt the sound you want, which begs the question of why you bought that player to begin with.

Normally, it is not the player which has to be EQed, but a headphone. I do not use EQ, with the AKG K872 as the only exception (this headphone is so far away from neutral). The K872 responds well to the EQ of the AK380 (with AK380 amp). The range of the settings is more than enough to EQ every headphone. These are not only subtle changes, the EQ of the AK380 is real.

However, when using EQ with AK players, I always had the Impression that the sound was a bit less dynamic, no matter which setting or which headphone I was using.
Jun 20, 2017 at 1:54 PM Post #468 of 9,433
I see where you guys are coming from and streaming is only 1 example. A 5Ghz connection pulls more bits than 2.4Ghz. If I was streaming from my home based NAS and streaming large files, connection could be stronger and transfer data faster with an unthrottled connection. Range is not much of a factor but I would think AK could have added both, its not that big of a change to the hardware/setup. A 500Mbps networked connection to your provider (yes thats alot considering most peeps use 50mbps with their slinky cable company) puts out roughly 500-600Mbps dedicated cabled and approx 125Mbps/streaming WiFi with a 5Ghz connection whereas a 2.4Ghz connection at that speed nets only 35-60Mbps on WiFi. Again, depending upon the layout of your area, range to your router, amount of glass between the router and your device etc... numbers will vary. So I realize its not that much for an update but quality of service and dedicated streaming hi-res flac (100-150mb) files can be problematic even with the range of 2.4Ghz connections. I guess it really depends upon the connection bandwidth and those factors mentioned for a true uninterrupted experience.

You cannot stream or play an audio track any faster than it's given bit rate, so file size is irrelevant. If you are copying FLAC files, sure 2.4 GHz would be slower. With a decent gigabit router, you will be fine and will not be able to tell the difference. But I agree, it would cost AK basically nothing to support 5 Ghz, but I'm also not bothered by it.
Jun 20, 2017 at 1:55 PM Post #469 of 9,433
Normally, it is not the player which has to be EQed, but a headphone. I do not use EQ, with the AKG K872 as the only exception (this headphone is so far away from neutral). The K872 responds well to the EQ of the AK380 (with AK380 amp). The range of the settings is more than enough to EQ every headphone. These are not only subtle changes, the EQ of the AK380 is real.

However, when using EQ with AK players, I always had the Impression that the sound was a bit less dynamic, no matter which setting or which headphone I was using.

I completely agree. You hit EQ and it sounds lower. You set your own EQ same thing. And don't get me wrong, I don't use EQ's unless I really need something improved or there might be a song that is lower quality and I want to boost it a little. My point is EQ should have enough strength to do just that, and on a $3,500 device, it should be there and then some. AK's response to any complaint would be to say, we tune our players for the perfect sound so the EQ should never have to be used. That is the sole reason an EQ should even be included in high end audio.
Jun 20, 2017 at 2:00 PM Post #470 of 9,433
You cannot stream or play an audio track any faster than it's given bit rate, so file size is irrelevant. If you are copying FLAC files, sure 2.4 GHz would be slower. With a decent gigabit router, you will be fine and will not be able to tell the difference. But I agree, it would cost AK basically nothing to support 5 Ghz, but I'm also not bothered by it.

I agree with your second statement completely, I'm not bothered by it because probably 95% of the time it's going to be fine. Your first statement goes toward my point of having that initial high bandwidth connection. Less opportunity for the connection to be dropped and if the connection is not throttled you can pull more data faster which means the data hits the device faster, goes into the buffer / RAM faster and thereby is available to the user faster. I will say if your in a square room with no obstructions, yes the difference would probably never be noticed. However, that is usually never the case in the real world. You have all kinds of shapes, glass and other things that get in the way or effect WiFi.

Ok I'll stop here... just wanted to make a point because I like real world outcomes not paper specs... its important to know how things really play out... I love the SP1000, there's just a few things that got me I thought they could easily fix. Who knows maybe they will.

I love the conclusion to this review - "Sometimes we focus so much on the sound of headphones, that we forget about the signature of the source and how much it contributes to the final sound."
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Jun 20, 2017 at 2:37 PM Post #471 of 9,433
Your first statement goes toward my point of having that initial high bandwidth connection. Less opportunity for the connection to be dropped and if the connection is not throttled you can pull more data faster which means the data hits the device faster, goes into the buffer / RAM faster and thereby is available to the user faster.

Just to be accurate - what you are describing is a network hub and not a switch. Your wireless connection from DLNA server (assuming it is within your network) to your DAP has no bearing on your internet bandwidth to other devices. A switch makes it appear as if each device has it's own dedicated bandwidth. A hub on the other hand shares the bandwidth between all devices connected to the hub. I would challenge you to saturate your 2.4 GHz network. If you experience slow down, it will be due to the DLNA server output or your internet bandwidth limitation, but not the network itself.
Jun 20, 2017 at 2:56 PM Post #472 of 9,433
Ok balanced Double Helix cable just arrived. Connected to my HD800's to the SP1000. OH MY GOD... now I"m at 150 all day with streaming high or low quality but unbelievable sound, separation and clarity. Whoa. This will need an amp to drive HD800's if you want loud. At 150 its perfect or a little lower. HD800's are demanding and unforgiving. Beautiful unit I must say. Well will compare same with DX200 when it arrives tomorrow and make the final decision. This is the best quality sound I have ever heard I have to say so the bar is set high. Might be where the extra $2,600 went lol...
Jun 20, 2017 at 2:59 PM Post #473 of 9,433
So, let me ask you both. Do you think the cost is justified by the sound of the SP1000. I am a little ticked that they did not put a 5Ghz wifi in there, only 2.4Ghz, given streaming and large lossless files would be my only other beef. Let me know your thoughts.

Frankly, the only issue that I feel the AK player lacks, is a 512 internal memory and a stronger amp. I believe in the same philosophy as sony has towards their high end players, that it is a purist product, and that any additional circuitry unnecessary to the process of a pleasant replaying of stored music only detracts from the overall final output. Streaming, wi-fi, tidal, are all, as the WM1Z sees it, a feature that doesnt have a place in high-end audio since its a compromise in sound quality. All the player needs, is more internal memory, better shielding for components, a socket with better connectivity, and an amp circuit with enough juice and that, is the ideal player. Why the WM1Z has bluetooth and NFC baffles me too, but, I guess that the ability to remotely control your player while its stowed in a bag has its uses too. But, that is a gimmick, and has never been the player's selling point.

So, do we think that the SP1000 cost is well justified? Not really, but because of its memory size limitation and low power output to drive demanding cans, and certainly not because of tidal. I feel that if one is willing to accept the sacrifice of sound quality to get streamed music, just use a phone and save your money. You can also see how much AK cares about tidal, given it implementation of a portable player that must be connected to a network to play streamed music (no offline support). Admittedly, the inability to store streamed music is also partially due to licensing issues with android, but, given the price of the product, its not actually hard to draw the link that AK doesnt exactly think it necessary in a high-end player.
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Jun 20, 2017 at 3:03 PM Post #474 of 9,433
Ok balanced Double Helix cable just arrived. Connected to my HD800's to the SP1000. OH MY GOD... now I"m at 150 all day with streaming high or low quality but unbelievable sound, separation and clarity. Whoa. This will need an amp to drive HD800's if you want loud. At 150 its perfect or a little lower. HD800's are demanding and unforgiving. Beautiful unit I must say. Well will compare same with DX200 when it arrives tomorrow and make the final decision. This is the best quality sound I have ever heard I have to say so the bar is set high. Might be where the extra $2,600 went lol...

Nice! Did you check to see if there is a Hi/Lo drive option in the SP1000? When you pair an amp to an AK3xx DAP, the option shows up in settings so you don't blow your ears out with an IEM.
Jun 20, 2017 at 3:19 PM Post #476 of 9,433
Ok balanced Double Helix cable just arrived. Connected to my HD800's to the SP1000. OH MY GOD... now I"m at 150 all day with streaming high or low quality but unbelievable sound, separation and clarity. Whoa. This will need an amp to drive HD800's if you want loud. At 150 its perfect or a little lower. HD800's are demanding and unforgiving. Beautiful unit I must say. Well will compare same with DX200 when it arrives tomorrow and make the final decision. This is the best quality sound I have ever heard I have to say so the bar is set high. Might be where the extra $2,600 went lol...

You need to be at full power (150) to drive the headphone balanced !

Either you listen very loud or... the SP1000 balanced amp is really not as powerful as they claim ! :frowning2:
Jun 20, 2017 at 4:18 PM Post #477 of 9,433
You need to be at full power (150) to drive the headphone balanced !

Either you listen very loud or... the SP1000 balanced amp is really not as powerful as they claim ! :frowning2:

I would say adequate volume for the HD800 is set to 135 to 150. But it is not LOUD. It sounds normal. If you listen like a mouse it might be ok for you.
Jun 20, 2017 at 4:31 PM Post #478 of 9,433
At least they didn't raised the price from previous model, in rest some things stay the same : internal memory, probably same WiFi chip.
But we get different UI,more battery life, maybe more power output, different audio chip.
I would like to see DSD512 available in new firmware updates like they did previously for DSD256.
I shall see how can handles music in real life next month and see how compares to Hugo 2.
Jun 20, 2017 at 5:04 PM Post #479 of 9,433
You need to be at full power (150) to drive the headphone balanced !

Either you listen very loud or... the SP1000 balanced amp is really not as powerful as they claim ! :frowning2:

not true, the HD800 needs a lot of power, 3.9vrms IS not a lot of power for an HD800 which is a 300Ohm phone.
Jun 20, 2017 at 6:50 PM Post #480 of 9,433
To answer the question about "house sound" from the last page (this thread is jumping right now), my 120ll and my 240SS do sound different, but it is a matter of increased detail and subtlety. Both have a non-sterile, analog, musical sound. I've had other DAPs that had an entirely different sound, and that wasn't to my liking. I like a fairly even sound across all frequencies, nothing overpowering in one area or the other. I also use a fairly neutral c/iem, the UERM, so my tastes tend to run to listening to music as it was created. Hence, not much need on my part to EQ. Someone on the site used to talk about EQ'ing problematic music on his computer and then putting it in his device, which seems to me to be a useful way to handle things unless you want to EQ everything (in which case you have the wrong source or iems/cans). If I want more boom I can plug in my JH Angie and play with the bass adjust, or switch out my Moon Silver Dragon cable for the Black Dragon and change the sound that way.

Streaming? Not for me. I like physical :) sound files. The last thing I want to do is use wifi when walking around listening to music. I suppose if I bought a DAP like this and only used it in my home setup it might be feasible, if the sound was equivalent to sound files in the device, but I have a good collection of music and don't see the need.

As to "features," anyone here who followed the Fiio X7 pre-release thread knows a manufacturer can't please everyone, no matter WHAT they include as a feature set. This new AK (well, Astell&Ultima just feels so clunky) has what I need and want, so I'm considering a purchase in the Fall to replace my 240SS. But if you want other stuff it might not be suitable for you. I want the best sound (for my tastes) I can get, reasonable memory and battery, and a world-class UI. ONLY ten hours of battery? I can charge at night. My 240SS isn't full even with a 128 mSD card, and I use all FLAC, much of which is 24 bit. I've moved away from DSD so that's not an issue. UI? AK seems to have a really good grasp of how to make a very user-friendly UI. The nice thing about this hobby is there are lots of options. If ultimate sound is what you are after, then buy a device that has that. If you want ultimate sound AND streaming, buy another. If you want ultimate sound and streaming AND incredible battery life buy another device. I don't think ANY device suits any of us perfectly, but many come very close. If this AK doesn't check all your boxes, buy a Sony or LPG or a whatever. And be aware that as soon as you do another device will be released and then you can choose to "upgrade" to it.
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