New title - Why do you need to try high end cables?
Dec 7, 2011 at 1:44 PM Post #106 of 131
le sigh
Dec 7, 2011 at 1:53 PM Post #107 of 131

Quantum (really What?) purifiers made from an exotic rare earth oxide smuggled out of russia during the cold war. 
Hmm... sounds credible enough. 

Hehehe. Yeah.
He's basically been claiming to be selling room temperature superconductors. His "marketing" is basically the BCS theory of superconductivity, in which electrons pair up in what are called Cooper pairs (Leon Cooper being the "C" in BCS). In his earlier marketing he made specific mention of Cooper pairs, and is also where the term "Slipstream Technology" came from, i.e. one electron "slipstreams" behind the other. Funny thing is, he also refers to the metal oxide ceramic used in the Purifiers, but those types of superconductors are Type II superconductors and the BCS theory only explains superconductivity in Type I superconductors.
Further, he claims that when the electrons pair up in Cooper pairs, they remain paired up even after they leave the Purifier, supposedly reducing noise in everything downstream of the Purifier. So it even turns non-superconductive materials into superconductors!
The guy is so transparently a fraud it's not funny. But he's able to easily hoodwink people like robm321 and many others.
If Feynman's bones knew his name was being associated with this dreck... well... he'd probably giggle a lot, at least, before rolling over.

Yeah, his exploiting the late Richard Feynman like that is beyond the pale.
Dec 7, 2011 at 1:58 PM Post #108 of 131

Hehehe. Yeah.
He's basically been claiming to be selling room temperature superconductors.  

Oh - wow. Yah, that doesn't work. The only room-temp superconductor that we've been able to even theorize is metallic hydrogen - and that takes over 500 GPa to exist at room temps on earth... which - for a point of comparison - the pressure at the center of the earth is only around 300 GPa. 
"High-temp" super conductors still need to be at around −240° C... 
I hate when people are that obviously screwy and still making money in this industry.
Dec 7, 2011 at 2:18 PM Post #109 of 131

Oh - wow. Yah, that doesn't work. The only room-temp superconductor that we've been able to even theorize is metallic hydrogen - and that takes over 500 GPa to exist at room temps on earth... which - for a point of comparison - the pressure at the center of the earth is only around 300 GPa. 
"High-temp" super conductors still need to be at around −240° C... 
I hate when people are that obviously screwy and still making money in this industry.

Yeah, and it's precisely because of the issues we've been discussing, i.e. how our subjective perceptions aren't necessarily an accurate reflection of any physical reality, it's easy to dream up nonsense like this and have people try it and "hear a difference."
And then you've got people like Peter Belt demonstrating that literally NOTHING is too outlandish for some people.
Dec 7, 2011 at 8:14 PM Post #110 of 131

Pseudoscience alert
"As electrons interact with the conductive materials of cables and circuits, very low-level (quantum) noises are generated. As quantum noise energy accumulates in the propagating signal, low-level details pertaining to ambience, soundstage, timbre, dynamics, color fidelity and picture resolution are obscured, robbing the presentation of vividness and life." - Jack Bybee 'What is Quantum Purification?'

Yes sir that page has dodgy written all over it - just a bunch of misapplied scientific buzzwords with no indication at all that the product incorporates these theories into a technology, and every indication that it does not.  Jack Bybee is a massive grift, just like this guy:

So funny -  theoretical physics ----> phone charger lol!
Dec 7, 2011 at 8:32 PM Post #111 of 131
Tesla or Christov? I really hope you are not trying to equate Bybee with Tesla. The whole "misunderstood genius ahead of his time, damn the skeptics" thing is really old. Tesla really was a genius, but for the one Tesla, there were tens of thousands of inventors and "scientists" with patent medicines, electrical cures and inventions that were not valid. 
Bybee shows much more indication that he falls in that realm, than in the genius one. There are some real genius audio engineers and researchers out there (Sigfried Linkwitz, for instance). Creating great work using verifiable, testable, falsifiable methods and materials. The minute you get a page full of "this is so top secret the government is still using it, but it is classified, so we can't tell you what it is...but we can sell it to you" - it is time to turn on your grain of salt machine, and tread carefully. Especially, when the technology he is purporting to be using is something the world has been clamoring for, is well researched, and currently appears out of our grasp (room temperature semi-conductors) - if he really had it - it would not be showing up in expensive audio accessories as its first public face - it would be BIG scientific news.
Dec 7, 2011 at 9:03 PM Post #112 of 131

So funny -  theoretical physics ----> phone charger lol!

Watch the video.  Watch the second video.  Read the caption.  Have a laugh.  Relax guy.
@liamstrain I am actually agreeing with you if you read things carefully.
Dec 7, 2011 at 9:34 PM Post #113 of 131
Sorry - been a long day. I didn't have time for the second vid, and unfortunately, I have found I need to assume the worst in this place. :)
Dec 7, 2011 at 9:38 PM Post #114 of 131

Sorry - been a long day. I didn't have time for the second vid, and unfortunately, I have found I need to assume the worst in this place.

Hope I brought some amusement to your day 

Dec 7, 2011 at 11:11 PM Post #115 of 131

Especially, when the technology he is purporting to be using is something the world has been clamoring for, is well researched, and currently appears out of our grasp (room temperature semi-conductors) - if he really had it - it would not be showing up in expensive audio accessories as its first public face - it would be BIG scientific news.

I believe we already have room temperature semi-conductors. We call them transistors.


Dec 8, 2011 at 2:23 AM Post #116 of 131
gah! Yes. Yes we do.
Superconductors... is of course, what I meant to write. Darn brain. 
Dec 8, 2011 at 9:08 AM Post #117 of 131

Maybe we should go for an hounourable draw between cable believers and sceptics as we can show there is a real affect and a psychoacoustic one.


Sounds fair to me  

Dec 8, 2011 at 9:49 AM Post #118 of 131
If by real effect, you refer to extremely small volume changes due to differing resistance...and nothing else (and acknowleging that two cables of differing material and construction, but the same resistance, will sound the same), then ok.
Dec 8, 2011 at 11:45 AM Post #119 of 131

If by real effect, you refer to extremely small volume changes due to differing resistance...and nothing else (and acknowleging that two cables of differing material and construction, but the same resistance, will sound the same), then ok.

That is what I mean. I have no idea how common vloume differences are experienced, but I suspect from my own experience it is common enough to have influenced many audiophiles in their perception of cables and sound quality.
Dec 13, 2011 at 10:01 AM Post #120 of 131

Hehehe. Yeah.
He's basically been claiming to be selling room temperature superconductors. ...



Room temperature superconductivity exists.  Where is everybody getting their information from????
Course, the room has to be very, very, cold..
IC's are capable of changing a sound system's response, and it is only loosely coupled to the per foot capacitance and inductance of the interconnects.
It is important to understand what path the source's return current is travelling.  At low frequencies in the audio band, it will split 50/50 between two IC's shields.  This destroys the coaxial construction expected of a shielded wire, and renders the amplifier's inputs sensitive to external magnetic fields and ground loop currents.  It also makes the physical placement of the IC's important, as changing the loop geometry will alter the return current path distribution as well as the ground loop coupling constants.

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