New Steve Roach, Mystic Chords & Sacred Spaces, now available for pre-order
May 23, 2003 at 8:14 PM Post #46 of 69

Originally posted by Dusty Chalk
Keep 'em coming!

I can do that...

Inade's Aldebaran is probably my favorite "space ambient" album ever. Very, very good and very, very dark. Label link is here and the album was just reissued, so it's available from Soleilmoon or Malignant.

Galerie Schallschutz's HAARP is another recent favorite of mine. The sample sources are recordings of HAARP - that massive radio array in Alaska that some purport is used for weather manipulation and possible research into mind control - but the album is very minimal, spacey, and spooky. It's one of those things you don't want to listen to late at night unless you're prepared to **** your pants.

Coil's Time Machines is an excellent album of pure drones. "Four tones to facilitate time travel," says the press release, and it's not far off the mark. Nothing but mind-bending oscillations... very hallucination-inducing.

- Chris
May 25, 2003 at 4:43 AM Post #48 of 69

Originally posted by fyrfytrhoges
I just got my Steve Roach cds, autographed and everything, I'm going to listen to them tonight, I'm gonna make myself wait awhile! Still remaining "master of my domain"

Lucky "Moron!"...
May 25, 2003 at 4:50 AM Post #49 of 69

Originally posted by FalconP
Both are top class material, beautiful cover art too. It's a shame that the label Fathom (or for that matter, Hearts of Space?) is now defunct.

Aother Robert Rich compilation Below Zero is more "industrial" and experimental (quite different from the usual R Rich) but beautiful in its own way.

Don't like Lustmord much personally,

HOS still maintains a website. The record industry as a whole is down so alot of labels are being careful how much product they're putting out... which sucks in the retail end of things.

On a side note I saw Robert Rich at the Space for Music festival in Nashville last year. Bought about 8 cds from him as well as Somnium. Great guy. Now if Roach would just come closer to Tennessee. It absolutely amazes me how much product Roach puts out. How does he have time for it all? Someone already said it... it's almost impossible to keep up with all the releases.

On another side note if you likes Brian Eno's Apollo I also recommend Bruce Kaphan's Slider.
May 25, 2003 at 5:03 AM Post #50 of 69
archosman, as usual your jab puts a smile on my face! I will have the last laugh however, you will slip up and I will be there to gain revenge!

I have to admit however I did fall asleep during the initial listening of the first disc (long night at the fire department last night)
May 25, 2003 at 7:55 AM Post #51 of 69

Originally posted by fyrfytrhoges
archosman, as usual your jab puts a smile on my face! I will have the last laugh however, you will slip up and I will be there to gain revenge!

I have to admit however I did fall asleep during the initial listening of the first disc (long night at the fire department last night)

That's probably a good thing. I'm sure that's what Steve Roach intended. Same thing happens to me when I listen to Rich's Fissures with Alio De. any other Roach fans like Quiet Music... the 2 cd import version. It's one of my favorite Roach ones.
Jun 7, 2003 at 6:18 AM Post #53 of 69
Just picked up my copy today... the only one in the bin. Now I gotta get the other one. Hey fyrfytrhoges... Ann's got a new book coming out called "Treason" in 2 weeks. What does fyrfytrhoges stand for anyway?
Jun 7, 2003 at 8:17 PM Post #55 of 69
archosman, it's firefighter hoges, I don't know, it's all I could come up with at the time, I am a part time (hopefully someday full time) firefighter and hoges is just a nickname derived from my last name, I've been called that in my hometown since I was a kid.
Jun 7, 2003 at 8:39 PM Post #56 of 69
I'm a dumbass. Should have figured that one out!


Originally posted by fyrfytrhoges
archosman, it's firefighter hoges, I don't know, it's all I could come up with at the time, I am a part time (hopefully someday full time) firefighter and hoges is just a nickname derived from my last name, I've been called that in my hometown since I was a kid.

Jun 23, 2003 at 2:15 AM Post #58 of 69
Well, finally got this... and I'm wondering what all the hoopla was about. All in all I'm dissapointed. There's only been a few tracks (3rd cd) that have stood out to me as being different. Other than that I didn't hear anything new to me that stood out. I borrowed 3&4 from a friend, but the jury's still out if I'm going to pick those up as well...
Sep 8, 2003 at 9:18 AM Post #59 of 69
a little shake to this thread.
i ran into steve roachs' work about 3 years ago with "Kiva", only 3 main parts of it on mp3.
i want to get into this genre too, as i see that after a long time of not listening to the album, i have changed very much, and i am fascinated by the tribal, landy, heavy feeling. (i play didgeridoo much too with djembes) i dig the feeling of the shamanic journey.
Steve Roachs' probably has some overwhelming stuff for me, right?
will "Dreamtime Return" and "Trance Spirits" be good purchaces?
others to recommend better? i don't want to buy a load until i listen, though i believe this is going to be the start of something new..

btw, Robert Fripp is a part of "Trance Spirits". very interesting!
Sep 9, 2003 at 1:23 AM Post #60 of 69
Dreamtime Returns is a must. Actually I was kind of dissapointed when he went into a tribal mode. I'll do some digging and see if there are a few more in the vein you like for you to get. Roach puts out a ****load on a ton of labels. someone here said it best... there's no way to keep up. A couple of others...

Dust to Dust
Western Spaces
Desert Solitare
Quiet Music: Complete Edition
Streams & Currents
Darkest Before Dawn
Structures From Silence
The Magnificent Void
The Serpent's Lair
Halcyon Days

Light Fantastic

I know I've missed a few as well. If you go to you can hear a few selections from his albums. Hell... go to his website as well...

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