New iPods: The Downside
May 8, 2003 at 3:55 AM Post #91 of 124

Sweet Spot-

Please note the subject of this thread and the fact that I started it. Obviously, I don't dodge issues with my stuff, even when I hold substantial stock in the company.

With this in mind, here are the plain, unadorned facts as they apply to me: I own and use an iPod of each generation, and I have from the date of their release. I have never been forced to reset one, nor have I ever experienced a single crash. None.

Every iPod issue--and there have been only two as I recall--has been easily and effectively remedied by a firmware upgrade.

Personally, I believe the reliability is so great and the performance so good, that I would never be without an iPod.

One...I commend you for being honest about the new versions short commings.

But two, I wasn't all in all referring only to the iPod. I was referring to HD based players in general. With that said, I'm glad that you personally haven't had those problems that I mentioned (crashing hanging) but there are those who have ....and though it's good to hear from someone who has owned several generations worth of iPods, with no realize that positive or negative statements, you never fail to mention your owning stock in Apple...there by making some of your comments somewhat biased. (and yeah, I know...refer to your initial post).

My point I guess is that I think that HD based players in general are not necessarily the best way to go as some may suggest, ONLY because of :

a) The fragility of them. One swift blow/drop has the potential of utterly destroying them. Yeah..service plan..but not the point. and with an iPod especially, I can see how it would be easy to drop it since any song searching requires you to actually hold the unit vs. using a LCD remote.

b)There has not yet been a really solid OS coded for one of these things yet...perhaps decent..but far from what should be IMO.

c) Battery life and cost per GB...both pretty poor if you ask me.

I have more, but it would be nit picking...

I do know people who own iPods, and HAVE had their players lock up, reboot and all the other crap I said. It's not like I WANT them to fail man...****, I'd love to see them work well so that I could buy one ! I have no interest in its stock like you do...I have a strictly musical interest in all of this...nothing more, nothing less.

And until the day comes when these companies DO start taking an interest in more than just quarterly earnings...I'll be staying the F away from their products.
*sigh, I may never get one then
May 8, 2003 at 3:58 AM Post #92 of 124
True, as a Mac user it drives me crazy. But isn't that often that often the case in an extreme minority (racial groups, open source community, etc.)? And believe me as a long time Windows user that recently switched over, PC views of Macs are about as delusional as Mac fans are of Macs (oh you must be in graphic design!). And both sides scream when being left out (look at the iPod/Music Serive negative responses from PC people), it's just Mac users have to deal with that more often (like nearly every third party software release). Hey I once road a San Francisco train with Mac freaks singing right after coming out of MacWorld. It was scary! I switched cars. Course now I use OSX and will never go back. Oh well.
May 8, 2003 at 4:01 AM Post #93 of 124
Funny...I don't know one person with a Mac, who ISN'T a graphic artist.

I guess I do now..what do you do ? If you say budding artist I'm gonna slap you.
May 8, 2003 at 4:27 AM Post #95 of 124
Sweet Spot-

You somehow managed to miss every point I attempted to make. I realize you're questioning the value of all hard drive based players, but I've owned only iPods. I try to avoid addressing things beyond my own experience, hence no Creative comments.

The reason I mentioned owning Apple stock was to quickly lay to rest any idea that I might be a disgruntled Apple basher. I doubt too many of us here are impressed by anyone's financial status.
May 8, 2003 at 4:29 AM Post #96 of 124

Originally posted by Sweet Spot
Funny...I don't know one person with a Mac, who ISN'T a graphic artist.

I guess I do now..what do you do ? If you say budding artist I'm gonna slap you.

I'm a designer! Actually that and various programming (which sometimes I do sometimes on Windows/sometimes Linux/OSX). Have art background, but road the dotcom era as programmer. Mostly all web stuff. Just to get this straight I used to be a MS ASP programmer in a NT server only shop. My livelihood was all Microsoft. I think Mac use varies greatly by area. Talked to a friend in NJ that thought Apple had gone out of biz years ago. No one I know in Ohio uses Mac. Half the people in San Francisco I know are Apple users. Some in the arts (music, photography, etc.), some in programming (and like OSX's sort of combo of Windows and Unix), some in other fields (marketing, etc.). I think prior to OSX, the assumption of Mac users was more correct. Since OSX came out, Macs are showing up in weird areas. I think Windows users are as unaware of OSX's potential (thinking it's just a prettier version of prior releases) as traditional Mac users (who sometimes get frustrated by its more Windows-like aspects). Both get irritated when bringing up Unix. I'm not the biggest Apple supporter, but I'm a big OSX supporter out of the available OS's.
May 8, 2003 at 4:35 AM Post #97 of 124

Originally posted by Sweet Spot
Funny...I don't know one person with a Mac, who ISN'T a graphic artist.

I guess I do now..what do you do ? If you say budding artist I'm gonna slap you.

here's a smiley for you since you need it for the post above mine

May 8, 2003 at 4:38 AM Post #98 of 124

Originally posted by nales
i could pick apart this thread and several others for hours.

Then I'll continue. It's not the arugument between ipod vs the world that bugs me, but more of the condescending attitude:


MacDEF: It's a well-known phenomenon in audio circles that the average person will say the louder audio "sounds better."

Dude, just say I don't agree or something easy. But no, you have to make these annoying comments. Sorry if I don't have 5000+ posts. Sorry if you consider me an "average listener" and yourself in the "audio circle". Sorry if the only things I can use to judge sound are my two 19 year-old ears. And sorry, I'm not a basshead like you might think.

Don't become the Harvey Fong of Apple.
May 8, 2003 at 4:54 AM Post #99 of 124

Originally posted by Spad
This thing is pretty interesting, isn't it? Actually, many of us can already beat its functionality by a fair margin.


You really have to check out the other features on the SLIMP3 -- it's really cool
Its functionality is different than some of the things you're looking for, but it's very cool.


Originally posted by Taphil
Well excuse me for being out of the "audio circle". But I have the NJB3 and the new ipod, have tested them both at the same time and don't have to work from memory, and have stated my opinion.

No need to get snippy
I was just stating my opinion, as well. I disagree with you. C'est la vie.


Originally posted by Taphil
I'm not saying that the ipod is vinyl and NJB3/Zen are CD quality. Just that the NJB3/Zen sound a bit better, and the difference is pretty clear (ie, easy to hear). And since this is an audiophile or enthusiast website, that extra bit of better sound might count for something, other things aside.

And my point is that I'm just as much an "audiophile" as the next person, and I don't think the Zen sounds any better. I think they sound a bit different, but I can't say one is better or worse.


Originally posted by Taphil
It's not the arugument between ipod vs the world that bugs me, but more of the condescending attitude:

I'm sorry if I gave that impression; I was trying to explain a *very* common phenomenon, and suggesting that it might be one explanation for someone saying that the Zen sounds better. That's it.


But no, you have to make these annoying comments. Sorry if I don't have 5000+ posts. Sorry if you consider me an "average listener" and yourself in the "audio circle". Sorry if the only things I can use to judge sound are my two 19 year-old ears. And sorry, I'm not a basshead like you might think.

Taphil, you need to stop reading so far into things.


Don't become the Harvey Fong of Apple.

LOL! And you accuse me of "annoying comments." Talk about insulting!
May 8, 2003 at 4:59 AM Post #100 of 124

Originally posted by nales
why are apple users (disciples) such zealous trolls?

Why are people like you such clueless trolls? You have to be a real idiot to come here and start making such flame-bait (and ignorant) comments.

Are there Apple zealots? Sure. But there are just as many -- no, FAR more -- Windows zealots in the world. In fact its their sheer numbers that convinces them that they're not zealots. What's worse is when people like you start calling anyone who says anything good about Apple or an Apple product a "zealot."


PC or not, there's something about Apple products in general that makes zealots out of people.

For instance:
Posted by MacDEF: "Since the Zen's output seems to be a bit stronger . . . "

But it's 40 mW stronger by spec; surely this is significant and easily noticeable.

First of all, unlike some people, I'm not a spec dweep who throws around numbers as arguments in an audio forum. Specs are meaningless, since there are no standards for audio specs. Second, I actually listened to both players, and from my experience, the Zen's output was a bit stronger. It wasn't a *lot* stronger, but it was stronger. I stated that. So that makes me a "zealot"?

Get a clue. Just because someone supports a particular product doesn't make them a zealot, and just because someone is supporting something made by Apple doesn't make them an "Apple zealot."

(I love when ignorant anti-Apple dweebs play the "cult/zealot" card. Shows how clueless they are. It's even better when they play it on someone like me who has worked in IT in cross-platform environments and has years of experience with Windows and Unix.)


i could pick apart this thread and several others for hours.

If "picking it apart" is anything like your last couple of posts, please spare us.


and i like the way austonia has reviewed his equipment. he has not sided with certain items just because, and then made up shoddy reasons for doing so -- rather, he it is clear he has objectively evaulated them, and merely penned his observations. certainly i am more apt to appreciate one's comments when they appear to be levelheaded and honest.

Some of us who disagree with you have objective reasons for doing so. What you should have said is that you're "more apt to appreciate one's comments" when they agree with you. "Shoddy reasons?" You mean like hating everything Apple just because it's Apple?


we don't need these biased tricksters getting off at our expense!

spad has admitted to having stock in apple.. i might as well listen to steve jobs himself speak.

If you don't have the intelligence to engage in a rational discussion, just call everyone else "zealots" and try to discredit them. Yeah, that's the ticket.
May 8, 2003 at 5:18 AM Post #101 of 124

Originally posted by nales
spad has admitted to having stock in apple.. i might as well listen to steve jobs himself speak.

That's pretty twisted logic. I started this thread, Nales. Did you happen to noticed that the subject I chose is "New iPods: The Downside"?

I mentioned being an Apple shareholder to insulate myself from claims that I'm just another Apple basher. Apparently you and Sweet Spot have a little trouble recognizing integrity. Is it really so rare in your world?

I also hold Microsoft and Dell stock. How does this affect my credibility? It's true that I use and prefer Macs, but my most recent computer purchase is a three month old Toshiba Satellite.

Are all your conclusions equally well founded?
May 8, 2003 at 5:24 AM Post #102 of 124

Originally posted by Sweet Spot
Funny...I don't know one person with a Mac, who ISN'T a graphic artist.

I guess I do now..what do you do ? If you say budding artist I'm gonna slap you.

Heh. This is a little off topic, but I know a lot of people who use Mac's who are not graphic artists.

I use a Macintosh for one, and I'm a theoretical biologist. Actually a LOT of theoretical biologists use Macintosh.
May 8, 2003 at 5:30 AM Post #103 of 124
dweebgal - FYI if you're using USB 1.1 your transfer rate is going to end up around 500kb/sec. Not bad, but it might take a lot longer to load up songs.

Firewire is rated at 400mb/sec, i think, but my iPod does transfers at around 6.5mb/sec.
May 8, 2003 at 5:37 AM Post #104 of 124

Originally posted by MacDEF

You really have to check out the other features on the SLIMP3 -- it's really cool
Its functionality is different than some of the things you're looking for, but it's very cool.

It looks like an ideal solution for integrating an MP3 server into a main rig. I understand Tivo is offering something along those lines as well, but I haven't looked into it.

Say, do you happen to remember the password for this month's cult meeting?
May 8, 2003 at 6:04 AM Post #105 of 124
Mine transfer at 3-6mb/sec too. It's still pretty darn fast! I spend more time editing the MP3 information then transfering files.

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