What a 'fun' thread. God, Penatur, if you hate Apple so much and have NOTHING at all that is useful to the thread, leave. I don't like the new iPod nano (but I've not used it) and am disappointed that the new iPod touch is thin again (where I'd prefer to have a nice camera), rather than chunky like the iPhone.
What do you mean by "useful"?
I'm saying that new ipod nano seems to be unuseable and that i'd prefer to see new iTouch looking like iPhone; you're saying the same; why then you're forcing me to leave?
If you are so set against Apple and its 'sound quality', you'll be surprised to know that it performs on par with Sony for driving headphones, the only difference is that Apple players have: gapless playback where Sony doesn't, Apple products don't hiss where Sony players hiss massively, and of course, Apple players have no EQ.
In driving high-impedance headphones, maybe. I'm using 16Ohm earbuds, so this doesn't matter for me.
And ipod video i've used for a half of year clearly has very low SQ from the headphone output. I just didn't get any pleasure from the music, in contrast with all other players i've had. My dislike for apple comes from the personal experience. Also, everybody on head-fi says that ipod video was maybe the best sounding ipods, and that ipod classic is much worse than video.
Yes, gapless playback is an issue, unfortunately.
And, BTW, i don't use the EQ.
The last point only is a problem. I love my Sony players, but I can recognise that they have weaknesses. Currently, I own 4 of them and two Apple players. I also have the S:Flo/T51. If you want to argue sound quality, I am ready and can back up each and every claim. Whether you want to talk driving ability, noise, whatever - I am with you.
I'm not an audiophile, my point is whether i can enjoy the music or not; not whether player has "wide frequency separation" or not.
However, it seems that my views corresponds to that of majority of head-fiers (to the certain extent of high-end players; i cannot see, for example, the difference between X1000 and kenwood HD60GD9, and that's the cause i'm not looking for the best sounding player but just for the good sounding player, as i'll be not able to see the difference anyway).
But, this thread is brought completely down by your insistence on bashing. There isn't a speck of truth in most of what you said, just mere reaction. I'm waiting for truth. If anything in this thread shows that sheep exist, it is that you insist in reacting to everything with such intense bleating. That, my friend, is what a sheep does.
Are you trying to insult me with this words?
Or are any bad words against apple in the thread with apple announce considered "insistence on bathing", "lack of a speck of truth", "just mere reaction"?