New Hifiman Headphone HE-400 is out
Aug 13, 2012 at 11:21 AM Post #3,031 of 6,017
Thanks, just ordered the Mullard 2492 dimple getter.. I have a set of the Matsu's so i'll try them again.
The GE's are ok...but yeah, you can do better!   Tubemonger has a FEW pairs of 2492's around.  They have a set of the dimple getter (which I like) and they have one or two with the older halo getter which some like.
Upscale has the 2493's which are a lot more expensive.  Some people like them a lot more, but others say they're almost the same thing.
The Mullards warm the mids.  If you want generally darker or with a slightly rolled treble, you  may want to look at the Matsu****as.  I think Tubemonger is sort of clearancing the E88CC version.

Aug 13, 2012 at 11:25 AM Post #3,032 of 6,017
It could be me just getting used to the treble, coming from the HD485's which were incredibly dark i was not used to the more pronounced mids and treble that the HE-400's have. Either way im loving the sound now and that's all that matters i guess.

Absolutely!  It could very well be that different units break in from different starting points.  It's interesting to hear about it.  There was definitely burn-in on mine, just from a different strange starting position

Thanks, just ordered the Mullard 2492 dimple getter.. I have a set of the Matsu's so i'll try them again.

Let me know what you think of them!  I think they're pretty nice, especially if you like mids.  The Matsus are nice too, but I haven't spent much time with them yet...they're the darkest/warmest/most-euphonic of my tubes.  Right now I'm sporting some Tunsrams where are a bit brighter or, rather more neutraul (they don't seem bright or even neutral next to O2 though!), which are amazing for HD650, and I really like them with HE-400.  But the Mullards, I have two sets of, one for backup because it's such a great general tube.  HE-400 I almost like with the dark matsus for the brief time I had them in so far.  There's a really cool darkness to them :p  But I think the Matsus are less versitile for my 650s.
Aug 13, 2012 at 12:35 PM Post #3,033 of 6,017
Starfire what drivers do you have on your hd650?  Also did you remove the foam?

I have the latest drivers, I did not remove the foam.  Don't get me wrong they are awesome headphones, the HE-400s just seem more open to me, like I'm sitting in a room listening to music.  I have been driving them both with a Gamma2 for source and O2 for amp, though I did just pick up a used Shiit Lyr (not here yet)  I also have a pair of D5000's but I never plan on selling them I love them too much!
He said the HE400 sounds speaker-like and the 650 didn't. I can understand that. The HE400 doesn't sound like a traditional headphone. Its like 2 speakers strapped to your head.

Exactly!  BTW hooray for Ryoko!
Literally just received them 
, box feels light, however once unboxed they feel heavier 

Just unboxed and I can see the pleather pads have 'spacers' in them where as my extra velours don't.

I noticed that too, I though wow this is too light, then after taking them out they felt heavy.
Aug 13, 2012 at 12:49 PM Post #3,034 of 6,017
I have the latest drivers, I did not remove the foam.  Don't get me wrong they are awesome headphones, the HE-400s just seem more open to me, like I'm sitting in a room listening to music.  I have been driving them both with a Gamma2 for source and O2 for amp, though I did just pick up a used Shiit Lyr (not here yet)  I also have a pair of D5000's but I never plan on selling them I love them too much!

That explains it!  I can't stand HD650 on O2!  It sounds like an analytical recreation of bits on a CD
  Shame you don't still have them to compare....they're a lot better on Lyr IMO.   So is HE-400! You're in for a treat either way!  For me HD650 and HE-400 on Lyr make up 45/45% of my head-time...they're an excellent pairing, and D5k & K702 make up the last 10%.  That will shift soon to 40/40 with D5k/702 at 5% and HE-6 at 15%
  FWIW, I happen to love D5k on the O2.  The only think I like it on more is my Denon 2310CI AVR.
Now that you sold your 650s and have HE-400 and a Lyr floating need some tubes!

Aug 13, 2012 at 2:47 PM Post #3,035 of 6,017
That explains it!  I can't stand HD650 on O2!  It sounds like an analytical recreation of bits on a CD
  Shame you don't still have them to compare....they're a lot better on Lyr IMO.   So is HE-400! You're in for a treat either way!  For me HD650 and HE-400 on Lyr make up 45/45% of my head-time...they're an excellent pairing, and D5k & K702 make up the last 10%.  That will shift soon to 40/40 with D5k/702 at 5% and HE-6 at 15%
  FWIW, I happen to love D5k on the O2.  The only think I like it on more is my Denon 2310CI AVR.
Now that you sold your 650s and have HE-400 and a Lyr floating need some tubes!

Technically I still have them (haven't shipped them yet) don't know if I can hold out that long though on shipping.
I've already ordered some tubes too LOL!
Aug 13, 2012 at 2:57 PM Post #3,036 of 6,017
Just got a new pair of velours in...thanks to musicinmymind!! They are slightly different. The nap on the velour is certainly finer than my old pair. Also, the back part of the pad, where the spacer would rest on the pleather kind, is very soft and flexible. The back on the old pair is rigid and nearly like plastic. This could be the age I suppose, but I wouldn't expect them to age that fast really. If there are any differences in sound quality or fit I'll post back shortly.
I don't think that there is any question that there is room for improvement with the HFM pads, both pleather and velour. They could really take them a long way in terms of longevity, build quality, comfort and there may even be room for SQ improvement with new pads. HFM really should invest some R&D into the pads if they want to keep their momentum.
Aug 13, 2012 at 3:19 PM Post #3,037 of 6,017
Just got a new pair of velours in...thanks to musicinmymind!! They are slightly different. The nap on the velour is certainly finer than my old pair. Also, the back part of the pad, where the spacer would rest on the pleather kind, is very soft and flexible. The back on the old pair is rigid and nearly like plastic. This could be the age I suppose, but I wouldn't expect them to age that fast really. If there are any differences in sound quality or fit I'll post back shortly.
I don't think that there is any question that there is room for improvement with the HFM pads, both pleather and velour. They could really take them a long way in terms of longevity, build quality, comfort and there may even be room for SQ improvement with new pads. HFM really should invest some R&D into the pads if they want to keep their momentum.

The backs of mine are like that as well.  Soft on the back which made it really easy to slip the spacer in with a bit of squashing.  None of mine have a hard or rigid back, so it's not merely wear, though I'm sure they get softer with wear as well. 
Aug 13, 2012 at 3:46 PM Post #3,038 of 6,017
I thought that they'd get more rigid with wear. Because mine are more rigid this is why I couldn't get the spacers on the velours I guess. 
Aug 13, 2012 at 3:57 PM Post #3,039 of 6,017
I thought that they'd get more rigid with wear. Because mine are more rigid this is why I couldn't get the spacers on the velours I guess. 

Very probable.  I'm guessing you have some type of intermediate version of the velours between the old ones and the new ones?  Maybe they had some old cushion stock left and attached them to new base plates for a batch or two.  your ordered yours a little before many of us.
It takes a little work to get the spacer in, you have to kind of bend it and stuff it in....but generally it goes in nearly as easily as it does in the wider pleathers.  So yours definitely sounds like a different cushion stock. 
Aug 13, 2012 at 7:49 PM Post #3,040 of 6,017

Just listen to how low the bass goes... GLORIOUS.

That's not really my type of music, but it's still a good test.
Aug 13, 2012 at 8:19 PM Post #3,043 of 6,017
I like the sound of the stock cable but wanted something more flexible. I have the Q and it's an awesome sound, again, just pure copper. (wont go into why I'm going toxic but the plan was to repurpose the Q for the LCD2 - don't ask 
Interesting, I asked Frank from Toxic Cables which cables he would recommend and he said he wouldn't recommend copper. Didn't specify a reason, but just saying.

Aug 13, 2012 at 8:37 PM Post #3,044 of 6,017
I like the sound of the stock cable but wanted something more flexible. I have the Q and it's an awesome sound, again, just pure copper. (wont go into why I'm going toxic but the plan was to repurpose the Q for the LCD2 - don't ask 

I'm gonna ask anyway. Why go Toxic? I have the Q cable and it's wonderful. Heck, you can sell it to me as a backup...or for my next pair of HFM hp's. 

Aug 13, 2012 at 8:42 PM Post #3,045 of 6,017
I wish I could listen to these songs you guys post, but plugging my HE-400s into my PC makes them sound like garbage :frowning2:

A friend told me about the Lindsey Stirling YouTube videos some time ago and I really like her music ( the videos are a little cheesy though). I also really enjoyed "Leaving Eden."

I've actually discovered a lot of great new (to me) music thanks to suggestions posted on head-fi. I use MOG streamed through my Squeezebox. It sounds great.

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