New Head-Fi Update
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Apr 26, 2017 at 7:24 PM Post #111 of 1,792
As best as I can see, this update is about the forum owners making more money regardless of how it affects the members. The owners should not forget that the members make the forum, not the other way around....

Well, not really. As someone that works on a bunch of forums, not this one, nor am I angling for a job, the platform this site was on, Huddler, announced to all their site owners that they were getting out of the biz. They provided a very basic backup of the database to site owners leaving them on their own as to what platform to chose to migrate too. Due to a lot of crap years back in the forum software space that left pretty much the base software this site is now using as the only decent alternative. Other sites going through this are AVS forums, Backyard Chickens, Epic Ski, Home Theatre Forums and Makeup Talk have all have to quickly move. This is a new platform for the admins after using something totally different for years.
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Apr 26, 2017 at 7:26 PM Post #112 of 1,792
I find it hard to read anything with the animations going on in the wall-to-wall adverts top, right and bottom!

The Massdrop, Noble ads I can understand. But large ads enticing me to find a Russian girlfriend or Chinese Lady Date are not going to go down well with Mrs Jellofund....time to find a good ad blocker.

Looks like a couple of days worth of conversations have gone missing too :frowning2:
Apr 26, 2017 at 7:26 PM Post #113 of 1,792
If it ain't broke...

It's quite possible that there were broken things on the back end that we're not privy to. I like to think that if you can ignore all the missing functionality for a second, it's kind of exciting that a new platform will allow for a bunch of NEW functionality that might not have been possible before.
Apr 26, 2017 at 7:29 PM Post #116 of 1,792
Change, change. No one likes change.:triportsad:
Apr 26, 2017 at 7:30 PM Post #117 of 1,792
It's quite possible that there were broken things on the back end that we're not privy to. I like to think that if you can ignore all the missing functionality for a second, it's kind of exciting that a new platform will allow for a bunch of NEW functionality that might not have been possible before.

There is no justification for this amount of space on each page being taken up by advertising.
Apr 26, 2017 at 7:31 PM Post #118 of 1,792
Watched threads only shows unread posts, it does not function the same way as the subscribed page used to. Also we no longer have a means of selecting what we are looking for, like articles, posts, etc. Sorry but this is is a FAIL
I wonder if anyone QA'd the new site comparing old vs new functionality.
Apr 26, 2017 at 7:34 PM Post #119 of 1,792
Well looks like we are beta testers for the new site then. Hopefully the community can come together and fix this site in the upcoming weeks. Since the layout sucks so bad right now we should just use this time to experiment anyways.
Apr 26, 2017 at 7:36 PM Post #120 of 1,792
Well the frame items were easy enough to add to ABP. *shrug* Kind of necessary to stop the eye bleeding.
Hopefully the new platform will eventually include some options to customize the themes.

I lost some PM's for sale transactions, which was kinda of bad, but I have to admit, it wasn't like there weren't warnings. Fortunately for me we finished the transaction via paypal, otherwise I would have no record of who I was even talking with.
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