New Grado SR60 owner. Wife hates them!
Apr 18, 2007 at 1:58 PM Post #31 of 48
I listen really loud too. =[
Apr 18, 2007 at 7:08 PM Post #32 of 48
Ive experienced the same problem with my wife and Grado. It started with the SR-80, she would scream from the next room "TURN IT DOWN"!!!!. This led to alot of heated discussions, as you can imagine. The WAF factor is definately important (Wife Acceptance Factor).
After upgrading to the RS-2 at a cost of $600 (canadian,new), she has gotten better at letting me listen in peace. The point seems to be that the more you spend the greater chance of acceptance
. I mean ,how can she let your beautiful woodied hps go to waste?.

Or,save up your nickels and invest in a nice pair JVC-Victor DX-1000.
Apr 19, 2007 at 4:16 AM Post #33 of 48
Since my computer is in the "Game Room", in which I can close the door, my wife actually likes my SR-60's. For a while she was so mad at me b/c she would try to talk to me while I was listening to my pxc-250's or marshmallows and the isolation drove her crazy. As long as I'm not in the room, she couldn't be happier.

She does, however, HATE the design. Said they were the ugliest thing she's seen. That's she won't be using my favorite headphones.

Sorry, that was a little off topic.

I say try to convince her that now she can actually talk to you if she needs you rather than just throw something to get your attention. If that's not really much of a concern...go with the suggestions of the MDR-V6 or an IEM.

Good luck.
Apr 19, 2007 at 4:23 AM Post #34 of 48

Originally Posted by smeggy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dump the wife and change job.

Luckily my wife isn't even bothered by me blasting with the K1000 and at work I can shut the door. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones in that regard

Does your wife have an unmarried sister with the same traits? Seems she'd find someone here without any problem...
Apr 19, 2007 at 4:33 AM Post #36 of 48
[size=medium]Bestest excuse ever to go drop some coin on a really good pair of headphones
.............. I mean its only logical....... She gets what she wants and you get something "better"
Apr 19, 2007 at 2:14 PM Post #39 of 48
Turn them down,you likely have them too loud anyway.Get some closed cans for when she is around.
Apr 19, 2007 at 2:55 PM Post #40 of 48
I'm gonna add on another recommendation for Sony MDR-V6. AWESOME cans -- durable, portable, great SQ, nice thick, coily cord, fairly comfortable (altho my ears heat up after about 2 hrs of use...but you can mod it with Beyer 250 pads, making it slightly more comfortable & less sweaty...but not really solving the problem of hot ears. Your sweat's kinda just absorbed by the velourish material, as opposed to repelled by the pleather material that comes stock with V6s.

Apr 19, 2007 at 3:49 PM Post #42 of 48
Ya, maybe you just need to try some different headphones that are closed =]
hd25 is a nice idea, so is ath-a900, the latter to my ear was definitely better than the sr-60 by far. Also watch your listening volume, I sometimes use my headphones at volumes similar to those of laptop speakers, but I have to turn the amp up quite a bit to make it possible to hear whats played by the phones. (And they can handle 2W of power too, all I use is about 200 mW at most when on my head?)
Apr 20, 2007 at 8:25 PM Post #43 of 48
Well guys,
I brought them back to work and are using them at a lower volume.
Apr 21, 2007 at 12:43 AM Post #44 of 48
I'm guessing that you didn't explain to her what the purpose of open headphones are, but if you need isolation, then you need something closed.

I thought this was a thread about how she hated the sound of the sr60, which I'd say I can't say I blame her.

If you like Grado, you could perhaps take a peak at what the Ultrasone line has - heck you'd at least gain a soundstage.


Originally Posted by mattr762 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi all! New to the forum here. Did my research and decided to get the Grado SR60. The first time I heard about Grado was a month ago in consumer reports. The more research I did the more I wanted them. The main complains I found were just on the looks, but I like the retro style. Everyone around me thinks $60 for headphones is expensive. LOL! I told them they had no idea what expensive is!

Anyway, got my SR60's yesterday and I think I love them. I got them for work and I knew they were open headphones but I didn't think the sound would travel 3 cubicle away. So I thought, "Well, guess I'll just keep them for home usage". So I'm jamming at home last night and my wife tells me to turn it down. I told her it not that loud and she said "Why would you pay that much for headphone that don't conceal the sound. That totally defeats the purpose of headphones!"

So now what am I suppose to do? I love the sound and I want to keep them but I got to please the wife. I usually use the headphones while in the computer room (converted dining room) which is connected to the living room with no walls dividing them.

I also have never heard of a portable amp for my MP3 until I found this forum, but I can see needing one very soon. I've never noticed the bass going to crap until I got a decent pair of headphones. I've also got a pair of Sennheiser PMX200 that sound pretty good.

Cliff notes: Open headphones = Can't use them at work, can't use them at home. What to do?


Apr 21, 2007 at 1:42 AM Post #45 of 48
One. Too loud! If someone 3 cubicles away can hear the Britney Spears playing, you should worry more for your ears than angry coworkers and wife. That said, if you work in a library, that's another story.

Two. "Since you say that the headphone is too loud, I should get another pair of close headphones, ya' know, just to stay quiet"

Three. Are you sure the wifes not angry because you are spending more time with the SR60 than her?

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