New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread
Feb 22, 2024 at 8:16 PM Post #721 of 1,188
Does anyone know where I can purchase spare pads for the IO-12? I would like them for my IO-6, much more comfortable and spacious than the stock IO-6 pads.

Tried the XB1000 pads on the IO-6 and IO-12 and they sound like crap, all the bass gone and congested treble. Waste of $20 with the adapter and all but fun experiment nonetheless.
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Feb 23, 2024 at 3:33 AM Post #722 of 1,188
Angelom as an aside, given all your gear, has the Dali's replaced your IEM usage or do you still use both? I'm curious from folks who have a ton of gear how they make decisions on which to use at a given time, since you only have one set of ears.

For music listening, 99% of the time I use the iO-12. BUT several times everyday I use my AirPods 3rd Gen (the AirPods that don't having ANC) for podcasts. I love this AirPods because they don't have isolation (and I want specifically hearing my environment sounds) and the comfort is better than every others headphone or earphones that I own (I sometimes forget that I have them in my ears). I also use the AirPods Pro 2nd Gen (for music and podcasts) when I need strong ANC for strong isolation from very loud outside noise (but this isn't common). Before the excellent ANC of the AirPods Pro 2nd Gen is become available (in September 2022), I using my excellent custom IEM, the UERM (Ultimate Ears Reference Monitor, the original model not the later "Remastered" version), for top level isolation and great reference sound.
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Feb 23, 2024 at 9:32 AM Post #724 of 1,188
Feb 23, 2024 at 9:46 AM Post #725 of 1,188
New review from Absolute Sound:

One aspect that I like about the review (because I have exactly the same opinion) is that the "bass" mode (with ANC Off), in his opinion, is actually very good because isn't exaggerating the bass elevation (like so many others headphones doing when they offering a "bass boost" EQ setting) and, exactly like he's saying in his review and I mentioning very early in this thread, this not exaggerated bass elevation in the "bass" setting is doing a very good job for some more old albums (pre-1990s masters) where the bass isn't always sufficiently reproducing correctly because of the limitations of vinyl in those years (he even mentioning some article/s speaking about this more old recordings).
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Feb 23, 2024 at 1:57 PM Post #726 of 1,188
@angelom I searched this thread for T+A Solitaire T and found some comparisons from you between IO-12, ST, and ML. My sense was you preferred ST (maybe I did not read thoroughly enough), but it looks like you held on to IO-12 and got rid of ST. In a nutshell, what do you prefer about IO-12 over ST?
Feb 23, 2024 at 4:06 PM Post #727 of 1,188
I returning the Solitaire T two days ago (Monday) and I deciding keeping the iO-12, the same decision from 3 months ago. The reasons are exactly the same like 3 months ago. But this time, after 12 days of intensive testing (305 tracks total!), the results are this:

92 tracks --- ST preference
83 tracks --- iO-12 preference
130 tracks --- Tie (31 with small preference for ST; 44 with small preference for iO-12; 55 with no preference = complete tie for my taste)

If I giving 1 point for preference of one headphone, 1/2 point for a tie with small preference to one or the other headphone, and 0 points for complete tie (no preference at all), the total results are this:

107.5 points for the Solitaire T
105.0 points for the iO-12

Like I saying before, and using @Maukey's expression, the ST, for me and my taste in music, is literally winning in sound quality by "a hair". BUT this time is more clear for me in what music I hearing more differences when preferring one headphone or the other.

In rock (different types), pop, folk, ambient, electronica, 'alternative', 'experimental, 'world' and (very little) rap/hip hop, the ST is having a more clear advantage sonically, generally.

In classical music, orchestral music is usually clearly better with the iO-12, but with chamber music (my preference, in general when listening to classical music) and solo music (usually piano, violin or cello), this is more close to a tie between the two headphones.

With Jazz, with old not good recordings, the ST is winning clearly, but with well-recorded and mastered albums the iO-12 is winning very, very clearly.

My listening preferences are, more or less, this: 50% classical music, 35% rock (different types), pop, folk, ambient, electronica, 'alternative', 'experimental, 'world' music and (very little) rap/hip hop, and 15% jazz.

Was this post @Daniel4IEM
Feb 23, 2024 at 4:29 PM Post #728 of 1,188
@angelom I searched this thread for T+A Solitaire T and found some comparisons from you between IO-12, ST, and ML. My sense was you preferred ST (maybe I did not read thoroughly enough), but it looks like you held on to IO-12 and got rid of ST. In a nutshell, what do you prefer about IO-12 over ST?

Read this:

I returning the Solitaire T two days ago (Monday) and I deciding keeping the iO-12, the same decision from 3 months ago. The reasons are exactly the same like 3 months ago. But this time, after 12 days of intensive testing (305 tracks total!), the results are this:

92 tracks --- ST preference
83 tracks --- iO-12 preference
130 tracks --- Tie (31 with small preference for ST; 44 with small preference for iO-12; 55 with no preference = complete tie for my taste)

If I giving 1 point for preference of one headphone, 1/2 point for a tie with small preference to one or the other headphone, and 0 points for complete tie (no preference at all), the total results are this:

107.5 points for the Solitaire T
105.0 points for the iO-12

Like I saying before, and using @Maukey's expression, the ST, for me and my taste in music, is literally winning in sound quality by "a hair". BUT this time is more clear for me in what music I hearing more differences when preferring one headphone or the other.

In rock (different types), pop, folk, ambient, electronica, 'alternative', 'experimental, 'world' and (very little) rap/hip hop, the ST is having a more clear advantage sonically, generally.

In classical music, orchestral music is usually clearly better with the iO-12, but with chamber music (my preference, in general when listening to classical music) and solo music (usually piano, violin or cello), this is more close to a tie between the two headphones.

With Jazz, with old not good recordings, the ST is winning clearly, but with well-recorded and mastered albums the iO-12 is winning very, very clearly.

My listening preferences are, more or less, this: 50% classical music, 35% rock (different types), pop, folk, ambient, electronica, 'alternative', 'experimental, 'world' music and (very little) rap/hip hop, and 15% jazz.

Then read this 2 posts:

My decision on Thursday of last week is final about returning the iO-12 and keeping the excellent Solitaire T (ST). My plan is sending back the iO-12 on Monday of this week.

BUT last weekend (and in last few days) I'm using the 12 almost exclusively and only doing very few comparisons, meaning that I spending more time like I usually doing in my home and not thinking about comparisons or posting impressions in headfi.

So, this next comments are only about my VERY personal use of earphones and headphones.

Right now I'm not 100% sure I must returning the iO-12 (12) and selling my excellent Solitare T (ST). Why, after all my previous posts in this thread?

The number one reason is this: The volume control of the 12. With the 12 I have 32 volume steps, not 30 like I saying before (Sorry Fabik, you are correct is 32!) and I can changing the volume very quickly and having the exact volume I want -- I can't doing this with the ST, unfortunately. Volume control for me is EXTREMELY important, like I saying already, because I'm changing volume ALL the time. So, in last 5 days I'm having a great experience with volume control with the 12 that I don't have with my ST. This, I must insisting, is very personal and VERY important for me. Volume control in the 12 is very better than in the ST, and better, too, than in 5909, Bathys (this one is terrible!!), h95, px8 and many others BT/ANC headphones. I remember saying in the ST thread that I'm happy paying extra 100 euros for good volume control.

The second reason, not so important, but definitely is good having, is that the 12 having more maximum loud volume than the ST. With the ST this isn't a problem for me 97% of the time, but occasionally, when playing some old original masters (mastered with more low volume than today's masters but often having, by contrast, great dynamic range) I sometimes wanting little more max volume. BUT, this isn't really a strong reason, but is a good secondary reason still.

I rarely use my ST passively (headphone off with a 3.5mm cable) and I'm almost always using in BT "High Quality" mode 98% of the time, so this is other reason for maybe keeping the 12. If this being different, like is with several ST users that using the ST more in fully passive mode than BT mode, or even fully passive and balanced mode (a feature only available in the ST from any others BT/ANC headphones), then I definitely DON'T selling my ST. In difference with the 12, the ST's BT "HQ" mode is sounding incredibly close with fully passive mode. The 12 isn't. This is because of the ST's unique tech.

So, my big dilemma now is that I still preferring the ST's sound than the 12's. BUT the 12's sound is still excellent (with DSP on, not fully passive unfortunately) and very neutral /reference too. Like I saying before, the 12 is the second best BT/ANC headphone in sound quality I hearing in my life (only after the ST), and better, in my opinion, than the 5909, Bathys and very obviously than the h95 and px8).

If I keeping the 12, I will be missing the ST's excellent low-end extension. Is curious that some people saying the ST don't having enough bass!... then the 12 will having a little less for those people, even. The 12 is definitely NOT a basshead/bass lovers headphone because is very neutral sounding.

--ANC in the ST is better
--Fully passive mode in the ST is better
--ANC performance is (little) better in the ST (in my tests at home)
--Transparency mode is better in the ST
--Construction quality is better in the ST
--ST is better for travelling
--Personally I think the ST having better design aesthetically

If I keeping the 12, I have strong feeling that I will buying the ST again...

Terrible dilemma I have.

So, I selling my ST already this morning and now is official that I keeping the 12. But, I still can't avoiding thinking that is possible in future I maybe buying the ST again...yes, the ST is a great headphone in many ways.

I know that some of my comments about the 12 aren't so great in this thread, but I want mentioning one more positive aspect.

I already saying that the 12 (in BT mode and passively with DSP on, and with USB-C cable also with DSP on), after the ST, is my favourite sounding BT/ANC headphone, and better than the 5909, Bathys, and clearly even more better than H95 or PX8. BUT I experimenting today a little more time with the "bass" mode on the 12. I must saying that Dali doing a really very good job here. Why? Because even when "Hi Fi" mode is my absolute clear preference, "bass" mode isn't exaggerating the bass lift that is so typical of 'bass' presets in so many headphones.

So, Dali are still deciding giving only a little more bassy sound but still sufficiently close with 'hi fi' sound. Yes, the bass is affecting the mids a little (giving more weight to low mids), but Dali doing this in very tasteful, not exaggeration, way. Maybe this mode is ok for people, like me, that preferring a more reference sound when playing some old masters that are missing a little mote correct reproduction in low frequencies because of the limitations of vinyl in those days in the low end and this masters are exact transfers made directly to CD keeping the same sound. This is why some new masters of old albums are very good and others (very) poor. (Hi-res making absolutely no difference here, by the way. Is the new master, in CD quality sound, that making ALL the difference when doing correctly, NOT the bitrate)
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Feb 24, 2024 at 1:36 AM Post #730 of 1,188
So helpful. Thank you.
Which unit would you say is more comfortable on your head in terms of clamping pressure? Which is more likely to become too hot during summer months? Which can you leave in longer more comfortably?

1. The iO-12, but I never having problems in this area with the ST.

2. Difficult saying because is still winter, but I think they’re probably similar in this aspect.

3. The iO-12, but I can using the ST for very long listening sessions too and I never stopping because is becoming uncomfortable. In my case the iO-12 is not only the more comfortable ANC headphone from all expensive models I owning in the past (Solitaire T, ML 5909, Bathys [bad for me], H95, PX8 and AirPods Max), but is the only headphone where the moment that I putting in my head I never need adjusting the position of the headphone not matter how many hours I'm using this.
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Feb 24, 2024 at 10:17 AM Post #731 of 1,188

I see you're commenting about this topic several times in this thread.

My experience with normal telephone calls (not with WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom or Teams because I never testing with this options) is that I can using all 3 modes (ANC Off, ANC On and Transparency) with the iO-12 without problems at all -- and yes, I can have ANC On while I'm speaking with somebody in the telephone (with obvious blocking of outside noise because of ANC activation). With "Transparency" mode I can hearing my voice more normal because is reproducing outside sounds, and this mode is my preference and what I'm using at home for calls always. So, for me personally, I don't see a problem with the way the iO-12 is working with telephone calls.

I testing this (again) more early today with 2 telephone calls (with my iPhone 15 Pro) for being 100% sure is working with all 3 modes.
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Feb 24, 2024 at 10:47 AM Post #732 of 1,188
Guys, some mentioned about updating the firmware when connecting IO-12 by USB-cable to PC.
How it's done?
My home PC (on Windows 10) sees the device only as a speaker and does not offer installation of any software, applications or drivers.
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Feb 24, 2024 at 10:58 AM Post #733 of 1,188
Guys, some mentioned about updating the firmware when connecting IO-12 by USB-cable to PC.
How it's done?
My home PC (on Windows 10) sees the device only as a speaker and does not offer installation of any software, applications or drivers.

Right now no firmware updates are available for the iO-12. If they becoming available in the future, is very possible that you will having similar instructions like for the iO-6 and iO-4 (
Feb 25, 2024 at 4:25 PM Post #734 of 1,188
Though much maligned in the past posts, I’m starting to really enjoy the Bass Module/EQ mode
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