NEW CORDA HEADFIVE: A New Amp to Celebrate Head-Fi's Fifth Anniversary!
Apr 23, 2006 at 3:43 PM Post #196 of 805
Hmm... I just noticed that the symbol at the "low" crossfeed setting on the Headfive is the same as the "medium" symbol on my HA-1 MkII. Is this a mistake, or intentional?


No big deal, just a little misleading
Apr 23, 2006 at 7:35 PM Post #197 of 805
I'm very tempted to put my name against one of these amps. I'm using HD595's into an Arcam A90 amp at the mo and to be frank have been put off buying a dedicated headphone amp due to the price of some of them.

A couple of questions if I may:
  • Is the Headfive likely to be an improvement over amps such as the Rega Ear and X-Cans?
  • Is the Headfive likely to be an improvement over the headphone output on my Arcam amp?
Apr 24, 2006 at 6:15 AM Post #199 of 805
ooh. Couldn't resists long enough.

I just sent my order to Jan. I do still have my Corda HA-1 mk1, which I bough from an Head-Fi support auction less than two years ago. Do I get a diploma now too.
Apr 24, 2006 at 9:17 AM Post #200 of 805

Originally Posted by Jan Meier
Dear Headfellows,

> with $250 it's include shipping cost to Thailand ?
> I only pay for $250 ??

Yes, this price includes world-wide shipping!

> are you recommend with Headfive's sound is better than HA-1 MKII

Yes, in my opinion the HEADFIVE sounds better than the HA-1 MkII.

> will they all be set at 220-240V or will you take the trouble of setting the input voltage selector to the correct value used in each country?

I'm very lazy. All amps will be set to 220V. It's for safety reasons also. 110V applied to an amp that is set to 220V will not damage the amp. With 220V applied to an amp set to 110V the fuse definitely will blow!

However, changing voltage settings is truly a very easy thing. The switch is on the backside of the amp. You just need a small screw-driver.



Dear Jan

Thanks for very clear answer
it's very good options for member who's outside USA
I would tell my friend in Thailand for this great deal !!!

last question !!!
How does it's sound
can you describe a little word for many headfier who's interest in this amp
Bass !!! How of Bass sound
good bass is difficult to see in a little amp !
if HeadFive can do it, it's a very great amp for everybody

thanks again

PS. I live in Thailand, and don't have a chance to hear it
Apr 24, 2006 at 2:34 PM Post #201 of 805
Here's two pictures of the prototype from the national meet for all you guys who've ordered but not seen the amp yet. Didn't get a chance to hear it but everyone that did came away impressed.


Apr 24, 2006 at 2:48 PM Post #202 of 805
These are the prototypes, right? I looks exactly the same as the pictures in the first post, not the 'elegant' look!

Other Head-Fi'ers who went to the meeting, please post your comments!
Apr 24, 2006 at 3:07 PM Post #204 of 805
My Corda Aria has the somewhat recessed plug, but still allows a woodied 1/4" plug.
Apr 24, 2006 at 4:40 PM Post #205 of 805

Originally Posted by Chimpie
These are the prototypes, right?

Yes, that is still a prototype. It was only around on Sunday so a limited number of people got to hear it.


looks exactly the same as the pictures in the first post, not the 'elegant' look!

I think if you reread Jan's post regarding how much different the production unit will look you'll realize that this is probably pretty close to the final version. I think any changes will be as he described, subtle. That said it is a handsome piece as it stands right now in my book.

Apr 24, 2006 at 6:49 PM Post #207 of 805

Originally Posted by DoubleEs
It's a shame the pictures wasn't taken with a pair of headphone beside it to act as a point of reference to the size of the amp.

dimensions are on the first page. I was thinking of constructing a box for size reference.
Apr 24, 2006 at 7:03 PM Post #208 of 805

Originally Posted by DoubleEs
It's a shame the pictures wasn't taken with a pair of headphone beside it to act as a point of reference to the size of the amp.

Anyone who's familiar with the size of the Grado 1/4" plug could get a decent idea from the picture.

Here, I made my own rough idea.


Original Grado pic is here.

Edit: beware my incredible Photoshop skills. I'll start work on faking the HD-700 as soon as I can. [/sarcasm]
Apr 24, 2006 at 8:11 PM Post #209 of 805
Looks like I wasn't far off. Edit: keep in mind that these are the bagel pads/superbowls (depending on who you talk to) from the meet, and not the standard bowls.

Apr 24, 2006 at 8:13 PM Post #210 of 805

Originally Posted by alexs
dimensions are on the first page. I was thinking of constructing a box for size reference.

I know the dimentions are on the first page, I find knowing the exact size is not really the same as seeing a picture of the amp with a set of headphone beside it.

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