New, Burson Conductor 3 Reference: Dual 9038 DAC, 7.5Wpc Head Amp, Preamp, Changeable Opamps
Oct 7, 2019 at 11:07 PM Post #181 of 744
My Foobar settings:
I use Super Audio CD Decoder to upsample playback to DSD256.

DSD: WASAPI (push): Speakers (BursonAudio USB Audio 2.0)

DSD Processor settings (I can't get DSD512 output to work, same with iFi Micro Black Label. If you got DSD512 to work, let me know?)

Burson Conductor 3 has white noise (hiss) with Solaris (sensitive IEM, i.e.. Zeus, Andromeda) even on Low gain. That’s my main disappointment with the device. The other is I can’t upsample to DSD512. The sound is amazing out of my Mr. Speaker Ether 2. I haven’t test with my other headphones. The device do get slightly warm after long session.
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Oct 8, 2019 at 12:21 AM Post #182 of 744
Burson Conductor 3 has white noise (hiss) with Solaris (sensitive IEM, i.e.. Zeus, Andromeda) even on Low gain. That’s my main disappointment with the device. The other is I can’t upsample to DSD512. The sound is amazing out of my Mr. Speaker Ether 2. I haven’t test with my other headphones. The device do get slightly warm after long session.

Based on these 16 Ohms IEMs are having a sensitivity of 121dB/mW, so it's impossible to use such a powerful amplifier like C3-Ref to drive these kind of headphones. After all, we're speaking about a 7.5W/channel amplifier driving IEMs that for only 1mW (125mV RMS) will deliver 121dB SPL, right? Then C3-Ref is putting a max. output power of 7.5W/16Ohms cans, that would be 11V RMS!!!

The internal gain of C3-Ref. is done via the built-in firmware and not with dedicated gain switches that commutes between different resistors values, so the output stage and gain stage will still be directly connected to your headphones at their max. internal gain, so the same output noise will be in your headphones no matter the gain chosen.
Oct 8, 2019 at 12:22 AM Post #183 of 744
I have no problems with DSD256, no glitches or lock problems. But DSD512 on Foobar doesn't work for me either. Not a show stopper, as I had the same experience with a Chord Mojo which is capable of 768k PCM. It shouldn't be an issue with your headphones.

Have you tried adjusting the DPLL settings for DSD/PCM?




  • DSD256.PNG
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Oct 8, 2019 at 12:56 AM Post #184 of 744
Based on these 16 Ohms IEMs are having a sensitivity of 121dB/mW, so it's impossible to use such a powerful amplifier like C3-Ref to drive these kind of headphones. After all, we're speaking about a 7.5W/channel amplifier driving IEMs that for only 1mW (125mV RMS) will deliver 121dB SPL, right? Then C3-Ref is putting a max. output power of 7.5W/16Ohms cans, that would be 11V RMS!!!

The internal gain of C3-Ref. is done via the built-in firmware and not with dedicated gain switches that commutes between different resistors values, so the output stage and gain stage will still be directly connected to your headphones at their max. internal gain, so the same output noise will be in your headphones no matter the gain chosen.

Update: I now switched to my Grado RS2e with 32Ohm for testing and I now experience some drops in DSD256. Is there a correlation of low impedance headphones and DAC conversion performance?

I set DPLL(DSD) to Hi and was able to get a cleaner signal. Still hearing some glitches though.
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Oct 8, 2019 at 1:16 AM Post #186 of 744
well I received my conductor3 today. first impressions were pretty well made. Case not quite as heavy as in my old ha-160. surprised by the outboard power supply reminiscent of a lap top computer power supply. Did not see any fuse inputs or from pictures of the internals. On my old ha-160 I had uograded the fuse to a hifi tuning fuse which made a noticeable improvement in the sound also got a pretty substantial improvement when i upgraded the power cables to after market IEC cords. No possibility of that here on the new unit. I was using a project s2 dac pre . I had upgraded the power supply on that unit with projects outboard power supply which uses batteries. That made a huge improvement in the low level information and noise levels of that unit. it is a world beater at the combined 650 usd cost of the dac and power supply. It is going to be interesting to do a comparison between it and the new conductor 3 once I have some burn in time on it. I am hoping the burson will be an improvement over it . B ut I shall see. The project is a very high performance unit with the outboard battery power that project makes for it. I am using a yamaha cd 2100 as transport feeding the dacs. I have a nordost mid level power cord on the yamaha cd player. The project dac smoked the dac section of this 3000 dollar cd player. For now I have to run the new dac in for awhile before I can make any judgements .
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Oct 8, 2019 at 10:58 AM Post #190 of 744
Thanks @vault108, but I guess there're LM317 too, right?

However, it's very clever from BURSON to use linear regs as followers after the boost-converters. This will lower the probability of any possible oscillations (very unlikely) and lower the background noise even more. If the drop-voltage on the LM3x7 LDO's is less than 5V, then overall efficiency will not suffer.
Oct 8, 2019 at 10:09 PM Post #191 of 744
Thanks @vault108, but I guess there're LM317 too, right?

However, it's very clever from BURSON to use linear regs as followers after the boost-converters. This will lower the probability of any possible oscillations (very unlikely) and lower the background noise even more. If the drop-voltage on the LM3x7 LDO's is less than 5V, then overall efficiency will not suffer.
There are three LM317, three LM337, and one 78M12 linear voltage regulators in the middle.
Oct 9, 2019 at 9:08 AM Post #193 of 744
Thanks @vault108, but I guess there're LM317 too, right?

However, it's very clever from BURSON to use linear regs as followers after the boost-converters. This will lower the probability of any possible oscillations (very unlikely) and lower the background noise even more. If the drop-voltage on the LM3x7 LDO's is less than 5V, then overall efficiency will not suffer.
They are following a state of arts in concerned industry.
All different rail requirement of active devices of their choices, requires those well behaviored LDOs.
Just after upconverter the voltage is ok only for power transisters with high volatge swing...
LDO is lossy as active resistive network, but having guaranteed stability with long history.

They realize they belong to general trend of the electric and electronic industry, where audio ones have no exception.
Often times some audio industry had taken its exreme end in the name of minimalist that often ignores linearity, and power.
Burson now stays away from those extremists who have no future.
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Oct 11, 2019 at 6:44 AM Post #194 of 744
Based on these 16 Ohms IEMs are having a sensitivity of 121dB/mW, so it's impossible to use such a powerful amplifier like C3-Ref to drive these kind of headphones. After all, we're speaking about a 7.5W/channel amplifier driving IEMs that for only 1mW (125mV RMS) will deliver 121dB SPL, right? Then C3-Ref is putting a max. output power of 7.5W/16Ohms cans, that would be 11V RMS!!!

The internal gain of C3-Ref. is done via the built-in firmware and not with dedicated gain switches that commutes between different resistors values, so the output stage and gain stage will still be directly connected to your headphones at their max. internal gain, so the same output noise will be in your headphones no matter the gain chosen.
So IEMs like Andromeda wouldn't work with C3? I'm having similar problem with white noise on my Andro paired with C3. The focal clear sounds amazing on it though
Oct 11, 2019 at 7:01 AM Post #195 of 744
Maybe they'll pair well with C3-Ref, but not sure why purchasing a 7500mW amplifier to drive few mW IEM headphones? It's overkill, at least from my perspective.

The huge advantage of the C3-Ref. is that it can easily drive hard-to-drive cans and regular cans as well. If it will work or not with sensitive IEMs that is a different story.

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