New Beyerdynamic T1 (2nd Generation)
Jun 28, 2020 at 8:29 AM Post #3,376 of 3,939
Keeping up with the Joneses...and a fool an his money...

I'm glad I'm happy with my current inventory. There is on particular Grado and a couple of ZMFs that are testing my resolve though.
Speaking of ZMF, I am interested in getting an Eikon or an Atticus; the former is more appealing, though. The Verite Closed is extremely proficient in a technical sense, but it sounded too "open" to my ears. Zach did a wonderful job of tuning a closed-back to sound like an open one, but in doing so, it lost the characteristics of a closed headphone - the intimacy, the heavier bass response. Plus, it was a little too bright and neutral for my tastes. On the other hand, the Stellia is a marvelous headphone.... 😱
Jun 28, 2020 at 8:32 AM Post #3,377 of 3,939
These do take a while to fully break in. They sounded slightly boxed in and strained out of the box. Their soundstage size is just moderate in size, imaging is where they shine. They aren’t bright headphones. To me the longer I’ve owned them the more I liked them, can’t say the same for the majority of headphones. I’ve never gotten sick of their sound and I never had fatigue problems with them and I have fatigue issues with a lot of headphones.
When I purchased my T5p (2nd Gen), I never would have thought that it'd be something that I'd use on a daily basis, but here I am. I haven't returned it to its box for a week now, as it has been in constant, regular use (I always store my headphones and IEMs).

The more I listen to it, the more I appreciate its strengths. It's truly a great all-round headphone. I can't wait for the introduction of Beyer's next, true flagships. If they can build upon the templates provided by the T1 and the T5p, I'm sure they'll do pretty well.
Jun 28, 2020 at 10:31 AM Post #3,378 of 3,939
Speaking of ZMF, I am interested in getting an Eikon or an Atticus; the former is more appealing, though. The Verite Closed is extremely proficient in a technical sense, but it sounded too "open" to my ears. Zach did a wonderful job of tuning a closed-back to sound like an open one, but in doing so, it lost the characteristics of a closed headphone - the intimacy, the heavier bass response. Plus, it was a little too bright and neutral for my tastes. On the other hand, the Stellia is a marvelous headphone.... 😱
How is the isolation of the Verite Closed when compared to the T5p? How about the weight?
Jun 29, 2020 at 6:07 AM Post #3,380 of 3,939
How is the isolation of the Verite Closed when compared to the T5p? How about the weight?
The Verite Closed (VC) is a fair bit heavier than the T5p, but it's not as hefty as the infamous Audeze cans.

If I recall, the T5p (2nd Gen) seals better than the VC. Although, I didn't experience any major issues with leakage and/or isolation when I was auditioning them.
Jun 29, 2020 at 10:43 AM Post #3,381 of 3,939
Just got a used T1 2nd gen with early SN 26xxx. Currently using it with Burson Soloist SL amp. Do you think this is a good pairing? I am hearing subdued bass (coming from LCD-2F) and also a small soundstage (just slightly wider than LCD-2F). Sounds bright, but not peaky or sibilant. I will upgrade from idsd micro to bifrost 2 dac and I wanna know if there is a <1000$ balanced amp that's a good pairing for this.
Jun 29, 2020 at 11:55 AM Post #3,382 of 3,939
Just got a used T1 2nd gen with early SN 26xxx. Currently using it with Burson Soloist SL amp. Do you think this is a good pairing? I am hearing subdued bass (coming from LCD-2F) and also a small soundstage (just slightly wider than LCD-2F). Sounds bright, but not peaky or sibilant. I will upgrade from idsd micro to bifrost 2 dac and I wanna know if there is a <1000$ balanced amp that's a good pairing for this.

I am also considering purchasing a used T1, may I ask approximately how much you paid for a used T1? I have heard Liquid Platinum pairs well with these.
Jun 29, 2020 at 6:25 PM Post #3,383 of 3,939
I am also considering purchasing a used T1, may I ask approximately how much you paid for a used T1? I have heard Liquid Platinum pairs well with these.
Got it for 500, with extra balanced cable and adapters.

There are many for sale posts of drop liquid platinums in the market section, let's see. But bifrost 2 first.
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Jul 1, 2020 at 7:31 PM Post #3,385 of 3,939
This is now officially my favorite pair of headphones! :gs1000smile::L3000:

That's a complete 180 compared to my lukewarm initial impression.

It's hands down the best (for me) HP for long sessions. Lightweight, super comfortable, smooth, never-fatiguing, with killer imaging. It's just pure joy to listen to.

People coming from mid-centric HPs may not like it initially, but once you get used to the somewhat light-weight thin sound, they're deliciously smooth.

And I'm really glad I got the black version. Really liking the understated and mature look.

Not sure what this beyer-high/treble-fatigue I keep hearing is about, but doesn't exist in my late production SN:46,xxx ninja edition T1.2.

Enjoy the music everyone!

p.s. Best bang for the buck to! And more emotionally engaging than my Stellias (which is more important than technicality for me).
Jul 1, 2020 at 9:05 PM Post #3,386 of 3,939
This is now officially my favorite pair of headphones! :gs1000smile::L3000:

That's a complete 180 compared to my lukewarm initial impression.

It's hands down the best (for me) HP for long sessions. Lightweight, super comfortable, smooth, never-fatiguing, with killer imaging. It's just pure joy to listen to.

People coming from mid-centric HPs may not like it initially, but once you get used to the somewhat light-weight thin sound, they're deliciously smooth.

And I'm really glad I got the black version. Really liking the understated and mature look.

Not sure what this beyer-high/treble-fatigue I keep hearing is about, but doesn't exist in my late production SN:46,xxx ninja edition T1.2.

Enjoy the music everyone!

p.s. Best bang for the buck to! And more emotionally engaging than my Stellias (which is more important than technicality for me).

These are my most used headphones for basically the same reasons, they tick all the boxes and have the comfort.

It's honestly with time and long listening sessions is where the true charm of these headphones comes to light. This is a headphone you have to live with, auditioning them doesn't do them justice. The Beyer treble is often influenced by the system and can take a short adjustment period. Coming from headphones with darker treble you can notice it, but it's really a matter of adjusting to it, it never really causes fatigue.

Emotional engagement is a big reason I love the Beyer sound. The DT 1770, DT 1990, and Amiron Home are also very emotionally engaging but the T1.2 Black sounds more right in a subtle way to me.
Jul 2, 2020 at 3:16 AM Post #3,390 of 3,939
Amplifier suggestions for T1 v2 please..

I'm running mine with a British-made amp: the Arcam rHead. These are no longer in production but you can pick them up used. The T1.2 works well with this amp. It's a class A amp, quite compact, and the sound quality is excellent. It's not tremendously high-powered though as I have to have the volume control at around 70% to get loud volume levels out of the T1.2. From a value point of view, it's hard to beat. It also has XLR inputs which I am making use of, although it does not have a balanced headphone out. It has two headphone outs: 3.5mm and 1.4-inch.

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