New Beyerdynamic Pro X line: DT 700 Pro X and DT 900 Pro X
Mar 30, 2022 at 5:06 PM Post #602 of 902
Got dt700 pro x and returned in same day. Why it sounds like from a bottle I dont know.. I could hear only bass.. ATH-m50 is much more crisper. Dt dont have any details...
I don't know, but I've listened to a lot of bottles in my life and never thought the DT700 sounded like one.
The DT700 is really different to the ATH M50, in that I agree. As for which one is better, I know what I think. I sure don't think the M50 has more detail than the DT700.
Maybe if you had given the DT700 an opportunity (if you're too used to a sound, what will stand out the most is the difference, not the actual character of the new headphone), you'd be putting your ATH-M50 on sale.
I guess we'll never know! :wink:
Apr 3, 2022 at 6:40 PM Post #603 of 902
I recently had the opportunity to spend a week with both the DT700PRO and the DT900PRO.
I am the owner of both a set of DT770 250ohm and DT880 600ohms which are my daily drivers and I did a direct comparison between all 4 sets. DAC/Amps used were the ifiZen DAC, Audeze Deckard and iFi PRO iDSD.

The DT700 is quite different from my DT770, even with both being closed. The new DT700 is a much more balanced sound. The DT770's pronounced U-shape is replaced with a much more even handed presentation. Gone is the extreme overbloated bass of the DT770 and you are left with a more accurate bass representation, it is definitely leaner but cleaner. The emphasised treble of the DT770 is also slightly toned down. The biggest difference though is how the DT700 brings the mid range up. Vocals are now front and centre from the previous DT770's recessed sound. The DT700 is a nicely balanced listen. Comfort on the DT700 is still excellent. The larger and wider earpads do fit more snugly around the ear (compared to the thinner DT770 pads) and I guess it will be up to personal preference which is better.

Confusion comes in when switching to the DT900. They feel basically exactly the same on your head as the DT700, the fit is the same and in a blind fit you will be hard pressed to know which set is on your head. The open back design of the DT900 is slight, being just a few slits in the earcup so if you get the DT900 first in the blind fit and without knowing the DT700 you will be hard pressed to know it is an open back. That said, once you have had both on your head, you will quickly feel the "cupping" effect created by the closed back. It is when the music starts that the big differences become evident. The DT900 do offer a more detail and "free-er" treble to my ears at the expense of a touch of bass weight - well actually quite a bit of bass weight. Listening to "We don't care" by Habib Koite and Eric Bibb the drum beats on the DT900 is cleaner and faster while the DT700 emphasizes the drum beats and offer a more rounded low frequency sound. The DT900's open nature also offers a touch wider soundstage. I tested the noise leakage of both and surprisingly the DT900 bleeds very little.

If I had a to buy a set now, I would opt for the DT900.

At 30 odd ohms the new models are much easier to drive and they both make a great combo with the iFi Zen DAC.
you should have tried a pad swap while you were at it. 900 pads to 700 and 700 pads to 900. i know for a fact that the 700 pads on the 900's make the 900's a lot more bottom end orientated sound wise. bets that the 900 pads make the 700's very analytical.

messing around with the ear foam discs also bring huge dividends sound wise. i was actually quite shocked at how much difference it makes.

ohh and the drivers are 48r not 30r.

my only gripe is that the 900's still retain that Beyer sibilance of old beyers. you would think that 100 years of making things audio wise they would have sorted it out by now.
Apr 3, 2022 at 6:52 PM Post #604 of 902
I was trying to increase the high end a little so I tried removing the felt discs also but didn't like the resulting sound. Also tried a flat thin foam pad instead of the stock felt pad but also didn't sound right. Does removing the foam like you did on the stock felt pad result in more high end?

Emailed Beyer a few weeks ago to ask about the price of replacement pads. I was told to check back in 2 months. Since Beyer stresses that most parts are replaceable on their phones, it would be nice if they had parts in stock when the phones were released, not 6 months later.
you need to remove the foam outside the centre. doing this lets the radiated/reflected sound move back into the cups and a lot faster and the result is a lot less muddyness/in cup sound and they sound more like listening to speakers. i'm still experimenting with felt disc replacement materials but so far cotton makup removal pads cut into discs works fairly well. they are a nightmare to get in under the foam though but if you use a butter knife to slide them in it helps. also top tip, i use a butter knife to remove the securing rings, slide it under the ring edge on the inside and twist using the centre of the driver as a wedge on the dull edge of the knife.

i dont like the felt discs and find it removes the sparkle. no internal material and just foam is too bright and sibilant. next is coffee filter and face mask.
Apr 4, 2022 at 2:47 AM Post #605 of 902
my only gripe is that the 900's still retain that Beyer sibilance of old beyers. you would think that 100 years of making things audio wise they would have sorted it out by now.
While I don’t hear that peak on my DT700, I don’t think the older models had that due to an error or some kind of problem, but fully on purpose… Beyerdynamic is building headphones for 70 years, they don’t have a spurious peak in all their drivers over decades by error.
Apr 4, 2022 at 7:31 AM Post #606 of 902
maybe its just me thats very sensitive to sibilance then. i have/had DT-770 Pro 80r, DT-990 Edition 32r, DT-880 Edition 600r, Custom One Pro 16r + mongrels and DT-900 ProX 48r. and every singe one has a sibilant peak when things get a bit hot in recordings. thing is i dont hear "sibilance" in real life, pronounced S and such yes but not sibilance.

i know the difference between sibilance and aggressive treble.

maybe i should stick some wax in my ears.. that might help ROFL.
Apr 6, 2022 at 3:54 PM Post #608 of 902
I owned both but sold them pretty quickly. New pads are not good, at least for me, while I loved 770,880 and 990 pads. Biggest issue was that they both were overly damped and this thing that they sounded like very small desktop speakers. I cannot picture it better way. They just sounded like small pc speakers. The way how kick is hitting, weak. I remember reading same comment here by someone else. Sounds like small speakers.
Apr 7, 2022 at 9:00 AM Post #610 of 902
I owned both but sold them pretty quickly. New pads are not good, at least for me, while I loved 770,880 and 990 pads. Biggest issue was that they both were overly damped and this thing that they sounded like very small desktop speakers. I cannot picture it better way. They just sounded like small pc speakers. The way how kick is hitting, weak. I remember reading same comment here by someone else. Sounds like small speakers.
what you are hearing compared to other Beyer headphones is midrange. so maybe you have a preference for V shaped sound signature.

for me the pads are fantastic but i dont have huge ears. also with the DT700/900 you must bend the head band to suit your head size as the clamping force is really tight.

you also have to remember that these headphones are designed for studio use. they are not designed for home use although they can be used as such like any headphones can. its the same between the DT-990 Pro and the DT-990 Edition. the Edition are tuned for home use.

i personally think the new DT-900 are superb and a step forward for Beyerdynamic. now all we need is a new DT-800 ProX :)
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Apr 19, 2022 at 1:03 PM Post #611 of 902
Been listening to the 700 pro x for a week now and I'm impressed with them. Too early to give any meaningful impressions, but overall they're much less fatiguing than my 770 250ohm. They compare favorably to the K371 and Hi-X15, though I wouldn't say they're significantly better. Time will tell, they're changing a bit as they burn in. They don't have the dynamic range of the X15, but sound clearer and more detailed than the K371. Despite their low impedance, they take to tubes VERY well. Love how they sound on the high out of my Tuba amp, and also on the 32ohm out of my Kenzie. I listen for pleasure, not accuracy/monitoring, so tube coloration is very pleasing to me. What I like is how the bass responds to my tube amps. It fills in nicely adding weight and a tactile feel to the notes, without getting boomy or underdampened. Treble is a mixed bag for me, as i'm very picky and sensitive to certain frequencies. On solid state I find the 700 a bit harsh up top, but not horribly so. With good quality music like blues/jazz, it's fatigue free. But when listening to my poorly recorded metal, it gets a bit hot and tiring. Going to tubes though tempers the worst of the harshness.

A quick note on how easy they are to power, and volume levels. They reach deafening volume easily, even directly from my iphone. But with at least a modest amp added to the chain, they respond with increased dynamic range and overall sound quality. Even something simple like a Dragonfly Red can move the drivers better than a phone alone. Will it transform them into something completely different? Of course not. But the added dynamics are quite welcome, and might be the difference between liking them or disliking them. I tried them right out of my iphone for a few hours out of curiosity, and they were ok. But adding a Dragonfly Red or Fulla Schiit upped the enjoyment for me considerably. Better bass control and tightness. Bigger stage with more precise placement. Highs settled down a bit, adding body and losing harshness. And that's from very modest amps. Try a tube amp! :) Not good for producing music, but amazing for listening enjoyment! I wish I still had my Vali 2 hybrid amp, I think they would have synergized quite well together.

Don't misunderstand that to mean they're harsh overall, I wouldn't say that. Just when listening to poorly recorded music on more neutral gear do I find them SLIGHTLY fatiguing. Overall I'm liking them more than expected, especially on tubes. The main weakness I'd note so far that's a constant no matter the recording quality is the slight recession in the mids. I love forward mids, and would prefer the mids on the 700 to be a bit more forward and present. Male vocals sometimes fall a bit farther back in the mix than i'm used to. A good example is Goatwhore's track, I Avenge Myself. The vocals on most of my other headphones are very forward, at the front of the stage. They drive the fury and energy of the track. Nothing in the mix should overtake them, IMO. But on the 700 the vocals fall too far back, and compete with the guitars too much, losing presence and authority. It changes the character of the track significantly for me. The K371 and X15 put the vocals forward properly, and rock that track so well. Even better is the Atticus with it's even more forward mids and thunderous midbass. But I digress....

To be fair though I would not say it's a deal breaker the way the 700 handles the track, just something to be aware of if you're a mid-forward lover like I am. They're good enough already to have earned a place in my lineup, and they're getting better as they loosen up. Try Fleetwood Mac - The Chain. IMO they do this track perfectly. The bass and low notes properly drive the energy/beat while the female vocals drive the emotion. I don't notice the mids recession at all here, and find classic rock in general sounds great on them.

Glad I took a chance on them, and good to see Beyerdynamic putting something great out again. I used to be a huge beyer fan back in the early days in the hobby with the 770/880/990. But I never bonded well with the tesla generations. The 1770 was the best of them for my preferences, but I still was left wanting. These though sound terrific. I hope the tuning direction they developed here make their way to the rest of the lineup. It's good to see a legacy brand like Beyer thrive, if for the competition alone.
Apr 24, 2022 at 4:29 AM Post #612 of 902
This weekend's Headfonia review is all about the DT 700 Pro x. Find out how we feel it performs and why we're giving it our Recommended Buy Award, now on HFN!

Apr 24, 2022 at 11:45 AM Post #613 of 902
This weekend's Headfonia review is all about the DT 700 Pro x. Find out how we feel it performs and why we're giving it our Recommended Buy Award, now on HFN!

I also believe these cans are amazing. I don't know about masterpiece, but I sure don't know any closed back under 600€ that sounds this good. Others can give you more raw detail, but nothing sounds as good in so many areas.
Again, this assertion is based only in my experience. I'd love to know about other closed cans that get anywhere near this under 400 or 500 €.
Apr 24, 2022 at 1:17 PM Post #614 of 902
I also believe these cans are amazing. I don't know about masterpiece, but I sure don't know any closed back under 600€ that sounds this good. Others can give you more raw detail, but nothing sounds as good in so many areas.
Again, this assertion is based only in my experience. I'd love to know about other closed cans that get anywhere near this under 400 or 500 €.
UR welcome, Shure SHR1540 all the way, compared directly and pretty Shure there is no better closed backs under 1k IMO.
Apr 26, 2022 at 2:09 AM Post #615 of 902
UR welcome, Shure SHR1540 all the way, compared directly and pretty Shure there is no better closed backs under 1k IMO.
Agree, the SRH1540 are fantastic. I wouldn't go as far as to say they're end-game for me (never say never and all that...) but I feel no need to keep looking at other closed-backs for now.

I've actually just bought the DT900 Pro X as an open-back 'companion' set for my SRH1540. The SRH1840 were an obvious choice but just too pricy. So far, can't say I feel I'm missing out and very happy with the DT900.

Listening to 'Nuyorican Soul' on them right now and they're sounding great.

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