New Audio-gd DAC-19 [10th Anniversary Edition]
Jan 16, 2017 at 9:22 PM Post #1,786 of 1,962
Yea, i have high expectations for this dac. The jumpers are another reason i wanted to get it, so i can fine tune if necessary, but i will try the default setting first.
I always believed speakers are the most important so thats why i built my system backwards with dac being last.
Looks like i can look forward to the dac sounding better and better the longer i own it :) I spend 6 hours daily in front of my pc surfing, watching drama, anime, movies and music. Guess i can reach 400 hours in 2 months.
Looking forward to receiving it sometime next week, i hope. If i don't get it before Chinese New Year, i will have to wait longer as courier services will go on leave also.
Jan 20, 2017 at 11:44 AM Post #1,788 of 1,962

So I got my DSP v7 upgrade yesterday and am happy with the improvement in clarity, stable image, etc. 
One thing I see is that the DAC19 "user manual" now has this -- so does this mean that the Stopband (ATT0 & ATT1) can not be independently controlled any more via jumpers with the new firmware i.e. ATT0 & ATT1 don't do anything anymore)? or are they simply not being documented but still work??
The product shipped before 12th. Oct. 2016
Jumpers NumberSettingFunctions describing
Jumper1  PLLEN
Active (OFF)
Bypass (ON)
PLL setting
Jumper6 DITH
Active (OFF)
Data Dithering
     Sound Flavor :          Neutral <------------------------------------------------>Warm
The product shipped since 12th. Oct. 2016
Jumpers NumberSettingFunctions describing
Active (OFF)
Bypass (ON)
PLL setting
Active (OFF)
Data Dithering
  8X overampling4X overampling2X overamplingNOSThe sound will become smoother and warmer while setting lower oversampling.
IPS0 (OFF) (ON) (OFF) (ON) 
IPS1 (OFF) (OFF) (ON) (ON)
Jan 20, 2017 at 7:53 PM Post #1,789 of 1,962
Hmmm now you have me curious... i have had mine set at -90Db before and since the update... maybe if i get bored one of these evenings i have a little free time i'll switch it around to see if i notice a difference.
Jan 21, 2017 at 12:05 AM Post #1,790 of 1,962
If you look at the master 11 user manual it has a similar table but says that ATT0 & ATT1 are now reserved. So I am guessing that they no longer do anything and Kingwa has simplified the settings into one of four "neutral" to "warm" choices ...
Jan 21, 2017 at 11:55 AM Post #1,791 of 1,962
I asked Kingwa a couple weeks back to check on the jumper changes.

I recently upgraded my year old dac to the V7 dsp firmware and it is great. Based on the user manual for the post October 2016 DAC 19 the ATT0 and ATT1 jumpers no longer affect the filter slope and are inactive. Is that correct or do they still do something? If ATT0 and ATT1 are still active what do they do with the V7 dsp firmware?


Dear Steve,
The ATT0 and 1 had not function in the V7 firmware.
Jan 24, 2017 at 5:36 PM Post #1,793 of 1,962
Just got my Audio-GD NOS 19 DAC and its incredible sounding out of the box. I'm going to wait a while before making any adjustments. The instructions on changing the jumpers is kind of confusing. Anyone know what the Setting button on the front panel is for?
Jan 25, 2017 at 5:28 AM Post #1,794 of 1,962
My DAC19 is here also. Gonna hook it up later. There is a bunch of black plactic thingy that came in the box, are those spare jumpers? Also, curious what the setting button does.
Ok i just started listening to it. I'm very pleased, no harshness, musical, more control. The sound is similar to Xonar only tons better which is what i was searching for. But seems i need to turn my amp up a bit more, the volume out is softer than Xonar i guess.
Jan 25, 2017 at 11:25 AM Post #1,796 of 1,962
  The setting button controls the phase of the output signal.  Pushed in is inverted phase.

I have the very similar NOS 19 (non-oversampling version of DAC-19). I've had mixed experiences with the setting button:
-- at one point during the very lengthy (400 hr+) burn-in of my NOS 19 it began to sound very bright to me. I changed the setting and the brightness vanished.
-- but later on, after the sound of the unit stopped changing, I played with the setting button and really couldn't reliably hear a difference between the pushed-in vs pushed-out status.
Phase would of course be intensely system-dependent, so my results probably don't match those of others.
Jan 25, 2017 at 10:05 PM Post #1,797 of 1,962
Looking forward to full burn in. Every old song i pulled out last night made me giggle like a little girl.
I also think that the dac is rather forgiving of bad sources which is a plus.
Jan 25, 2017 at 10:11 PM Post #1,798 of 1,962
I have the very similar NOS 19 (non-oversampling version of DAC-19). I've had mixed experiences with the setting button:

-- at one point during the very lengthy (400 hr+) burn-in of my NOS 19 it began to sound very bright to me. I changed the setting and the brightness vanished.

-- but later on, after the sound of the unit stopped changing, I played with the setting button and really couldn't reliably hear a difference between the pushed-in vs pushed-out status.

Phase would of course be intensely system-dependent, so my results probably don't match those of others.

Right now I hear no difference when I make a change to the button. I don't see how the DAC is going to sound any better than it does now after its broke in. The sound coming out right now is pretty near perfect and I'm streamming the data from a regular homemade pc.
Jan 26, 2017 at 10:04 PM Post #1,799 of 1,962
So other than music, i use my pc for watching videos on youtube, streaming/downloaded dramas and anime. I found that i need to turn up the volume when im watching stuff and when i go back to foobar or even music vids on  youtube, i need to turn the volume down because its playing much louder. Anyone one experience this? I didn't have to play the volume knob as much with my Xonar STX.
Jan 27, 2017 at 9:52 AM Post #1,800 of 1,962
Well, after many tests, tweaking, plenty of cables used etc. I ended at High End RCA interconnect between 2 Audio GD devices. Instead of ACSS. RCA sound is more natural and non fatiguing. ACSS was nearly imposible to get the rigth balance on everything. I have very revealing Loud speakers - ATC SCM40. These are showing me right way with my rest equipment and all faults as well. DAC19 v7 firmware is big step up. v5 and older was very bad in space dimensions. Audio GD Precision 2 is fantastic amplifier (get one if you have any chance). My best bought equipment. Several people around me say it is by sound easily in 3-4k USD category. Very well done AGD! I am so happy with the amp..!

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