New Audio-gd DAC-19 [10th Anniversary Edition]
Apr 28, 2015 at 6:09 PM Post #46 of 1,962
My DAC-19 has arrived.  Let the burn-in begin!
Apr 28, 2015 at 6:42 PM Post #48 of 1,962
Congrats on joining the R2R Dac user fan club. How's the initial impressions? Audio-gd have already done 200hours of burn-in for your unit before shipping.

Actually, I have two vintage R2R DAC's currently, a Theta Basic II and Adcom GDA-600.  I'm hoping the DAC-19 holds its own against the vintage DAC's so I can have something to recommend to anyone who isn't into the digital Sabre sound but is wary of buying a 20-year-old unit.
VERY initial impressions:  it's definitely R2R (the cymbals sound like cymbals!), the treble is a bit laid back compared to the Sabre but that's no surprise, when comparing to the SE output of the Theta these are neck and neck.  I'm very impressed so far.
Apr 28, 2015 at 6:50 PM Post #49 of 1,962
Actually, I have two vintage R2R DAC's currently, a Theta Basic II and Adcom GDA-600.  I'm hoping the DAC-19 holds its own against the vintage DAC's so I can have something to recommend to anyone who isn't into the digital Sabre sound but is wary of buying a 20-year-old unit.
VERY initial impressions:  it's definitely R2R (the cymbals sound like cymbals!), the treble is a bit laid back compared to the Sabre but that's no surprise, when comparing to the SE output of the Theta these are neck and neck.  I'm very impressed so far.

Congrads on the Dac-19
When you have time,could you possibly do,more of  an A_B'ing of the Dac-19 against the Theta?
Overall SQ,Bass? mids,vocals..etc..if possible.
Apr 28, 2015 at 7:13 PM Post #50 of 1,962
Actually, I have two vintage R2R DAC's currently, a Theta Basic II and Adcom GDA-600.  I'm hoping the DAC-19 holds its own against the vintage DAC's so I can have something to recommend to anyone who isn't into the digital Sabre sound but is wary of buying a 20-year-old unit.

VERY initial impressions:  it's definitely R2R (the cymbals sound like cymbals!), the treble is a bit laid back compared to the Sabre but that's no surprise, when comparing to the SE output of the Theta these are neck and neck.  I'm very impressed so far.

Thanks :) Maybe let it run in for 100hrs or so for more detailed impresion

Did you purchase the Ygg too?
Apr 28, 2015 at 7:20 PM Post #51 of 1,962
  Congrads on the Dac-19
When you have time,could you possibly do,more of  an A_B'ing of the Dac-19 against the Theta?
Overall SQ,Bass? mids,vocals..etc..if possible.

I need to give it far more time in order to give it a fair shake.  DAC's are really hard to compare and a lot of them like to be warmed up for a day or three before they really are at full strength.  But don't worry, I'll be comparing to the Theta, the Adcom and the Sabre (tho really I just don't like listening to Sabre anymore.  The treble annoys me!) eventually.
Maybe let it run in for 100hrs or so for more detailed impresion

Did you purchase the Ygg too?

No, the Yggy is more money than I'm willing to spend on audio equipment right now.  And I'm still skeptical of the value proposition; I know it sounds good as I've heard myself, but I just don't think it's sounds good enough to warrant the price.  Especially with DAC's like the DAC-19 floating around for 1/3 the price.  So yeah, on an absolute level and on a relative level, I find the Yggy hard to validate.
Apr 28, 2015 at 8:06 PM Post #53 of 1,962
Mine shld be arriving soon ... Did u get the txco clock upgrade?

Good question, I'm not sure.  Can you tell from looking or do I need to ask?
Apr 28, 2015 at 9:54 PM Post #56 of 1,962
It is optional.. I top up usd20 for it hence a bit delay on my shipment...

I confirmed that mine does have the upgrade.

Congrats Stillhart ! Let me know how this compares to your nfb28 since your initial impressions have me happy with my choice of going Wolfson!

Thanks, bud. I'll be posting impressions for sure. I also plan on writing a full review for guru. (Spoiler alert: I write for them now. My tag should show up here after my first piece goes up in a few weeks.)
Apr 29, 2015 at 2:55 AM Post #58 of 1,962
Apr 29, 2015 at 5:20 AM Post #59 of 1,962
Apr 29, 2015 at 11:04 AM Post #60 of 1,962
Quick initial impression coming from micro idsd using usb n foobar
- need at least 1.5 hours to warm up
-more detailed. Neutral n transparent
- smooth
- realistic tone n timbre
- highs not as splashy

Instrument simply sounds more natural..
Bass is a bit sloppy now but keep hearing improvememt as time passed

Need more time to evaluate.....but the realism of the tone m timbre is really something... I did not anticipate such a big difference

By the way i am using open baffle (no box coloration) n a very agile n transparent goldmund amp with passive preamp.... So any changes in the source is easily heard

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