Natural or Artificial tree??
Dec 10, 2003 at 7:08 AM Post #31 of 44
my tree was downloaded from google image search, which is standing on my desktop right now
Dec 10, 2003 at 2:00 PM Post #33 of 44
We like a real tree, preferably Frasier Fir. They hardly ever drop any needles and look and smell very nice. We can cut one at a farm about a mile from my house, so it's pretty darn convenient, too.

I have asthma, plus grew up in the Air Force, so we had an artificial tree most of the time after moving away from Alaska. As soon as I was 'out on my own', right back into getting a real tree. No asthma troubles, either. This weekend we are gatting ours.

Nice clear lights, Fred! That could easily be another whole topic: clear or colored lights.
Right now my young son likes colored lights, so we do that. Otherwise, my wife and I go for clear. The ornaments alone add enough color, I feel. He'll probably be crushed when ho goes to college and comes home to see us with clear lights again!
Dec 10, 2003 at 2:12 PM Post #34 of 44
We have always had a real tree. It just doesn't seem like Christmas unless that pine scent permeates the house. We (my wife and I) usually have our annual Christmas "disagreement" regarding the selection of the tree. This year was the exception though. We purchased our tree from a lot run by my kids high school and it took us all of 5 minutes to find the "perfect" tree.
Dec 10, 2003 at 2:15 PM Post #35 of 44

A real tree with real candles on it, of course!

Yeah, that's a great idea.

I'm on the fence about this one. My family used to go out and cut a real tree, which was fun for a couple of years, then it just turned into a pain in the ass (like everything else with my family.
) Now they use a fake one and I go home for the holidays and I don't give a rats ass about any of it anyway.

BUT, when I have a family someday, I'd imagine that I'll want my kids to have a traditional real Christmas tree at some point for a while, about when they are 10 so that they can appreciate it, but not try to eat it or something. Then once they become teenagers and stop giving a ****, me and the wife'll get the fake one back out.

LOL. I can't believe I actually put that much thought into this post.
Dec 10, 2003 at 2:53 PM Post #37 of 44
It could be that having real candles on a real tree with real flames would constitute a fire hazard. Real trees have a tendency to dry out and can go up in flames in a matter of seconds.
Dec 10, 2003 at 3:35 PM Post #39 of 44
You know what would have been funny, if this thread were titled "Real or Fake?" Then I would have assumed someone bumped an older Tuberoller Thread.


It could be that having real candles on a real tree with real flames would constitue a fire hazard. Real trees have a tendency to dry out and can go up in flames in a matter of seconds.

Yeah, that's what I meant. I didn't realize the whole candle thing was serious. Sorry.
Dec 10, 2003 at 4:09 PM Post #40 of 44
Back home = Real
Working in Thailand = Fake

But after five years here, there sure is a certain advantage to fake trees. No needles piercing your skin when you drag it in and no trail of dead ones when you drag it out. But next year when I'm home I'll celebrate with a real one, for sure. Ah, the smell....
Dec 10, 2003 at 6:24 PM Post #43 of 44

Originally posted by radrd
Yeah, that's what I meant. I didn't realize the whole candle thing was serious. Sorry.

No need to be sorry, but I was serious. Electric lights are a joke for christmas trees! Of course if you cut your tree down a month before christmas, it'll be dry like a desert by christmas and then you might have a problem. If it's only a few days old and well-watered, then it's surprisingly difficult to set fire to (yes, I have tried...
), and of course we always keep a bucket of water handy if something goes wrong (never has to date though).

Dec 10, 2003 at 6:34 PM Post #44 of 44

Originally posted by Nisbeth
we always keep a bucket of water handy if something goes wrong.

make sure you keep the tree lights connected to a wall socket with a wall switch on it.

i remember having to check the tree water level every morning. we always went to sleep with the tree lights off.


how many of you have prized baubles which you put on the tree each year? yes, baulbles. either figurines or orbs. how about baby boots? my friends make sure that they get one for every child's birthday. and one for each time they move to a new house. when they light up their tree their whole history is on display.

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