Name your worst impulse buy! (Headphone wise)
Jan 1, 2005 at 4:01 AM Post #106 of 144
Now I don't feel so bad blowing $50AU on Koss the Plug. That was the worse $50 i've ever spent bar none.. would have rather wiped my arse with it and flushed it down the dunny.
Jan 1, 2005 at 9:06 AM Post #108 of 144

Originally Posted by plainsong
On the contrary, I found the A500's to be an excellent impulse buy!

The worst two were the Shure E3's, and the HD595's. Yuck!

Well, if we can talk about best impulsive buy, 595 was my best impulsive buy ever (I went to try ultrasone and found this gem instead =).


Worst one would be some cheapie AT and panasonic clipons. Even for only $6 I totally regret that purchase, and I did it twice.

Worst carefully-planned-ordered-and-waited-2-months purchase: AKG K506.
Jan 1, 2005 at 9:50 AM Post #109 of 144
My worst impulse buy was the Sennheiser HD590... I can't believe they sounded so bad...
My best was probably the Sennheiser PX100.

Jan 1, 2005 at 10:58 AM Post #110 of 144
Well, not headphones but related: my portable amp. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's a great little amp but I realised I have really no use for it. The little portable listening I currently do, I tend to do unamped. Actually the whole idea of portable amps is IMHO a little silly, first you have a small portable source and then you seriously affect it's portability by adding another box.

Needed to get that off my heart.
Jan 1, 2005 at 11:07 AM Post #112 of 144

Originally Posted by cmanc
Is that the Porta Corda MKII you're refering to?

You can sell it to me if it makes you feel better?

Yup, that's the one. It's just that I'm not very good at selling stuff. I tend to just pile my stuff around (and irritate the missus).
Jan 1, 2005 at 2:29 PM Post #113 of 144
3m extension cable from Maplins
-- had it 1 month, the connection is already bad and everytime I touch the plug, I hear distorsion, GRR! -- Where can I find a sane extension cable in the UK?

Best is probably the Shure E5. Got them at a great price from a head-fier. Best purchase I ever made.
Jan 1, 2005 at 3:30 PM Post #114 of 144
I have a killer one: Philips HP800 !

Next, but not even close, some HD457, HD570, HD497.
And AKG K141S (preferred to K240S just because 20€ chaper...

Those were dark times...
Jan 1, 2005 at 5:16 PM Post #116 of 144

Originally Posted by hackeron
3m extension cable from Maplins
-- had it 1 month, the connection is already bad and everytime I touch the plug, I hear distorsion, GRR! -- Where can I find a sane extension cable in the UK?

You could make one from parts bought at Maplin. A Neutrik jack and socket and a few meters of Van Damme Micrcophone Star Quad cable makes a decent extension cable.

Or if your not soldering inclined, then im sure Fid Audio could make you one (hes a Head-Fi member).
Jan 1, 2005 at 5:41 PM Post #118 of 144

Originally Posted by ILUVIPODS
The Sony 71s, those were awfull. The Screwed up cord, awfull sound, all the highs and mids are bad, and the bass is muddy and there is too much of it.
I hate those things...

That was my most recent impulse buy. Unfortunately, I could not get a consistent seal with them on (the very same trouble that I had with the EX70), and the EX71's treble so far is bright, tinny and harsh all at the same time. The mids are cold, as well, and the bass - a one-noted bump in the midbass with not much in the way of low-end extension. The EX70 had harsh and rolled-off highs, in addition to the mids and bass nasties of the EX71. And neither the EX70 nor the EX71 isolates as much as even the better full-sized closed-cup headphones, let alone Etys and Shures, do.

Oh, I forgot to mention that my worst impluse buy is actually a worse value than the Koss UR-30 and Philips HP550 that I mentioned in this thread a few months ago? That was the Sony MDR-V600. I bought that 'phone - twice - wanting to like it. But it didn't sound any better than either the Koss or the Philips 'phone that I had mentioned in this thread - but it cost more than triple what I had paid for the aforementioned Koss or Philips cans! I no longer have the V600 - I took the first pair back to the store, and sold the second on eBay.
Jan 1, 2005 at 5:54 PM Post #119 of 144
Some cheap Sony earphones that only lasted about 3 months before I blew out the right ear.
Jan 1, 2005 at 5:57 PM Post #120 of 144
Hmmmm....definitely a pair of full sized sonys...not sure where they are now, I think I gave them to a friend or something. $20, foam pads that stuck to velcro, and they sounded like crap. But they were the best I had ever heard at the time
and they did make me realize that there were better headphones than those that came with my cheap PCDP.
And the UR20s...I got those after I completely wrecked my Philips HP550 headband. They didn't sound that bad for the money, but I really only got them because they were the best things Radio Shack had at the time
. Plus they were freaking huge and I was using them portably.
Worst thing is I broke them like a day later and then returned them...and got another pair...

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