Name your worst impulse buy! (Headphone wise)
Oct 16, 2004 at 6:14 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 144


Headphoneus Supremus
Jul 29, 2004
Name your worst impulse buy!

Ever see something at the store that looks so appealing you just must have it?

My worst impulse buy would be these $44 (retail) noise cancelling headphones. Lucky for me, they were on sale for $22. Still regret it... Couldv'e got KSC-50's for the money... Oh well...
Oct 16, 2004 at 7:02 PM Post #3 of 144
The K501's. I read some positive posts in regards to them here, so I decided to "pull the trigger". They just weren't the right headphones for me, no big deal because at least I got to find that out for myself, no harm done though because TTVJ has a 30 day refund policy if you decide to return them.
Oct 16, 2004 at 7:10 PM Post #5 of 144
Koss The Plug

I'm starting to think these ER-6i were a bad buy as well. WAYYY too much hype. I'm 100% certain that I have a good seal, and still there is absolutely no bass. The sound is so thin and flat.
Oct 16, 2004 at 7:50 PM Post #7 of 144
HD 265 - because I needed sealed phones and loved senns. Best impulse buy: HD25sp - for similar reasons.
Oct 16, 2004 at 8:23 PM Post #8 of 144
Probably my purchase of the Sony CD-3000..

I succumbed to the 'collectivitis' syndrome, paid almost full price for the CD3Ks.. only to realize that none of the amps I had were upto snuff to tame the highs of the CD3K..

Though I enjoyed them occassionally, depending on the source material, I ended up selling them for a loss not proportionate to the amount of use I got on them..

Yeah, they probably were my worst impulse buy.. yet

[EDIT]: On a related note, I guess my best impulse buys were the Senn HD650 along with the Zu Mobius.. and the Ety ER-4S (probably my best 'phone investment to date !!)
Oct 16, 2004 at 8:29 PM Post #9 of 144
Sony EX71's, I saw them in a store one day for a decent price, I had remembered reading about them here, so I picked them up. I should have bought a couple of new cd's instead!
Oct 16, 2004 at 8:30 PM Post #10 of 144
Grado sr-200. I heard so much great stuff about them, bought the only pair I could find (paid to much) which wasn't in good shape. Ended up liking the sr-225 more. Then after owning them for less then a week one of the drivers died.
Oct 16, 2004 at 8:45 PM Post #12 of 144

Originally Posted by raaj
[EDIT]: On a related note, I guess my best impulse buys were the Senn HD650 along with the Zu Mobius.. and the Ety ER-4S (probably my best 'phone investment to date !!)

On a note related to your related note but unrelated to the thread :)P), how do you find the SR-71 with the ER-4S?

OT: Definately HD490s. Right intetions, no research. Oh well.

Oct 16, 2004 at 8:49 PM Post #13 of 144
Sennheiser MX500

Am listening to them right now and I really don't regret it. Well, sort of, considering that the MX550 only recently came out. But I've had worse CD impulse buys.
Oct 16, 2004 at 8:59 PM Post #14 of 144

Originally Posted by jesse_w
On a note related to your related note but unrelated to the thread :)P), how do you find the SR-71 with the ER-4S?

OT: Definately HD490s. Right intetions, no research. Oh well.


Sent a PM..

Suffice it to say here,

The SR-71 and ER-4S combo r0x0rs !!!
Oct 16, 2004 at 8:59 PM Post #15 of 144
Philips HP550.

Long time Head-Fiers would remember it as flavor of the season around 2001 - early 2002. I read so many positive reviews and ordered a pair on eBay. It was utter crap. Not only was it the most uncomfortable headphone I've ever wore (apart from those airline headphones, of course), but the sound was flatter than a cutting board. I ended up giving it to my ex-girl friend.

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