My guide to making foobar pretty (usable).
Jun 13, 2006 at 6:39 PM Post #46 of 255
You can't post the same post within 5 minutes, so its not my fault!
Jun 13, 2006 at 6:44 PM Post #47 of 255
Ok people time to start paying it forward
I did receive the skins orignally and per the OP I have passed them on (well more then once now) right now philodox has them PM him for the file and keep it going
Jun 13, 2006 at 6:58 PM Post #48 of 255

Originally Posted by c0mfortably_numb
Ok people time to start paying it forward
I did receive the skins orignally and per the OP I have passed them on (well more then once now) right now philodox has them PM him for the file and keep it going

Well, whadya say Philodox? Feel like emailing them over to me?
Also Philo, you were asking about technical setup of 9.0 - what soundcard are you using?
Jun 13, 2006 at 7:26 PM Post #49 of 255

Originally Posted by Chri5peed
Or the size of your monitor!

I wish there was some clever solution to this...

My screen runs at 1280x1024 on a rather nice CTX PR960F monitor. Might go to TFT one day...

The scroll bars on long lists are often too small. I think a lot of this seems to be Windows fault - on AmigaOS MacOS it never seemed to be a problem. The scroll bars had a larger minimum size, and were somehow easier to operate.

I tend to use find-as-you-type anyway now. Shame the album list panel does not deal but "The" at the start of a name, but anyway...*

Horizontal lists are clearly out. Explorer style multiple column lists take up a lot of valuable space.

* Hay, at least foobar can strip extra spaces from tags, musikCube and wxMusik both see separate artists because of this!
Jun 13, 2006 at 7:50 PM Post #50 of 255

Originally Posted by TheMarsVolta
Well, whadya say Philodox? Feel like emailing them over to me?
Also Philo, you were asking about technical setup of 9.0 - what soundcard are you using?

Sure thing, just email me so that I have your address.

I am just using onboard sound right now [Karajan audio module on the DFI Lanparty motherboards] and may get a cheap NOS DAC sometime in the future for my computer setup.
Jun 13, 2006 at 7:52 PM Post #51 of 255
I couldn't get ASIO output work with 0.9.2. It works perfectly in 0.8.3. What's with that channel setup in 0.9.2? I tried like every possible configuration but almost every setup just ended up crashing foobar. KS didn't work either.
Jun 13, 2006 at 7:57 PM Post #52 of 255

Originally Posted by Patu
I couldn't get ASIO output work with 0.9.2. It works perfectly in 0.8.3. What's with that channel setup in 0.9.2? I tried like every possible configuration but almost every setup just ended up crashing foobar. KS didn't work either.

Maybe it's a compatibility issue with the juli@? I have an emu0404, and it worked from the beta all the way to the stable release.

Your using the ASIO from foobar's site right?
Jun 13, 2006 at 8:06 PM Post #54 of 255

Originally Posted by Patu
I couldn't get ASIO output work with 0.9.2. It works perfectly in 0.8.3. What's with that channel setup in 0.9.2? I tried like every possible configuration but almost every setup just ended up crashing foobar. KS didn't work either.

I can't get ASIO working on my foobar 0.9.2 either, but I got Kernel Streaming working easily. My foobar locks-up too, it becomes completely unusuable.
Jun 14, 2006 at 2:43 AM Post #55 of 255

Originally Posted by philodox
As for the technical/sonic setup, I hear there are some changes from 0.83... no kernal streaming or is it ASIO? Anyone know of a good guide for that side of the setup? [for 9.0]

ASIO was impossible to when 0.9.0 came out but support has since been added. KS is aslo possible. The value of using either is in dispute.
Jun 14, 2006 at 2:45 AM Post #56 of 255

Originally Posted by mojo
I see what you are saying, and it does indeed work. The issue I have is that, to add individual songs you have to expand out the artists name in the album list panel. It's already hard to scroll properly with lots of artists (but that's the fault of Windows, not foobar).

It sounds like the playlist tree panel isn't for you.
Jun 14, 2006 at 11:36 AM Post #57 of 255

Originally Posted by HiFiRE
ASIO was impossible to when 0.9.0 came out but support has since been added. KS is aslo possible. The value of using either is in dispute.

Not for me, I use the Colonels Streaming. An undebatable positive effect it has had is to illuminate the PC activity sounds, i.e. a click when opening/refreshing internet pages.

Another thing I've noticed is that it sounds better, quite a lot too. I'd recommend using KS to anyone, ASIO is not working for me?

If you have a compatible soundcard, you'd be missing out on a free upgrade if you don't try bit-perfection.
Jun 14, 2006 at 2:12 PM Post #58 of 255
I have the Foobar skins fcs rar file from Philodox, if anyone is interested send me your email and I'll forward them along.
Jun 14, 2006 at 2:17 PM Post #59 of 255
The skins rar file was made by me.
Jun 14, 2006 at 2:21 PM Post #60 of 255

Originally Posted by Chri5peed
The skins rar file was made by me.

Well I owe you a beer then. I spent over an hour last night going through them all, can't decide on which one I want to use

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