My darkest desires soon to be fullfilled
Dec 2, 2001 at 4:04 AM Post #106 of 1,001
Yep, Gothic and with an element (a huge element) of S&M. I like the part where he explains that the cenobytes are demons for some and angels for others. Those new figures I mentioned (and I didn't give yoy the name, "Tortured Souls") look like they can give Pinhead and Butterball a run for their money. I would love to get my paws on those. And if they make them into a movie, I'll watch it for sure.
Dec 2, 2001 at 4:06 AM Post #107 of 1,001

Originally posted by KR...
I am a [size=medium]HUGE[/size] Giger fan! When are those figures going to be release?

Sorry KR.., didn't see your post. They are available since november, I think. Check for better information. Sorry, I am old and tend to forget a lot of things.
Dec 2, 2001 at 4:36 AM Post #109 of 1,001
from :

Latest News on Ultima, Giger
October 12, 2001
The question springs up on message boards and in e-mails all the time, "Whatever happened to so and so?" Ask no more, here's the latest scoop on a couple of lines that are still in the works: Ultima Online and H.R. Giger.

Ultima Online was originally scheduled for release in 2000, but was held because the game the toys were associated with was not released. We're happy to report that we are now moving forward with Ultima Online. We just completed a packaging refresher for the figures and current plans call for release in the first quarter of 2002.
The line contains the following figures:
• Juggernaut, equal parts warrior and machine
• Warlord Kabur, leader of the Juka warrior clan
• Blackthorn, mad technoprophet and immortal cyborg
• Captain Dasha, lovely master of war and sorcery
• Adranath, an undead demon of incredible power
• Dragon, rules the skies with strength and sorcery

In other UO news, Origin - UO's maker - is sponsoring an Online Worlds FanFest in Austin, Texas, in early January. Todd McFarlane will be a guest speaker at the event and two-ups of our figures will be on display. More news to come as the event draws closer.

The H.R. Giger series is another one that has caused some confusion.
The good news is the line, based on the artwork of famous Swiss surrealist H.R. Giger, is still alive. Our sculptors are working very closely with Giger to incorporate all the painstaking detail his work is known for into our figures. It has been time-consuming - our head sculptor Jean St. Jean even visited Giger's home in Switzerland to finalize a few details - but we think the end result will be worth it.
Look for at least the first sculpture, Li II, in 2002.
Dec 2, 2001 at 4:53 PM Post #111 of 1,001
Time to catch-up on some more "darkest desires" which have come in and I have now listened to:

Tiamat - Wild Honey, Clouds CDs. This group followed the familiar path started as thrashy death metal norwegian band, and gradually evolved into pink floyd type sound on "slumber" CD.
Best CD is "wild honey" has the perfect mix of hard edge rock with more electronic/etherial sections. Vocals are all clean and songs are very inventive and melodic, current CD has "gaia" ep tracks included. "Clouds" has a bit rougher vocals, not death vocals but very gruff sounding as it was released prior to "wild honey" music is more aggressive but still very melodic. Clouds now issued with live ep "sleeping beauty"
tracks attached, unfortunately these are poorly recorded. I may get CD prior to Clouds called "astral sleep"

The Gathering - MandyLion, Night Time Birds. These Cds are
pretty good, not great, and not especially dark/gothic sounding.
Not sure why they are always listed in this catagory. Anyway this is pretty much alt rock with female vocals, Mandylion a heavier sound probably my favorite of theirs. Did not care for CD "if then else" and sold this.......found it boring/bland.

Anathema - Eternity. Did not care for this either and it was sold. Sounds closer to Pink Floyd than gothic/metal, found it boring.

Amorphis - Elegy, Tuonela. Like both of these, like Tiamat started as death metal, Elegy was transition CD and contains both death/clean vox and will appeal to Opeth fans. Very melodic and interesting songs. Tuonela has all clean vocals and is more mainstream progressive rock, with just a hint of gothic darkness.
Next CD is pretty much mainstream rock.

Cemetary - Last Confession, Sundown. Again like Tiamat and others started as death metal and transitioned to gothic with
clean vocals. These two Cds sound like heavier more gothic version of Mission UK. Lead singer sounds just like Mission UK singer, but songs are not as mainstream and have more edge.
These will appeal to fans of early Sisters of Mercy.

Lacuna Coil - Unleashed Memories, In Reverie. I have grown to like this group very much, Cristina lead singer is coolest female in goth music now. Nothing too hard/heavy here but does deal with gothic/dark themes, vocals and music are of high quality,
2nd CD Unleashed Memories shows good progression in skills, look forward future CDs. The group Shroud is similar to this, very accessable sound.

Dec 2, 2001 at 10:19 PM Post #112 of 1,001

Originally posted by DarkAngel
BTW here are the wallpapers I am using for my 19" monitor - Cristina!


Now you know why I spend so much time in Italy. BTW, you posted the thumbnails, not the big pictures.
Dec 3, 2001 at 4:24 AM Post #114 of 1,001
First of all, thanks for the updates. It's always nice to hear your latest acquisitions and your reactions to them. Of all the different types of music I listen to, "dark" music (for lack of a better generalization) is far and away my favorite. Space music is probably second. Dark space music would be optimal.

Now, on to my not-so-positive reactions. (I wanted to preface them with some positive words, because I didn't want you to get the wrong idea that I disagree with you for the most part. It just seems that that's the only area in which I have something to say, usually. Otherwise, I'm usually just taking notes as to what to pursue next. E.G., in this case, the Tiamat sounds very interesting, and I will be pursuing them...eventually...)

PS And that doesn't just go for DarkAngel! There are other people on this board that I would be very interested to hear what they buy and what they like: KR..., Stymie Miasma, others...please feel free to post. Once I get settled down, I'm going to start posting weekly updates on what I've been listening to and what I like about them etc. I hopi you all join in. Quote:

Originally posted by DarkAngel
The Gathering - MandyLion, Night Time Birds. These Cds are pretty good, not great...

Wha-wha-what? (shrugs) Quote:

...and not especially dark/gothic sounding. Not sure why they are always listed in this catagory.

Probably because compared to most bands, they are. I realize coming from where you come from -- wherein you listen to dark music most, if not all, of the time, it may not sound particularly dark...but they are.

Also, you might try to find some samples of their earlier stuff before Anneke joined. You might actually like that. Quote:

...Next CD is pretty much mainstream rock.

I presume by this you mean Am Universum? I have to disagree. Am Universum is very close in spirit to Tuonela. If you like one, I would think that you would like the other. Perhaps you were insulted by the lyrics to "Grief-stricken Heart"? I don't think it's about ...erm... goths (I wanted to say "us goths", but I am not sure I qualify any more), I think it's about people who enjoy suffering, I.E. widows; cross-bearing martyr-types.

Also, since you liked Elegy, definitely try to find some samples of Katatonia, particularly the last two albums. Quote:

Lacuna Coil...
...Nothing too hard/heavy here but does deal with gothic/dark themes, vocals and music are of high quality...

Ah! Now we get to the root of the difference -- lyrics! I don't usually pay attention to lyrics, so I have no idea what Cristina is singing about, so maybe that's the problem. I actually have listened to Anneke's lyrics enough to know that she is not at all dark...well...not very, anyway...but I have no idea what Cristina is going on about...
Dec 3, 2001 at 1:05 PM Post #115 of 1,001
I know you have a soft spot in your heart for "the gathering" and I will be keeping two CDs mentioned, as a matter fact I am listening to "mandylion" even as I type this, but they are not going to be one of my favorites, I guess they are not "edgy" or gothic enough for me. I like Lacuna, especially the new CD "unleashed memories" better, they have the gothic image, sound, lyrics and Cristina! Time for you to get new CD, add it to your list.

You are probably correct about Amorphis "am universium" being similar to "tuonela" I haven't heard it but it is two CDs removed from transition CD "elegy" and I figured probably time for me to move on. The CD prior to Elegy "1000 lakes" was definitely death metal and I tend to like the transition phase CDs of these bands going from death-mainstream metal. If I saw Am Universium used for $5 I may pick it up.

Just like the group Paradise Lost I like the transition CDs "shades of god, icon, draconian" BTW weren't you going to give me a good price on used copy of Icon?

Also let me know when price for MF A3cr amp goes under $1k
Dec 3, 2001 at 7:39 PM Post #116 of 1,001
Hi guys!

The only Amorphis that I heard which I liked was Black Winter Day way back when. Their newer stuff since then sounds too, boring for me, sorry.

I have Paradise Lost's Draconian Times, it's ok but not great. Some of the songs on it are great, but not the album as a whole, I think.

As far as Anathema goes, get Serenades. I would avoid the rest if I were you, but you already found that out

I would still try to get Serenades since it sounds like a totally different band, and is 100x better than the crap they are doing now.

I haven't heard those other bands as I not into Goth music at all.

CDs to get which I have gotten :

The new My Dying Bride is really great, it has a more Prog feel to it belive it or not. Well worth checking out!

The new Mortiis is very cool. I don't know if Darkangel would like it or not, very different from anything that I own. I am not normally into this type of music not am I searching for more, but I really liked the Scent of Rain. Dusty, you have this CD, so you can name other Bands that sound something like it to give other people an idea of what they can expect.

The new Sigh CD is amazing, everyone should get that one as I should it will be unlike anything you have ever heard on one CD. And the final part of the final track is a killer way to test headphone imaging
Dec 3, 2001 at 10:56 PM Post #117 of 1,001

The only Amorphis that I heard which I liked was Black Winter Day way back when. Their newer stuff since then sounds too, boring for me, sorry.

I guess KR agrees with me not to buy Amorphis "am universium"

As far as Paradise Lost, I'm sure you would like "icon" and "shades of god" better, Icon very hard to find, and if you do it will cost you dearly as an import. Draconium although good is pretty mainstream without much edge like previous two and completes transition from death metal.

MDB, I have three good Cds - "swans, angel, gods" I don't know if I can bear any more unrelenting sorrow/doom........but for a true
doomie I'm sure its a dark pleasure.

Sigh, that evil looking guy playing violin scares me. Let me guess what his favorite color is?
Dec 4, 2001 at 12:01 AM Post #118 of 1,001

Want see what that "Sigh, that evil looking guy playing violin" looks like on the New CD?

Lookie, scarey huh?


Here are some samples of their songs off the new one, the MP3's are of low quality, but the music isn't

Also here one from their album before the new one called Scenario IV: Dread Dreams (name of album)

and lastly from their classic Hail Horror Hail, here another song:
Dec 4, 2001 at 3:50 PM Post #119 of 1,001

Originally posted by DarkAngel
I like Lacuna, especially the new CD "unleashed memories"...Time for you to get new CD, add it to your list.

Oh, I already have it (bought it the day it came out), listened to it twice, liked it, and promptly lost it among my collection. Been haphazardly looking for it as I moved (finished yesterday!), but I'm pretty sure it's in one of the first chests (goths use chests, not boxes, right?) to be put into storage (in this case, at my ex's, with whom I am still friends), which is rather inconvenient, so will probably not be able to pull it out before this Thursday's show. :frowning2: Quote:

BTW weren't you going to give me a good price on used copy of Icon?

Uh, no. I was going to work out a way for you to hear it at least before you can find your own copy. If I have a copy (and I am beginning to think that I am mistaken about that, as I have found my copies of Draconian Times and Shades of God, and I would have thought that they were together), I probably have only one, in which case I will not likely be parting with it. Sorry for the confusion, I don't really want to talk about this in too explicit detail in public, feel free to PM me or something, or I will let you know when I find it and you can PM me then. Quote:

Also let me know when price for MF A3cr amp goes under $1k

Is that an offer? I'll think about it. Is that before or after shipping? PM me if that's a serious offer, I am not dismissing it out of hand. What do you need another MF A3^CR amp for? You gonna bi-amp? Quote:

I guess KR agrees with me not to buy Amorphis "am universium" Dusty

Yeah, except that he wouldn't recommend Tuonela either, that's what threw me. I really think those two go back-to-back together really well. There are songs I prefer on each -- e.g., I prefer "Alone" to "The Way", but I much prefer "Summer's End" to "Grief-stricken Heart" (all four are great songs), and I would have predicted that they weren't hard enough for KR..., except that he sometimes has more diverse tastes than what he ends up liking the most.
Dec 4, 2001 at 3:55 PM Post #120 of 1,001
PS Thanks for the tip on Theater of Tragedy -- totally digging them! Listened to mju-zik (or however it's spelled) twice in a row, which is rare for me. Now I have to find my copy of Velvet Darkness, which I bought just before the move, so it got put into storage somewhere with the rest of my "to-listen-to" pile. Dagnabit, moving sucks!

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