my DAC design - pup1 DAC

Mar 13, 2012 at 3:58 PM Post #226 of 675
I'd love to be considered too when you get to that point.
Thanks for those kind comments!
I got notice that the PCB's shipped last night, so I'm thinking I'll have them by Thursday at the latest.  I'll post some pics when I have them.  Cobaltmute suggested that I supply the jacks, since they're the only thing that has to be ordered from DigiKey.  I have those already in hand as of yesterday.
Also, we haven't "officially" asked for prototype volunteers as of yet, but those of you who have volunteered will definitely be asked first.

Mar 13, 2012 at 5:15 PM Post #227 of 675
Just for everyone that is asking, prototypes won't go out until I've had a chance to build and test one. I won't let anyone else spend money on parts etc until I've confirmed that I didn't make any mistakes in the layout of the PCB.

As well for anyone considering building a prototype, there is a lot of SMT on this board. You need to be comfortable with your ability to get parts down.

That being said, I'm comfortably optimistic that the little changes I've made should add to the sound quality.
Mar 14, 2012 at 7:10 PM Post #229 of 675


Mar 21, 2012 at 9:00 PM Post #233 of 675

I am totally in for a kit if/when they're up on Beezar! (Got a grub on the way, but would upgrade to a pup)

Rest assured, it's "when," not "if."

Mar 21, 2012 at 9:10 PM Post #234 of 675
I thought you were getting tired of stuffing little parts into plastic bags...

Rest assured, it's "when," not "if."


Mar 21, 2012 at 10:11 PM Post #235 of 675

I thought you were getting tired of stuffing little parts into plastic bags...



I think I have memory loss and don't remember pain very well.  The bad thing is for you guys, I usually don't settle on the price until after I've stuffed all the little bags ... when the pain is quite fresh.
  Seriously, this one is worth every bit of the suffering.
BTW, I've shipped everything cobaltmute needs to build the first one, so the pressure's on him (and the Canadian mail).

Apr 10, 2012 at 10:13 PM Post #240 of 675
Just a bit of an update - I hope cobaltmute won't mind.  He is busily working on the prototype V2 that he built last week.  He reports that the sound quality is excellent and better than our first versions.  Everything worked the first time!  There is a bit of a problem with DC voltage offset in one channel from the opamp, though.  Remember, there are no output coupling capacitors.  It's an awfully trivial amount, but a DAC is a source that gets amplified and that will increase the offset effect.  So, he's doing his best to get it lowered.  He's been partially successful so far, but is waiting on some new parts to try out.
Meanwhile, I've been bogged down by the IRS.  I expect to build one fairly quickly after next Monday (IRS deadline) and will let you all know if I have the same issue.  I'm sure cobaltmute will get it solved, though.  Like he said, he wanted to be sure to get a good working version before we share the PCB's with the rest of you, so please be patient.


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