my DAC design - pup1 DAC

Aug 16, 2011 at 12:34 PM Post #197 of 675
Just wanted to say that I've gotten mine back up and running. I had the two dac IC's removed by someone with a hot air re-work station, I cleaned it up and re soldiered. I can only guess that the thermal paste I put under the IC's was somewhat conductive. Either way, after swapping out the Skeleton dac in my system for this one I have been pleasured with amazing sound. This fairly simple USB dac is LEAGUES ahead of the other more simple dacs, its quite the improvement in detail, especially in the low end.
Cant wait for V2 :)
Sep 29, 2011 at 9:41 AM Post #201 of 675
Just moved over all my development tools to a new home machine from the work laptop and am just starting to get back into the rhythm.

Both of those triathlons I did as I expected. Towards the bottom of the middle of the pack. Not too bad considering I need to lose about 50-60 pounds.
Sep 30, 2011 at 3:00 AM Post #204 of 675

I may be slow, but it won't die.

That's great news.

Oct 17, 2011 at 10:01 PM Post #206 of 675

Excellent news, I still love mine :)

forsakenrider -
This is a digression (a big one), I know, but I keep seeing that Lil' Satan hanging on your wall!  Here's the creator - Larry Scarinzi - getting ready to launch the grandaddy of the entire design family (Super Satan).  The girl was well known at the time - Dawn Cosmillo - and was a Junior National Champion in Combat.  I was able to get my girlfriend (she's now my wife) launch mine every once in awhile, but she never flew one herself:

This was the caption at the time:
"... Cover photographer Ron Scalera captures the excitement of Combat in action. Larry Scarinzi holds his Super Satan ready for release while Nationals Champion Dawn Cosmillo (the plane's pilot) separates the control lines. Her opponent, already in the air, is awaiting the start of action. His plane and streamer are just a blurred streak in the background ..."
For some reason, this pic captures just about every boyhood fantasy I had at the time.

More details here:
Fuel was anywhere from 10 to 25% nitromethane under pressure from a baby pacifier - sort of fuel-injection to the extreme.  We'd blow up the baby pacifier like a balloon with a horse syringe - kept that engine running under extreme G's when the plane would turn at 125+ mph.

Again, sorry for the digression - it is DIY, just not electronics (you couldn't buy any of this stuff - it was all hand-made 'cept for the engines).

Oct 19, 2011 at 11:07 PM Post #207 of 675
Very cool Tomb. Always funny to see how people share all sorts of various hobbies. I still love DIY audio, and airplanes for the same reasons; tweaking, designing, trying, crashing, burning, and mostly LIVING! I dont fly the control line much any more but still have a few electric and nitro R/C planes.
For me its audio in the winter (cold up here in canada) and planes in the summer!
Oct 21, 2011 at 10:15 AM Post #208 of 675

Very cool Tomb. Always funny to see how people share all sorts of various hobbies. I still love DIY audio, and airplanes for the same reasons; tweaking, designing, trying, crashing, burning, and mostly LIVING! I dont fly the control line much any more but still have a few electric and nitro R/C planes.
For me its audio in the winter (cold up here in canada) and planes in the summer!

Yep - I know some people get frustrated sometimes building this stuff, especially SMD work like the excellent PupDAC.  However, at least you don't have to worry about crashing it once you get it built and working!

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