My apartment was robbed today.
Dec 6, 2001 at 3:39 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


Became Capt. Napalm tocombat apartment robberies!
Oct 14, 2001
Well, I left this morning around 10am, and got a call from my roommate at about 1:15, asking where my Playstation 2 and Dreamcast were.
I came home between classes and noticed that I was also missing 8 PS2 games, controllers, mem cards, my laptop computer, watch, portable dvd player, pda, and a buch of dvds (that I've noticed so far.) Plus, my recently acquired sony v6s. At least they left me Cambridge d500se, JMT amp, senn 580, akg 501s, and grado sr60s. I've called my landlord and the police, and my parents tell me that their insurance covers it (save the deductable, of course). Does anyone know how exactly the insurance company reimburses you? Do they give you a check, or replace all the stuff (and if so, how much say do you have on the condition/model numbers/etc. of the replacements)? Any suggestions?

Dec 6, 2001 at 4:10 AM Post #5 of 21
Man, that tottally sucks. The last time we were robbed was when I was 12 or so, and the bastards ripped off my Amiga, SNES, TV, Stereo...

Do your self a favor, get a good home security system. Walls doors and windows are SEVERELY over rated...
Dec 6, 2001 at 4:21 AM Post #6 of 21
How'd they get in, by the way. At least they didn't know what was good in your can collection, they proably just saw Sony and took the V6's.

I'm guessing you'll get a check with the current cost of the items-deductable. I hope your deductable isn't too high so you get most of your stuff back without having to pay anything out of pocket.
Dec 6, 2001 at 5:16 AM Post #8 of 21
Thanks guys.

Captbubba: My roommate just said he came home and the front door was wide open. Doesn't seem to be any sign of a break in, and I KNOW that I locked it before I left. Guess it's time for new locks.

Yeah Rick, at least I still have the AKGs and the Grados.
Dec 6, 2001 at 6:16 AM Post #9 of 21
There should be severe laws against headphone thieves, damn that sux, i think i would pass out if my cans were stolen...besides going on a shooting spree

Dec 6, 2001 at 8:44 AM Post #11 of 21

I had a break-in at my home some years ago, and all my CD's were stolen. I know how much this situation sucks, and I can say that I did get a decent settlement from my insurance company--but not without some persistence.

Generally, the insurance companies will give you a check for smallish amounts under, say $1,000. In my case, they couldn't really shop for 600 replacement CD's. In your case, there are two things to watch out for:

1) They might provide you with "equivalent" equipment, either new or used, provdided to them at a place where they have arranged a discount. In most states, you have the right to refuse a replacement you do not consider adequate, although there is usually a limit (three is usual) on how many of their offers you can reject.

2) They may provide you with a dollar replacement based on tables of depreciation that, for example, the US government uses for tax purposes. In my case, they suggested that my CD's were worth $1.90 or so each. I showed them price lists from various stores selling used CD's at $7.95 and up, and they went to those values in calculating my settlement.

Don't be afraid to refuse what they offer, especially on the first go-round. It really is a negotiable process when you are settling a claim for theft. Show them as much evidence as you can collect in printed form about any objections you want to make.

Wish you luck.
Dec 6, 2001 at 11:01 AM Post #12 of 21
Yes, similiar event happened to my friend at college - computer, surround, TV, were lifted.

The insurance gave her a fixed amount w/depreciation factored in.

Interesting that only the Sonys were lifted out of the cans, maybe the moron who robbed you thought they were V6000s...
Dec 6, 2001 at 4:26 PM Post #13 of 21
Sorry for the loss -- make sure that you don't touch much. The idiots probably left a ton of prints everywhere, and if this is something they do often, they've probably been caught doing something else just as stupid.

New locks are a must. Don't skimp -- and see if the insurance company will also front for that expense as well. Live video surviellence notice stickers are also deterrents.
Dec 6, 2001 at 5:44 PM Post #14 of 21
Ew. I just feel like hugging my CD3000 and my CD towers now.

Then again, it would be rather easy to replace the 3k, but much harder to find and pick over 800 CDs again.

I hope you do recover cash and end up with even better setups.

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