Just got my Ethers other day and they are more sensitive than my HD800..
It is right out the box very impressive.
I cant believe how much I like the tunning/signature on these Ethers..
No negatives:
Not dark,
not bright
Not lean,
Not dull,
Not boomy,
Not lacking or exagerrating details,
Not overdone in anything.
One distiction I find of the Ethers, is a lifelike sensation with a very lively presentation.
Dan has made a real winner with these..
I have compared to my HD800..
There are background sounds that were higher pitched on the HD800, and not solid enough to notice much on the HD800,
Yet are more neutral pitched and so more noticeable and solid on the Ethers.
I am really really liking these headphones, but I will wait untill they break in, and also until the "new headphone" phase passes.
As is, they sound lovely and rich right out of the box.
Because of the more natural midrange and solid bass and neutral pitched details, the Ethers are sounding more lifelike(!) to me..
In other words, the Ether is not bright as the HD800 if you are used to an HD800.
The stage is very holographic but not distant like the HD800.
They more neutral, bordering both bright and dark depending on the track.
A very full delicate rich lively sound without darkness or brightness..
The closer more immediate soundstage make it more lively than the HD800.
I would say it has 75% of the HD800 soundstage, yet strange I am prefering this Ether presentation more than the HD800.
I feel it is because of the trait it has to sound more lifelike.
This headphone is a real top "end game" headphone, there is no doubt about it.
I have heard almost all the other top end cans, out there , and I am certain of this.
So far I am wanting to pick these up over my HD800, which I have maximized with mods and amp matching.
The Ether are not obviously "the best" in any particular trait,
But they excell in being "near the top" in so many areas, making them t
he best all-rounder,
and extremely satisfying ..