Movies that you know are terrible but love anyways
Sep 26, 2004 at 3:06 AM Post #16 of 56

Originally Posted by MD1032
Come on...nobody mentioned "Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail" yet?

I love that movie, but I wouldn't say it's terrible by any means.

My vote would be The Big Lebowski. With a plot and character development as deep as you'll find in adult movies, the sheer oddity of its humor and its quotability makes it a great movie. And even though it's filled with profanity, it's hilarious to watch censored on TV. They obviously had some fun dubbing over the censored words... "This is what happens when you screw a stranger in the Alps!"
Sep 26, 2004 at 3:55 AM Post #17 of 56

Originally Posted by Judge Crandall
I guess most people would say I have a strange sense of humor. I'm a big fan of unintentional comedy. So I'll end up laughing at things that were never intended to be funny. This isn't to say that I don't enjoy intentional comedy, just that unintentional comedy brings something different to the table. Sometimes, I'll be watching a movie, and despite knowing that it is crap, that it should have never been made, I'll be laughing my ass off. Just curious if I was the only one who finds this stuff funny, or if I'm just a strange man.

Some of my favorites include:

Pet Semetary - Jud Crandall...nuff said
Devil's Advocate - Pacino as the Devil and Keanu as a small town Southern lawyer; what's not to love?
Judge Dredd - Stallone at his finest
Congo - Tim Curry trying to do a Romanian accent; Winston from the Ghostbusters doing a British accent

Keep in mind, I don't think these are good movies. They're some of the worst I've ever seen. But I do enjoy them.

the Judge

Whaa? Those are all good movies!
Sep 26, 2004 at 3:58 AM Post #18 of 56

terrible plot, over the top acting (though I do like johnny lee miller and ang jolie nowadays)
Worse technical referencing and technical simulations

but hey, the phantom phreak, you know the king of LI--nux (sounds like LIE NUCS)
Sep 26, 2004 at 6:35 AM Post #20 of 56
Bring It On
Starship Troopers
Judge Dredd

Sep 26, 2004 at 3:31 PM Post #27 of 56

Originally Posted by Judge Crandall
Judge Dredd - Stallone at his finest
Congo - Tim Curry trying to do a Romanian accent

Judge Crandall, you sure have great taste in bad movies.
Did you have to remind me of them though?

Plan 9 From Outer Space was voted as the worst movie of all-time, but it's so bad that it's good.
Sep 26, 2004 at 3:36 PM Post #28 of 56

Originally Posted by BlindTiger
OH yeah, I just forgot.
This really great movie I saw last week.
I give you "Road House" it's so bad, it's a hipster cult classic from what I hear.

Terrible movie. However I still find myself watching it almost every time it's on the tube!

Sep 26, 2004 at 3:52 PM Post #29 of 56

Originally Posted by soundboy
I think I am the only person on the planet that enjoys the American version of Godzilla. Hated the Americanization of the monster, but it was a good movie.

No you're not. Love that one too.

I also like the flying cows in Twister.

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