Most disappointing headphone purchase
Aug 3, 2006 at 5:39 AM Post #16 of 317
No headphone has yet really dissapointed me, but if I had to pick one to date it would have to be:
Sennheiser HD280pro.
Bad build quality and quite uncomfortable, add to that a dry sound that wasn't very musical, and ......... you get the idea.
Aug 3, 2006 at 5:41 AM Post #17 of 317
The Westone UM1!!

I hate these things. Just can't seem to like them. Bought them over the e3c thinking that they would be better cos of the bass. Sadly turns out that is all that there is. In fact the bass is just too bloated and not accurate.

There is no clarity in the sound whatsoever. I like the kramer modded e2c over the um1 anyday. At least e2c is fun to listen to.

UM1 sound is totally veiled and not at all engaging. Still can't understand how people can like an earphone that is not engaging.

People going for this should save up and buy the e4c or some other earphones instead. Or if money is an issue go for er6i or the e2c. Much better values in my opinion.
Aug 3, 2006 at 5:41 AM Post #18 of 317
Triports AFTER i got my a900. The Triports were free and I still took them apart and then threw them away.

E3c was kinda a disappointment for me. Im sure it is a great IEM but I think I realized that IEM are not for me at all. I have yet to try one that I like. (And no I have not tried the E500 yet
Aug 3, 2006 at 5:54 AM Post #20 of 317
My Sony MDR-V300's I got when I was 14 or so. After that, I've loved every purchase.

Aug 3, 2006 at 6:46 AM Post #21 of 317
I don't think I've been disappointed with any of my headphone purchases. Each and every one was purchased for a specific feature or sound I was going for, and they have all delivered as expected.

However, if I had to choose, I'd say my MS-2... Not because I don't like them (I do like the way they sound, although there's no soundstage to speak of, but that's another topic entirely), but because they're so d@mn uncomfortable!!! Can you say "sandpaper on my ears"?
Aug 3, 2006 at 10:56 AM Post #22 of 317
HD555 (cheapish, dull & overpriced)
EP630 (sound sucks due to bad fitting)
Vivanco SR950 (satire of a can: 40% bass, 150% mids, 100% one-tone highs, no details)
Aug 3, 2006 at 12:26 PM Post #24 of 317
Audio-Technica ATH-ES5 (wanted to see for myself if they are as bad as the reviews around headfi make them out to be). Well, they are. No sound isolation to speak of, take too long to unfold, and a truly impressive ability to turn music into an incoherent series of notes ;-\
Aug 3, 2006 at 12:34 PM Post #25 of 317
Koss The Plug without a doubt.
I don't really like my K271s very much, but I got them very cheap and they aren't bad sounding, just a little lifeless (greatly improved when amping)
Aug 3, 2006 at 1:03 PM Post #27 of 317
AKG K701. It's sound was definitely not what I am looking for when listening to music. Plus very uncomfortable on my head (headband kept pressing on the top of my head causing headaches) and due to the bad position on my head I couldn't get the perfect position for best sound.

audio-technica ATH-W1000. I hate it. I find it unmusically and "empty" soundig with way too agressive hieghts and no deep bass at all. Well, it looks great and is quite comfortable...but that's it.

audio technica ATH-C705. Although these were a present I expected much more from a 49$ earphone. I stick with my MX500.

Aug 3, 2006 at 1:14 PM Post #28 of 317
Koss the plug : a complete piece of sh** IMO
Porta Pro : Same bass vomiting device as the plug.
And not totally satisfied with my Sen PX200, replaced by a Creative HQ1700 (=ATH FC7) for portable use, which is far better to my ears.
Aug 3, 2006 at 1:23 PM Post #30 of 317
Didnt purchase them but tried them out at a local store, the Grados line. Honestly I didnt like them at all and I never thought they would be so big, well they are big for my taste. Shure e2c for the price is not worth it at all. Only good thing about the e2c I feel is the isolation.

But my best purchase ever buying an IEM would have to be E500 and I have sold them
due to some financial concerns. But I will be definitly buying them again very soon as the clarity of those IEMS I think are better then a lot of headphones I tried out last week. I even tried the AKG 701, some sens, most of Grados and nothing compared to the E500s. I am actually listening to them right now as I type this and they will be gone by tonight

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