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I'm currently driving my HD800 straight out of my Hugo. I love it, but I often think of adding a full size amp. I've narrowed it down to the Bakoon HPA-21 and the Moon 430HA, and was wondering if anyone had experience with both. I do want to add some lush emotionality to the HD800's but retain transparency and detail. I really value "take you there" holographic imaging with a large soundstage. Any thoughts?
Finally, and I don't want to discourage you or sound arrogant or negative, but I wouldn't buy a $3500 amp without auditioning it very carefully together with other amps and I would also add DAC's to that test and really try different combinations, also with your Hugo. You say that you love Hugo, but you're still willing to spend +$1000 more than the price of Hugo on an amp alone...
Hope this helps. If you want more info about 430, let me know
Intersting. Please share your thoughts about Yggdrasil and 430.I replaced my Vega with a Bel Canto DAC 3.5 with a Ref pwr supply and Ref USB SPDIF converter and it was a sizable upgrade for $4000 from the used market. This three chassis DAC with the 430ha is transparent enough to clearly show if my external hard drives are not plugged in correct polarity . I also plan to try the Yaggy with the Moon.
.... Looking at the amp alone, to my ears it's endgame. I'll start by testing a bunch of DAC's to match the 430, invest and use it together with my current amp (Sennheiser HDVA600) and then take the step...
You're exactly right, that's why the 430HA is so scary
And I believe you're doing the right thing with what you have at the moment. I'm not as deep in yet...
I still believe there is a 'perfect' match for the 430 that isn't MSB V or similar. What about the 380d DSD ?
That's first on my my list to try.
On the other hand, I will explore the tube way too. Maybe that's my savior?
I was looking hard at the new 780D, until I saw the price tag. That killed it pretty fast.
My best guess (and it is just a guess at this point) is that the 380D would be a marginal improvement over the Vega - not a big step change that could justify the cost.
I'm thinking 780D down the line too
Wanting to use the 600i integrated as a headphone amp, so a two stack would be nice..
If these are your 2 options - I would strongly suggest a thorough listening test to compare. There's no cutting corners to such an investment in my opinion...
I will for certain keep my Hugo, but then again I use it for portable sessions, and not for desktop. I will follow another route; upgrade DAC, then get 430HA or something in the same league. Hugo + 430HA is not an alternative for me, neither is 430HAD alone. Why? Because 430HA revealed just how much you can scale HD800 - and the built-in DAC of 430HA didn't take me all the way. Neither did Hugo + 430HA. Looking at the amp alone, to my ears it's endgame. I'll start by testing a bunch of DAC's to match the 430, invest and use it together with my current amp (Sennheiser HDVA600) and then take the step...
I'll post a link to the full review once it's up on http://blog.moon-audio.com/
My plan is to sit back and enjoy the Vega for another couple of years and see where the market goes. I am hoping that the SQ that costs 10 to 20K today will trickle down to the 5K price range in a 2 or 3 years. That might be crazy thinking, but dreams are free.