Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones
Aug 24, 2017 at 12:49 AM Post #5,341 of 8,052
I do love my sub-bass. These planars respond to EQ well given their very low distortion. But, yes I also rock a RBH HP-2 and an E-MU Teak. My thoughts on the RBH HP-2.

Since my Vegans are still in the mail (international shipping), I decided to put my felt to use and just did this:


Uhm, I think this fixed the sound for me. When I push the pads closer to my ears, I literally hear no change in sound besides everything getting a little closer and louder. Before, I could clearly hear the separation and midrange clarity coming into focus. It was a very obvious transition as I compressed the cups...

Now, these sound like a million bucks. Airy, clear, natural. Wow.


I cannot BELIEVE how amazing these sound now. OMG. The midrange clarity, and this airiness, and the right amount bass, OH. My. GOD. I'm so thrilled.
Can't wait for you to compare that mod with the vegans, or even maybe trying those mods on the vegans. You might be onto something
Aug 24, 2017 at 12:55 AM Post #5,342 of 8,052
Can't wait for you to compare that mod with the vegans, or even maybe trying those mods on the vegans. You might be onto something

To be honest, at this point, I don't know if I'll bother with the vegans. I might just sell them. They sound that good now.

Thinking through it, this should be the most effective mod if the problem is roomy stiff pad walls mucking up the sound.
Aug 24, 2017 at 12:59 AM Post #5,345 of 8,052
How do those feel to the ears? I feel like those would chafe my ears after extended use.

The stock pads? They're very big and plush. I'd be surprised if they chaff a new born.

EDIT: If you're talking about the felt lining, I can't feel them. :)
Aug 24, 2017 at 1:05 AM Post #5,347 of 8,052
Yeah, I meant the felt lining at the side lol. The stock pads are indeed smooth as a baby's buttocks.
Do you also have the fuzzor mod done on your pair? or just the lining in the pads?

I just have the lining on the pads. I figured they aim to solve the same problem. The fuzzor mod aims to dampen sound reflected back at the driver. Well, the only thing that could make that happen is the pads, so I dampened the pads, which nips the problem upstream. The stock pads' grill mesh is already a dampener as well.

I was going to do the fuzzor with this felt when replacing the pads with vegans. Not sure if it's worth the trouble now. I'm sitting here listening to music with a big grin.
Aug 24, 2017 at 1:08 AM Post #5,348 of 8,052
I'm curious to the why of "I can't be bothered" statement.

It's simple really, I buy something and I expect it to work fine without me doing anything more to it. It's fine to mod to alter a sound signature. In this case I'm modding to get rid of an inherent flaw in the headphone that shouldn't even exist in the first place. Though I'd be down to do all that if I'm getting paid by Monoprice as an engineer to fix their headphones.
Aug 24, 2017 at 1:14 AM Post #5,350 of 8,052
It's simple really, I buy something and I expect it to work fine without me doing anything more to it. It's fine to mod to alter a sound signature. In this case I'm modding to get rid of an inherent flaw in the headphone that shouldn't even exist in the first place. Though I'd be down to do all that if I'm getting paid by Monoprice as an engineer to fix their headphones.
I get your point, but I wouldn't call the 5khz ringing a "inherent flaw" since many don't have the issue, my self included. To me the stock M1060 that I heard was life less and almost to the point of "veiled" to me, it didn't have 5khz ringing which was an issue for me with the HD600 due to a small peak at 4-5khz.
Aug 24, 2017 at 1:29 AM Post #5,351 of 8,052
@junki, looks like you know what you want and thanks for pointing out the RBH HP-2 since I've never heard of them before.

Glad to spread the word about them. :) RBH Sound is an American loudspeaker company that's been in operation since the 70s and who operate on no apparent marketing budget whatsoever. They have traditionally only sold to installers instead of direct to consumers. Their flagship loudspeaker costs $20,000 and have beryllium woofers. Their website is about as fancy as
Aug 24, 2017 at 1:43 AM Post #5,353 of 8,052
@junki, looks like you know what you want and thanks for pointing out the RBH HP-2 since I've never heard of them before.

@johanchandy, good luck with your mods and how you find a bass heavy can in the future that meets your needs

It's like you didn't even read my last post smh
Aug 24, 2017 at 2:32 AM Post #5,355 of 8,052
Decided to play with an online 3d modeling software for the grills and created these two designs. Probably not enough reinforcement, but it was just for fun. I wanted it to look nice with the Monolith logo and reduce the amount of material used to reduce sound bouncing off the grill since the stock grill blocks too much imo. I'll include the stl and obj if someone wants to try printing them.

Edit: Just realized that the holes are in the wrong place. Oh well.
Edit 2: Fixed
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