Mini Review: Bada PH-12
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:41 PM Post #136 of 244

Originally Posted by drarthurwells
Honest to God I don't remember which models they were. One was about 15 years ago then the other was about 8 years ago. They each had a dedicated amp designed for them. I paid many thousands of dollars each for them - not sure how much. The SA5000 reminds me of their fine sound.

Maybe you can remember the ones on the list I provided for you. Any of those look familiar?
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:44 PM Post #137 of 244

Originally Posted by chesebert
Just to throw something else into this can of worm. Bada is hardly regarded in the Chinese headphone forums, as matter of affect, mentioning Bada overthere will just get you the oh hum stare. There are a lot more Chinese tube amps out there that are much much better than Bada.

Dar, are you working for Bada by any chance? are you one of thse forum members hired by Bada to promote and create marketing clouds around the company's products? We know Ageia is doing that for Nvidia, I don't want to believe we have someone here on headfi. But I can not rule out the possibilities now. sad sad day.

No I do not work for anyone, anywhere. I love the hybrid sound of the Bada. I love my E5. I love my SA5000. I love my NTA preamp and Classe' amp, and home speakers. I am getting the best sound ever (50 years in HiFi sound), for very little money.

If I can find a better amp for $2000 or less I would buy it. But I am afraid to go to all tube or all SS, been there done that many times, for fear of losing out on the hybrid combo of qualities of both.
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:47 PM Post #138 of 244

Originally Posted by drarthurwells
Honest to God I don't remember which models they were. One was about 15 years ago then the other was about 8 years ago. They each had a dedicated amp designed for them. I paid many thousands of dollars each for them - not sure how much. The SA5000 reminds me of their fine sound.

You can't even remember which Stax headphones & amps you owned and you honestly expect us to believe you remember how they sounded like? What a complete load of crock. That is just blatant BS.
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:48 PM Post #139 of 244

Originally Posted by drarthurwells
...In recording this phase distortion is carefully controlled to provide detail that you can't hear in live music. A good recording is better than live in regards to hearing detail of the tone and inner detail of different instrument tones. This is resolution. The SA5000 has this to a great degree. It is this resolution that is essential to uncolored (natural) timbre, as well as proper cone material, transient response, and non-reonant materials in housing the cone.

As I often have said, the SA5000 is the best dynamic headphone for under$2000 as it is highly resolving, has great transient response, uses non-resonant materials in cone support and housing, and has a nano structure cone that is very neutral (natural).

I'm beginning to have pity on you, as you are getting attacked by a growing front of people. But you're contributing a lot to this. E.g. with the statement above about the oh so superior SA5000 -- again without any «IMO» or «to/on my ears». Do you really think you are the only one (beside AUDIO) who has the right ears, the listening experience and the understanding to be able to acknowledge the SA5000's glory?

As to phase distortion: The SA5000 has a built-in private phase distortion...

attachment.php the form of artificial near-field reflections, meant for introducing Sony's traditional reverberative sound enhancement according to their sonic ideal. I've managed to reduce them, but still the artificiality of this headphone's sonic characteristic was a letdown to me. And I know I'm not alone.
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:48 PM Post #140 of 244
chesebert - That amp looks gorgeous!
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:49 PM Post #141 of 244
Art: When are you going to have the owner of the Bada PH12, that you listened to, contact me at ?

aerius: Completely irrelevant to the discussion.

And you still haven't answered the points.

Art: Wonder why you don't want the Bada PH12 owner of the amp you listened to communicate with me? Again you say I evade when it is you who evade.

I believe my past posts have covered all points. What points specifically would you like me to address (no links just a clear statement).
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:49 PM Post #142 of 244

Originally Posted by drarthurwells
I am getting the best sound ever (50 years in HiFi sound), for very little money.

Say it with me now, "Best sound ever for you."
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:50 PM Post #143 of 244

Originally Posted by aerius
[size=large]Answer the points Art, or concede.[/size]

Art: See the above post.
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:51 PM Post #144 of 244

Originally Posted by philodox
Say it with me now, "Best sound ever for you."

Art: How could my statement possibly be interpreted otherwise?
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:52 PM Post #145 of 244

Originally Posted by drarthurwells
I believe my past posts have covered all points.

Oh you do... well I don't have time now, but later tonight I will gather some things together. Let's just say there won't be only three links.

Originally Posted by drarthurwells
How could my statement possibly be interpreted otherwise?

Given the statements you've made about your gear in the past do you blame me for taking it that way?

I am glad to be proven wrong in this case though.
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:52 PM Post #146 of 244

Originally Posted by drarthurwells
Those who reject any difference of opinion stay imprisoned in their ignorance.


Originally Posted by drarthurwells
As I often have said, the SA5000 is the best dynamic headphone for under$2000 . . . .

I'd be curious to know how you would square these two statments . Perhaps it is at the root of some of the disagreements that are being discussed in this thread?
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:54 PM Post #147 of 244

Originally Posted by philodox
chesebert - That amp looks gorgeous!

exactly, and if you want hybrid, you can find FEEL HP200...I am sure some headfiers have that. It looks great, it sound great, I tested one out when i was in China and get this..its only $400 + shipping...

Dra makes it sounds like there is only one worthy amp made in China and that's Bada...I just want to let everyone know that there are choices, and to that point, better choices.

More choices from P.R.C.













HOW MUCH? around $400 + shipping!!! com'on Dar...stop preaching Bada..we can do better!
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:59 PM Post #148 of 244

Originally Posted by drarthurwells
SACD lover (Earl): I do find the sa5000 detailed and resolving but the detail is just to much. You never hear detail resolution like that from the sa5000 with live/ unamplified music.

Art: But Aerius, who started this thread, said the SA5000 lacks detail resolution.

So, totally opposite conclusions from meet listening.

Earl: So what? Perhaps he considers hyper detail not to be true detail resolution.

The reason that you do not hear such detail (as afforded by the SA5000) in live music is because live music is muddied by phase distortion in the listening environment unles you are in the front center (conductor's listening position).
This phase distortion is from reflected sound that is delayed from walls, objects, floors and ceilings, etc., relative to the sound that travels directly in your ears.

In recording this phase distortion is carefully controlled to provide detail that you can't hear in live music. A good recording is better than live in regards to hearing detail of the tone and inner detail of different instrument tones. This is resolution. The SA5000 has this to a great degree. It is this resolution that is essential to uncolored (natural) timbre, as well as proper cone material, transient response, and non-rosonant materials in housing the cone.

As I often have said, the SA5000 is the best dynamic headphone for under$2000 as it is highly resolving, has great transient response, uses non-resonant materials in cone support and housing, and has a nano structure cone that is very neutral (natural).

Earl: So recordings are better than live? You are so out there I dont even know what to say! You think a headphone and a recording provide better resolution that the live music itself?

SACD lover (Earl): The sa5000 doesn't have a neutral frequency response and it does not sound natural.

Art: Perhaps true for some in meet listening. TheSA5000 has as smooth as a frequency response as any other dynamic headphone - the HD650 dips below 0 db while the SA5000 rises above 0 db at around 10KHz, but otherwise they are the same. I get more of a natural timbre with the SA5000 than the HD650, owning them both at the same time.

Earl: The 650 and the sa5000 are the same except for their response around 10khz. You HAVE TO BE KIDDING. These two headophones sound nothing alike. How many times have you yourself commented how differently these two specific headphones sound?

Earl: Did you look at the headamp list I have posted numerous times to see if you have listened to anything on this list?

I guess if you cant answer the question we are safe assuming that you have heard a grand total of [size=xx-large]0[/size] headamps on the list.
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:59 PM Post #149 of 244
I have followed this thread as well as other Bada PH12 and Eastsound CD-E5 threads with interest, as I am on the verge of ordering the Eastsound from Cattylink. Since I am already ordering, I am tempted to add the Bada PH12 to the order. I would really appreciate it if Dr. Arthur Wells would allow his Bada PH12 to be heard at a Head-Fi meet somewhere. Honestly, my only agenda is to get more impressions of the Bada so I can have more information/opinions/impressions before placing my order with Cattylink. It seems like Dr. Wells could do a good thing for the community by having the Bada evaluated by other Head-Fiers at a meet, without conditions regarding which tubes are used and which other amps may be listened to within a five day period. It does seem like Dr. Wells has incredibly favorable opinions of the Bada PH12, as well as favorable opinions of the BLAudio LP-1. He displays and links both in his signature, and I believe he has offered in the past to allow Head-Fi folks to audition either if they pay for shipping both ways. Anyway, it would help me if he would allow others to evaluate the Bada PH12 at a meet. I like to hear impressions from as many people as possible. And yes, others impressions do have some influence over whether I will decide to order this amp from Cattylink or not. I realize I may dislike it even though others love it, or love it even though others dislike it. I would still rather have others impressions/opinions before ordering. If this amp was sold by HeadRoom, I would buy it in one second because I know I could return it with minimal shipping costs if I dislike it. However, the thought of possibly wanting to return this amp to Hong Kong and the shipping costs associated with that is keeping me on the fence. I think additional impressions of the amp would be a good thing.
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:59 PM Post #150 of 244

Originally Posted by chesebert
exactly, and if you want hybrid, you can find FEEL HP200...I am sure some headfiers have that. It looks great, it sound great, I tested one out when i was in China and get this..its only $400 + shipping...

Dra makes it sounds like there is only one worthy amp made in China and that's Bada...I just want to let everyone know that there are choices, and to that point, better choices.

The Feel HP200 is a hybrid?

Is it a class A with no negative feedback design?

What tubes is it supplied with?

What headphone impedance range?

I am salivating!!!!

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