Jan 2, 2004 at 10:29 AM Post #61 of 111

Originally posted by heeeraldo
still rumours. yesterday's As The Apple Turns (news/satire) ( examines the sources behind the articles... which lead back to the original rumour.

has apple released any statements denying development or plans to release an 'ipodjr' or something like that? /. is a huge site and im sure if apple wasnt aware of the rumors before they sure are after that post. usually if something was grossly wrong they would issue a statement correcting it [for investor relations purposes at least] but so far i havnt heard anything from apple. may be these rumors have some truth to them?
Jan 2, 2004 at 10:41 AM Post #62 of 111
For better or worse, Apple doesn't really play that way. I'm sure Apple was aware of the rumors as soon as they first appeared (there's a history between Apple and the various Mac rumor sites). Also it's a little difficult to work the next rumor if you deny the current false ones. Of course most companies would do it for short term reasons, but the Macworld events are somewhat about hype, announcements, and deadlines. Expect at least something big revealed in a few days.

Also everyone keep in mind, just because something is announced at Macworld, doesn't mean it's going to be immediately available.
Jan 2, 2004 at 6:03 PM Post #63 of 111
i just read on yahoo news that apple will not be releasing their mini-ipods
Jan 2, 2004 at 11:44 PM Post #65 of 111
Yet another news sighting...

The important quote from this one:


Sources at an Apple retailer in Los Angeles tell that the rumors of the new budget priced iPod are completely true. Apple has not made any official statements on the matter, as they tend to prefer to make their new product announcements public at MacWorld.

Hope?.. perhaps?
Jan 3, 2004 at 12:14 AM Post #66 of 111

Originally posted by MacDEF
I made a point of not thread-crapping; I guess you just couldn't do the same. And you had to throw a few flames in, too

You should learn your computer history before you start flaming people. I never said Apple was a "bargain type company." I was simply taking issue with your ignorant assertion that Apple has "never had bargains." When the first LaserWriter was produced, the Mac platform was by far the least expensive way to obtain a professional-quality computer/printing system. In fact, it was advertised, and lauded, for being incredibly inexpensive compared to the competition.

Nowadays, Apple does not target the "low-end" (read: $400 limited computer) market. But that doesn't make their products "rip-offs." Even today they make a number of products that offer more for the money than most other computer manufacturers.

I really hope you can keep that promise so you don't take this thread even further off-topic.

You call my comments ignorant and groundless and I am flaming you? And taking this subject off topic? Give me a break. You are the one repeatedly challenging me by making blanket statements (ie. "you don't know what you are talking", "do your research") and you are trying to play the nice guy here? Nice.

As far as it being off-topic, I don't see how evaluating a company's history to try to predict the possibility of a rumor being true is off-topic at all. If you haven't noticed, this is what this thread is about - the RUMORED Mini-iPods. If it was rumored Toyota was making a Space Shuttle type aircraft and there was a thread about it, would you knock anyone who suggested that Toyota was in the business of making cars so the rumor is unlikely? [Just an example btw, ...waiting for someone to give me a random fact about how Toyota used to make jet engines or something.]
Jan 3, 2004 at 12:27 AM Post #67 of 111
Actually, the iMac wasen't a half bad deal for what you got when it first came out. The iBooks arn't exactly high end either.

Apple targets markets it knows it will sell in. They've learned their mistakes from the past (Newtons, anyone?) and I think now they rightly think they can kick major @ss in the mini-iPod market. And they probably will.

Lets see, 100$ for 2 gig or 100$ for 128... Consumers arn't TOTAL retards.
Jan 3, 2004 at 2:07 AM Post #68 of 111

Originally posted by sygyzy
You call my comments ignorant and groundless and I am flaming you?

*sigh* I knew this was going to happen.

Your comments were ignorant in that they were uninformed -- that's what ignorant means. You made a comment that "Apple never has bargains." That's factually incorrect, so I called you on it. You could have left it at that, but instead, your response was to discredit anyone who disagrees with you (even if they know more about the topic than you) by calling them "sadly confused" and saying they must be "big Apple fans." You even went so far as to say that conflicting statements -- even though they were informed -- were "silly and fanboyism at it's finest."

If you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know that even Apple's most expensive laptop, for $2999, is a deal for the features you get, especially compared to comparably-equipped brand-name Windows laptops. They sell other models that are similarly good deals compared to comparable products on the Windows side. Not every model is a stunning deal, but to say that you can't get a great deal with an Apple computer is simply uninformed. And they don't even have any models over $3000. Your backhanded comment that Apple fans get excited when they can get a laptop for less than $4000 merely proves that my statement about your knowledge level on this topic was accurate.

At least in my responses I've posted comments that address your points. The best way to convince people that you aren't uninformed is to post facts, not flames. Don't expect friendly responses from people when you make posts that call other people "fanboys" and "sadly confused," especially when you're the one who doesn't appear to have accurate information.

[The problem with getting into a conversation about Apple on the Internet is that 90% of the Apple critics out there don't really have a clue about the topic. Those of us who do know what we're talking about can't say anything positive about Apple without being labeled "fanatics" or "fanboys."
It's the old "if you can't out-debate them, just label them fanatics" cop-out. The irony is that I have two PCs sitting here, too


You are the one repeatedly challenging me

You made uninformed comments. That's not a flame; it's a factual observation. I simply suggested you do your homework. If you see that as a "challenge," then at least see it as a challenge to, well, do your homework. Not as a challenge to get into a childish flameflest.
Jan 3, 2004 at 2:29 AM Post #69 of 111
Hey, let's talk politics and religion. Ya know....lighten things up a bit. Really...
Jan 3, 2004 at 5:05 AM Post #70 of 111

Originally posted by scottder
Hey, let's talk politics and religion. Ya know....lighten things up a bit. Really...

LOL, agreed
Jan 3, 2004 at 7:39 AM Post #71 of 111
ahem...ANYWAY, i went to the honolulu apple store today and asked one of the apple salespersons whether or not they could say anything about the mini-iPod rumors...and all he said was, "no." not even a wry smile or a smirk or personality whatsoever. i'm not sure how to interpret this...if there is something to the rumors then he can't say anything about it (obviously). but, if the rumors are totally unsubstantiated, i'd think that maybe he would tell people that the rumors are false. so, this tells me that there is some truth to the rumors...but methinks i'm spending way to much time dwelling on this...
Jan 3, 2004 at 8:06 AM Post #72 of 111
On the way home from work (11pm) went past the Moscone Center (where Macworld will be held). What are on the hugh 20' posters greeting visitors on either side of the entrance? Images of the G5 processor? PowerBooks? Even a simple Apple logo? No, they're iPod ads.
Not exactly the best way to dispel rumors, huh?
Jan 3, 2004 at 9:09 AM Post #73 of 111

Originally posted by kugino
i went to the honolulu apple store today and asked one of the apple salespersons whether or not they could say anything about the mini-iPod rumors...and all he said was, "no." not even a wry smile or a smirk or personality whatsoever. i'm not sure how to interpret this...if there is something to the rumors then he can't say anything about it (obviously). but, if the rumors are totally unsubstantiated, i'd think that maybe he would tell people that the rumors are false.

The truth is he doesn't know himself. The people in the retail stores are the last people to know about these sorts of things -- they usually find out when they open the boxes
Apple is very secretive, even among their own employees. I know several people who work at Apple, and they rarely know anything about any products that they aren't personally working on. (And even then, sometimes they only know about the part of that product they're working on -- they may be in the dark about the product as a whole!)
Jan 3, 2004 at 9:39 AM Post #74 of 111

Originally posted by MacDEF
The problem with getting into a conversation about Apple on the Internet is that 90% of the Apple critics out there don't really have a clue about the topic. Those of us who do know what we're talking about can't say anything positive about Apple without being labeled "fanatics" or "fanboys."
It's the old "if you can't out-debate them, just label them fanatics" cop-out.

you have a company label as part of your online moniker, and you are suprised when people call you a fanatic or fanboy?


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