Mid Fi - General chat for all discussions and general chat a Thread for all.
Apr 12, 2024 at 8:15 AM Post #46 of 712
To get the conversation flowing, what are your top mid-fi sets right now?

My personal list:
Symphonium Titan, Nightjar Singularity, U4s, IER-Z1R, Symphonium Crimson
My top 5 (today)
Oriveti OH700VB
Alpha Omega RA
Tansoi mira X
Miroak-ii Kalimantan
Campfire Cascara
Actually just bubbling under a $200 set the Nicehck Himalaya DD which is superb and plays well above its price range.
Apr 12, 2024 at 8:22 AM Post #47 of 712
So here's the problem as I see it: this thread exists solely to provide segmentation and differentiation based on price.

The spirit of The Discovery Thread -- which was started a long time ago, when good IEMs were fewer and farther between -- was to find the diamonds in the rough. That's still the case. The only difference is that, as IEMs have improved across the board, The Discovery Thread has evolved to focus more on exceptional performers that also represent exceptional values.

The spirit of The Watercooler Thread was to shift the focus to performance exclusively, regardless of price. Not surprisingly, this often results in discussion of IEMs that tend to be more expensive than most. And yes, this often means summit-fi flagships and not much else.

However, in the case of both of those threads, an IEM's performance is both central and critical. An IEM that does not perform won't be discussed much in Discovery, no matter how cheap it is. Likewise, an IEM that does not perform exceptionally, will be completely ignored in Watercooler. Let me put it this way... if I were to use the terms lo-fi, mid-fi and hi-fi, I think most people would understand those to be descriptors of performance or quality... and not price. But here, mid-fi isn't so much an indicator of how an IEM performs, but rather how much it costs?

For example, looking at the first post, we can see that the only qualification for discussion here is a price bracket. And from the subsequent posts, apparently even that fluctuates from person to person. This seems to imply that this thread exists to provide economic stratification.

So it's mainly a socioeconomic thing then?
A fair comment I was just trying to make a place for the grey area and following comments probably said in sarcastic jest to some comments I thought a middle bracket thread might be fun. It's not mandatory anyone can post or not it's just fun. I don't think fragmentation in the hobby is necessarily a bad thing as its such a huge hobby with literally thousands of new iems of all price ranges launched it seems every week.
I'm hoping those iems that fall in the middle range which often dissappear when they are actually superb products.
Apr 12, 2024 at 8:22 AM Post #48 of 712
So here's the problem as I see it: this thread exists solely to provide segmentation and differentiation based on price.

The spirit of The Discovery Thread -- which was started a long time ago, when good IEMs were fewer and farther between -- was to find the diamonds in the rough. That's still the case. The only difference is that, as IEMs have improved across the board, The Discovery Thread has evolved to focus more on exceptional performers that also represent exceptional values.

The spirit of The Watercooler Thread was to shift the focus to performance exclusively, regardless of price. Not surprisingly, this often results in discussion of IEMs that tend to be more expensive than most. And yes, this often means summit-fi flagships and not much else.

However, in the case of both of those threads, an IEM's performance is both central and critical. An IEM that does not perform won't be discussed much in Discovery, no matter how cheap it is. Likewise, an IEM that does not perform exceptionally, will be completely ignored in Watercooler. Let me put it this way... if I were to use the terms lo-fi, mid-fi and hi-fi, I think most people would understand those to be descriptors of performance or quality... and not price. But here, mid-fi isn't so much an indicator of how an IEM performs, but rather how much it costs?

For example, looking at the first post, we can see that the only qualification for discussion here is a price bracket. And from the subsequent posts, apparently even that fluctuates from person to person. This seems to imply that this thread exists to provide economic stratification.

So it's mainly a socioeconomic thing then?
This pretty much sums up why terms like "lo-fi," "mid-fi," and "hi-fi" only make sense for brands doing marketing. We're all going to have our own definitions based on our own preferences and spending limits (if we have them). To me, defining "mid-fi" is a bit like defining "middle class" in the US. Here in the US, pretty much everyone--regardless of actual income--believes they are middle class. I'd assume that the same goes for mid-fi. The majority of hobbyists probably think they are "mid-fi" listeners, regardless of what they actually spend on a set of IEMs.

Nevertheless, I'm down for the ride and curious to see where this thread goes!
Apr 12, 2024 at 8:31 AM Post #50 of 712
So here's the problem as I see it: this thread exists solely to provide segmentation and differentiation based on price.

The spirit of The Discovery Thread -- which was started a long time ago, when good IEMs were fewer and farther between -- was to find the diamonds in the rough. That's still the case. The only difference is that, as IEMs have improved across the board, The Discovery Thread has evolved to focus more on exceptional performers that also represent exceptional values.

The spirit of The Watercooler Thread was to shift the focus to performance exclusively, regardless of price. Not surprisingly, this often results in discussion of IEMs that tend to be more expensive than most. And yes, this often means summit-fi flagships and not much else.

However, in the case of both of those threads, an IEM's performance is both central and critical. An IEM that does not perform won't be discussed much in Discovery, no matter how cheap it is. Likewise, an IEM that does not perform exceptionally, will be completely ignored in Watercooler. Let me put it this way... if I were to use the terms lo-fi, mid-fi and hi-fi, I think most people would understand those to be descriptors of performance or quality... and not price. But here, mid-fi isn't so much an indicator of how an IEM performs, but rather how much it costs?

For example, looking at the first post, we can see that the only qualification for discussion here is a price bracket. And from the subsequent posts, apparently even that fluctuates from person to person. This seems to imply that this thread exists to provide economic stratification.

So it's mainly a socioeconomic thing then?

Personally, as I said before, I think Mid Fi is a pretty self explanatory state of mind and doesn’t need a firm price range just general guides that are not set in stone absolute limits.

People will naturally gravitate to discussion about mid fi gear that performs well or warning others off gear which doesn’t perform well just like the discovery and WC.

How about just let things grow organically and see where it takes it’s contributors rather than being critical three pages in ?

I at least waited until the WC was 5740 pages in before I queried the description of it’s purpose which as you pointed out really is a focus on high performance gear which generally is also high end gear not general banter and philosophical conversation at all.

Gosh we are three pages in and we have had IEM, DAP and headphone pictures, music suggestions, personal introductions, comments about motorbikes and an admission about enjoying a glass or two of red wine since I live in wine country.

It might flop in ten pages or it might flourish, only one way to find out.
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Apr 12, 2024 at 8:34 AM Post #51 of 712
Talking of Daps this turned up today
Apr 12, 2024 at 8:36 AM Post #52 of 712
Talking of Daps this turned up today 20240412_113031.jpg20240412_112823.jpg20240412_112820.jpg20240412_111404.jpg
Oh, nice! I was curious about it because I wanted a daily/travel DAP. I know you just got it, but do you have any way-too-soon impressions for us?
Apr 12, 2024 at 8:42 AM Post #53 of 712
Oh, nice! I was curious about it because I wanted a daily/travel DAP. I know you just got it, but do you have any way-too-soon impressions for us?
Way too soon impressions is very snappy ui even with 29,000 songs sound is everything you expect with tubes in classic mode very organic playback a definite upgrade over the N3pro and absolutely beautiful the perfect size for travel.
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Apr 12, 2024 at 8:43 AM Post #54 of 712
A fair comment …..

You are to polite !! 😂

Folks can use whatever words they want to describe the apparent intent of different threads but the reality is there is a huge spread of interests, budgets, levels of enthusiasm etc within the general Head Fi community.

And that is fine, as was pointed out to me recently, people will find their place and should have the decency to let others enjoy the place that suits them and that they enjoy without questioning.

Nothing wrong with a place that, regardless of how it is described or promoted, is aimed at the middle ground enthusiast that isn’t necessarily interested in the best $25 IEM that sounds like it should cost $100 or a $13,000 flagship IEM and DAP combo.
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Apr 12, 2024 at 8:52 AM Post #55 of 712
A fair comment I was just trying to make a place for the grey area and following comments probably said in sarcastic jest to some comments I thought a middle bracket thread might be fun. It's not mandatory anyone can post or not it's just fun. I don't think fragmentation in the hobby is necessarily a bad thing as its such a huge hobby with literally thousands of new iems of all price ranges launched it seems every week.
I'm hoping those iems that fall in the middle range which often dissappear when they are actually superb products.
This pretty much sums up why terms like "lo-fi," "mid-fi," and "hi-fi" only make sense for brands doing marketing. We're all going to have our own definitions based on our own preferences and spending limits (if we have them). To me, defining "mid-fi" is a bit like defining "middle class" in the US. Here in the US, pretty much everyone--regardless of actual income--believes they are middle class. I'd assume that the same goes for mid-fi. The majority of hobbyists probably think they are "mid-fi" listeners, regardless of what they actually spend on a set of IEMs.

Right, and this is what I'm trying to get at. If the goal of this thread is to be "middle class" then what's the implication for threads that play at price points below the ones delineated here? Are those threads to be "lower middle class" or less than middle class entirely (insert your choice of terminology here)? I understand that you guys are just trying to have fun, and mean no harm. But if somebody managed to take offense at what this thread implies, well, I can't say that it would be impossible to understand why.

Nevertheless, I'm down for the ride and curious to see where this thread goes!
It might flop in ten pages or it might flourish, only one way to find out.

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to dissuade you guys. I'm just pointing out that some of the basis for this thread sounds a little weird to me, for the reasons I stated above.
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Apr 12, 2024 at 8:56 AM Post #57 of 712
But here, mid-fi isn't so much an indicator of how an IEM performs, but rather how much it costs?
Make sense, too...in that case, IER Z1R mid-Fi???:ksc75smile::ksc75smile::ksc75smile:
I gave up on the idea of chasing ghosts after getting them...

I just don't think anything can be better for my ears...and, in general (my opinion).
Headphones are another story...I continue chasing ghosts :))

Ok...just A8000 and I am done...with mid-Fi:ksc75smile:

Getting aboard to low Fi only (under $700) :ksc75smile:

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Apr 12, 2024 at 9:13 AM Post #58 of 712
Right, and this is what I'm trying to get at. If the goal of this thread is to be "middle class" then what's the implication for threads that play at price points below the ones delineated here? Are those threads to be "lower middle class" or less than middle class entirely (insert your choice of terminology here)? I understand that you guys are just trying to have fun, and mean no harm. But if somebody managed to take offense at what this thread implies, well, I can't say that it would be impossible to understand why.

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to dissuade you guys. I'm just pointing out that some of the basis for this thread sounds a little weird to me, for the reasons I stated above.
Middle class is your term as a northerner from the north of England I'm working class always will be regardless of my monetary worth lol I'm not eloquent enough to come up with a snazzy title for the thread but I am open to suggestions.
Apr 12, 2024 at 9:16 AM Post #59 of 712
Apr 12, 2024 at 9:17 AM Post #60 of 712
Right, and this is what I'm trying to get at. If the goal of this thread is to be "middle class" then what's the implication for threads that play at price points below the ones delineated here? Are those threads to be "lower middle class" or less than middle class entirely (insert your choice of terminology here)? I understand that you guys are just trying to have fun, and mean no harm. But if somebody managed to take offense at what this thread implies, well, I can't say that it would be impossible to understand why.

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to dissuade you guys. I'm just pointing out that some of the basis for this thread sounds a little weird to me, for the reasons I stated above.
I can see your point clearer now. My initial perception of this thread was to showcase the best of what is available to a certain mid-tier price point - and my guess is that is where it would end up with cross posts that aren't out of place in both discovery and WC. Time will tell.

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