Meze 99 Classics Discussion + Impressions Thread

Feb 11, 2016 at 3:15 AM Post #76 of 7,763
  First of all we just want to say that your photos of the 99Classics in the review are just stunning. Wow!
The review itself is comprehensive and fair and we really appreciate the feedback on the earpds. We are already working on some earpads options as we speak! Stay tuned.

You can be sure I will be tuned. These are killer headphones wi[th] pads I want to kill. Great sound, great comfort, great accessories. Beautiful, humanistic design. So, let's get those ear pads all worked on. Thank you.

Edit: not sure how I misspelled [with] (as will).
Feb 11, 2016 at 3:16 AM Post #77 of 7,763
You can be sure I will be tuned. These are killer headphones will pads I want to kill. Great sound, great comfort, great accessories. Beautiful, humanistic design. So, let's get those ear pads all worked on. Thank you.

Thanks for sharing this. Pads were one of my nitpicks, too.
Feb 11, 2016 at 8:52 AM Post #79 of 7,763
I had posted some initial thoughts in the original thread.  Some further notes:
  1. Bass has tightened up a bit over time, but still is a bit fat - does not take away from the other frequencies IMO
  2. The slight leanness in mids I remarked on I think is just that.  Still very detailed, but some voices male & female don't have a chesty fullness that I've heard on some other phones and speakers.  VERY minor quibble though, again a slight deviation from neutral that doesn't bother me overall
  3. Earpads: no better or worse than my original comments.  I still have no worries listening for a couple hours before taking these off, usually for a meeting at work.  They don't get too hot inside for me, and aren't too uncomfortable.  That said, larger or deeper pads would be my vote as well as long as overall sound was not negatively impacted
  4. Someone else noted the microphonic cable; I have the same issue when wearing a (starched) collared shirt at work, a fair amount of rubbing and some noise
Still think they are fun and great phones, and a bargain at the price.  They are staying with my Chord Mojo at work.
Feb 11, 2016 at 11:55 AM Post #80 of 7,763
Hey guys. I'm really glad I stumbled across this thread. I received the Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 at Christmas, and these headphones are gorgeous and, based on a few minutes of listening, sound fantastic! However, they are fairly large and not very portable. As a result, I'm going to sell them on here (once I have enough posts and membership time on this forum where it'll allow me to) and am looking for something similar but more portable and easy to drive. Would you consider these portable enough for plane flights, commutes to work (some walking) and office use? I'm not going to be doing a whole lot of moving around with these, but I don't want bulky headphones for my purposes (won't just be sitting still listening at home).
I LOVE the looks of the wood and lean towards more fun/warm headphones (I'm not a studio monitor type), so I'm really intrigued by these. Others I'm considering are the Oppo PM-3 (have not heard but have read great things about), the V Moda wireless and M100 (heard the M100 and really like the sound but haven't heard the wireless), MD MH40 and the new MH60 wireless (haven't heard either). I would appreciate any thoughts and guidance!
Feb 11, 2016 at 12:19 PM Post #81 of 7,763
Just in case you want to play Euro model and wear them fully-clothed while floating on pool raft, here's a picture from the Meze site ClemsonChad

Or is that me wearing them? Hmm... I guess you'll never know, will you...
Feb 11, 2016 at 9:45 PM Post #82 of 7,763
Looks like mine are coming in tomorrow. I just can't wait to admire the design and put them to use. Has anyone used them with a DAP like the Sony NW-ZX2 or the Paw Gold? Just curious if that would be enough to drive them or if I would need my mojo. 
Feb 11, 2016 at 11:27 PM Post #83 of 7,763
  Looks like mine are coming in tomorrow. I just can't wait to admire the design and put them to use. Has anyone used them with a DAP like the Sony NW-ZX2 or the Paw Gold? Just curious if that would be enough to drive them or if I would need my mojo. 

An iPod at 50% volume is plenty loud. If a football had a 3.5mm jack it could power the 99 Classics! 

Feb 12, 2016 at 1:14 PM Post #90 of 7,763
  Y'all asked for it...

Interesting looking DAP. Is this a new product? Should I start a thread in the Portable Source Gear section? My only concern would be portability. It doesn't look like it would fit well in a pocket, but I'm sure the internal storage is great. Please take my money.
EDIT: I almost forgot to mention that my 99's came in today. All I can say is wow. The pictures look great, but seeing these in person is honestly mind blowing. Great job on the design of these beauties.

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