meanest thing you've ever done
Nov 11, 2002 at 7:33 PM Post #16 of 59
"ai0tron has issues."

Yeah, but most of them earned it. Nowadays most of my problems come from women so my only options are lawyers and the exploitation of weak hearts. My latest thing was a former friend of mine owed me around 600 dollars and she wasn't getting my money to me. In fact she even claimed she "forgot" about it. I'm not sure how you forget about such a large debt, but a little call to her various other creditors that she had bad habits of bouncing checks with and a threat from a lawyer got her paying me just fine. Of course, she hates my guts now, but I never really liked her anyways.
Nov 11, 2002 at 9:25 PM Post #17 of 59
One that I will share, many that I won't. I grew up on a small farm in the Pacific Northwest. We used electric fencing to keep the animals penned in and at to easily change the shape of pastures. One day I convinced a friend who was over playing to pee on the wire. Luckily for him the fences pulses on and off. He was in so much pain he couldn't even chase me.
Nov 11, 2002 at 9:46 PM Post #18 of 59
One day at work at the supermarket. (I still work there unfortunatley. Worse job I have ever had.) I was bagging this girl groceries. She was about my age. Anyway she was being a total bitch too me. Every thing I bagged was wrong to her. I was not crushing anything. I was putting the cans with the cans and the cold with the cold. Just like I was taught. But she was not budging. Anyway I noticed what car she came with to the store because I was also working as a cart guy that particiular morning. I had a sharp instrument in my car so I let the air out of two of her tires. I am not norm the revengfull kind but this lady just took out the meanest in me.
Nov 11, 2002 at 11:02 PM Post #21 of 59
Juvenille: sprayed Nair out of a car window at pedestrians.

Adult: When a colleague went on vacation and I sent a farewell memo from him around the office. Most people knew it was a fake, but a mail room guy didn't and packed up everything in his office.
Nov 11, 2002 at 11:59 PM Post #22 of 59
One of my hoes didn't wanna work anymore cause it was raining see, so I gave her the old back hand 1-2...

I've done a lot of maturing since this incident, and I now know that hitting woman is wrong, even if hoes really are dead inside...

Nov 12, 2002 at 12:02 AM Post #23 of 59

I hurt somebody's feelings once.
Nov 12, 2002 at 1:34 AM Post #25 of 59
I just sniped a guy on eBay who had been sitting on top bid for days - picked up a classic analog Sansui TU-9900 AM/FM tuner for a bargain price! The tuner info site rates it one of the best ever made.

I am such a bad person.
Nov 12, 2002 at 2:04 AM Post #26 of 59
So many stories, so little time

So how about the worst thing I did last weekend?

One of my neighbors stepped in dog**** and left her shoe out to de-stink. I saw it after a signifigant amount of partying (hey, it was a hockey night...dont even start on the alcohol thread). So I decided to throw it into the woods since I didnt like her. (She already hates me for breaking pumpkins all over her door) She's now missing a shoe.

Wish I could tell some more, but many involve things I really shouldn't legally discuss.
Nov 12, 2002 at 2:30 AM Post #27 of 59
Back in elementary school, we had those individual desks with little cubbyholes in them for books. Sometimes the person in front would lean back into the desk behind them. If someone leaned into mine, and I noticed they were putting all their weight into the leaning, I would yank the desk back.

Remember the slap on bracelet fad? I had fun lacing doorways with them inverted upwards. Then I simply waited around to hear the screams of horror and shock when people stepped on them.
Nov 12, 2002 at 3:08 AM Post #28 of 59
The meanest thing I ever did was while I was in the Air Force over in Germany, but this guy had it coming.

My longtime girlfriend was stolen by this guy Dan.
Dan and I were friends, he knew my girlfriend, he knew we were going out, but didn't care.
He was married as well.
Dan was fairly new at the base, and his wife had not come over to Germany yet. I guess he thought he could have a quick fling at the expense of my 1-1/2 year long relationship with this girl.

So she left me for Dan.

A few months later I was at the NCO club (Noncommissioned officer's club) and I ran into Dan & his wife.

It was good and crowded that night, perfect!

I walked up to Dan & his wife and and said,
"Hi Dan. Is this your wife?"
He replied, "Yes."
"Nice to meet you" I said, then continued in a loud voice, "SO, SINCE YOU WIFE IS HERE NOW, DOES THIS MEAN YOU'RE DONE ****ING MY GIRLFRIEND? CAN I HAVE HER BACK NOW?"

The guy turned white as a ghost, every one turned around to look at him, and his wife turned bright red with anger.
It was good!
Nov 12, 2002 at 3:21 AM Post #29 of 59
Well, I guess I haven't done many mean things. I often compalin that I wish I were more of an ******* so that I could get chicks, (girls always go out with ********, the nicer a girl is, the wrose the ******* they seem to go out with. I don't get it..) Plus I'm kinda on the big and scary side, so people don't tend to mess with me..
But I've got a story none the less.

Back in the day, there was this computer shop in town, and they guy running it was a real first class idiot. He just didn't get it. He was always talking out of his ass, trying to tell people to download their modem drivers and things like that.. So he sells me this little adapter to use the USB on my mobo, but of course, it doesn't work even though he said i just had to plug it in. I convinced him to look at it for free. I went in on a friday, it was my 15th birthday. I went in and said, "Try to look at it, but if you can't I want it back before you close for the weekend. I'll be across the street at Bertucci's and I'll be back by 4:30, don't leave early and lock up my computer, ok?" Sure he siad...

I came back at 4:30 and the shop was locked up and my computer was right in the middle of the floor where I left it. So went around back since he didn't always lock his back door, but that day he did. Unfortuneatly, I had enough caffine in my system to kill a horse. My friends started to go but I just backed up and rammed his door as hard as I could. I completley destroyed one if it's pannels and knocked over a bunch of stuff that he had piled up on the other side. It was pretty funny. He didn't come in untill tuesday and I don't think he ever noticed the door..

Oh and this other time a bunch of people went and stole every hard drive they could find, that was a good one! (But I wasn't in on it, I found out later.)

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