Massdrop x Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee Review & Measurements
Sep 7, 2020 at 12:10 PM Post #4,426 of 4,856
Yes, that's where I usually hear things. :)

But seriously, I know it isn't. I couldn't get on with these phones at first. Something wasn't right--too little treble for me, lack of spaciousness...just general disappointment. I tried removing the front foam but that made them a little bright and "raw". Again, I kept reading that removing the back foam made no measurable difference, so I didn't. Then, because it's so easy, I did, expecting nothing. But viola! The sound opened out, there was better placement of instruments (I listen mostly to classical), all the reservations I'd had before were gone. Explanation? There isn't one, but I've been in hi-fi long enough (since 1968) to know that not everything is measurable or explainable. Sound reproduction is to some degree a black art. So I believe what my ears tell me rather than measurements or what I read on forums.

I think the most likely explanation is that it's psychological, but if you're enjoying them that's what matters
Sep 7, 2020 at 12:40 PM Post #4,427 of 4,856
Yes, that's where I usually hear things. :)

But seriously, I know it isn't. I couldn't get on with these phones at first. Something wasn't right--too little treble for me, lack of spaciousness...just general disappointment. I tried removing the front foam but that made them a little bright and "raw". Again, I kept reading that removing the back foam made no measurable difference, so I didn't. Then, because it's so easy, I did, expecting nothing. But viola! The sound opened out, there was better placement of instruments (I listen mostly to classical), all the reservations I'd had before were gone. Explanation? There isn't one, but I've been in hi-fi long enough (since 1968) to know that not everything is measurable or explainable. Sound reproduction is to some degree a black art. So I believe what my ears tell me rather than measurements or what I read on forums.
I shall give this a try now. Never bothered after what I have read.
Oct 2, 2020 at 11:15 PM Post #4,429 of 4,856
Oct 2, 2020 at 11:20 PM Post #4,430 of 4,856
Considered a sidegrade (or even downgrade, as it is cheaper). However I strongly prefer the 58X and sold the 6XX.
Why do you prefer the 58x?
Oct 3, 2020 at 8:57 AM Post #4,431 of 4,856
Is it worth it to upgrade to hd6xx? my ears they're complimentary and both are outstanding values. To me....the 6XX are a more 'natural' sound with better mids and the 58X are a more lively sound with tighter bass.

I listen to a wide variety of music and use the 6XX when I put the player on shuffle more than any other set of cans. Think that says something. That said, we all hear differently and have different sound signature preferences.

Also, the 6XX benefits more from amping...58X not so much.

Would expect there's a variety of comparisons on the's a Head-Fi thread that discusses some

Also, here's one set of comparison measurements if that's of use to you...

Oct 3, 2020 at 6:58 PM Post #4,432 of 4,856
Oct 3, 2020 at 7:47 PM Post #4,433 of 4,856 my ears they're complimentary and both are outstanding values. To me....the 6XX are a more 'natural' sound with better mids and the 58X are a more lively sound with tighter bass.

I listen to a wide variety of music and use the 6XX when I put the player on shuffle more than any other set of cans. Think that says something. That said, we all hear differently and have different sound signature preferences.

Also, the 6XX benefits more from amping...58X not so much.

Would expect there's a variety of comparisons on the's a Head-Fi thread that discusses some

Also, here's one set of comparison measurements if that's of use to you...

I also use the hd6xx on shuffle for wide genre of music as well because I feel it is suitable for side genre of music and is comfortable. I have not tried the hd58x yet but it seems interesting .
More lively and fun. More personal taste than anything.
nice if I chance I will try them
Oct 18, 2020 at 10:58 AM Post #4,434 of 4,856
For those of you who have owned the 58x for a while, how are the ear pads long term? I've heard a lot of complaints about their comfort/durability, and the replacement stock pads are like $40 while third-party replacements change the sound. I'm trying to decide between purchasing the 560s vs 58x, and this is probably my biggest concern against the 58x. I'd rather not spend $40 every year on earpads.
Oct 18, 2020 at 12:27 PM Post #4,435 of 4,856
For those of you who have owned the 58x for a while, how are the ear pads long term? I've heard a lot of complaints about their comfort/durability, and the replacement stock pads are like $40 while third-party replacements change the sound. I'm trying to decide between purchasing the 560s vs 58x, and this is probably my biggest concern against the 58x. I'd rather not spend $40 every year on earpads.
I have 2 pairs of the 58X, one with stock pads and the other with the Dekoni Elite Velour pads. The Dekoni pads do alter the sound of the 58X to a warmer signature by increasing the bass somewhat but also slightly dampens the high frequencies. My wife prefers the 58X with the Dekoni pads while I prefer the original stock pads sound. Both sound good so the way I see it, it comes down to personal preference.

I will however say that I prefer the better construction quality of the Dekoni pads which still look excellent while the stock Sennheiser pads are already starting to compress after 2 years of moderate usage with both headphones. The design of the Dekoni pads puts more distance between the ear and the driver due to the construction of the walls of the pads. Also the Dekoni pads have a sturdier foam than what Sennheiser uses.

The Sennheiser pads have an oval donut shape with softer foam which causes the pad to compress more freely which brings the drivers closer to the ear. As a result the chamber within the cup is less spacious which I assume is by design to avoid the "echo chamber" that the Dekoni pads create. The Sennheiser pad sidewalls are rounded which facilitates the crushing of the sidewalls. The Senn pads do create a comfortable seal whereas the Dekoni pads have more rigid sidewalls that still allows for similar compression but does appear to keep the drivers farther away from the ears.

I personally find that the inner cup area appears less spacious with my slightly large ears when using the Dekoni pads which may also be contributing to how I hear music when using the Dekoni pads. My wife's ears are smaller than my ears so her ears fit into the cups comfortably. Again, perhaps that's why she prefers the Dekoni pads. Conversely the Senn pad's rounded sidewalls allows the outside edges of my ears to nestle into the interior rounded portion of the pads which gives my ears plenty of room to sit comfortably for longer listening sessions than with the Dekoni pads.

In conclusion I wish that Sennheiser would produce a longer lasting ear pad or would simply lower the cost of their existing pads if the rate of deterioration is so quick.
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Oct 18, 2020 at 7:31 PM Post #4,436 of 4,856
Thanks for the info. I took a look at Dekoni's website and, like you said, the frequency response graphs for all the 58x replacement pads seem to result in warmer sound. And while they definitely look more comfy, they're more expensive than the stock pads. I hope/wonder if there's cheaper alternatives to the stock pads that don't change the original sound.

In conclusion I wish that Sennheiser would produce a longer lasting ear pad or would simply lower the cost of their existing pads if the rate of deterioration is so quick.
Completely agree. I've seen some people say the pads last less than a year. If those claims are true, at $40+ a pop it almost feels like cheap printer/expensive ink sort of situation to me.
Oct 20, 2020 at 7:08 PM Post #4,437 of 4,856
There are some decent Ebay pads that work good. A lot cheaper.
I put a set on the hd650 about 5 years ago. Got rid of them the next year,
so I can't tell you how they held up
Oct 26, 2020 at 10:17 AM Post #4,438 of 4,856
Hi all - new member to I wanted to post some observations on the 58X and my mods to it. I haven't seen much discussion about them (other than felt mod).

I started with stock driven by my laptop sound card - sound was very uninspiring (previous cans were Senn 558s) . I added a cheap, but well-reviewed, DAC/amp dongle: xTremePro X1. I think it and Speaka are clones? It should be similar to Dragonfly Black. Big improvement in sound imaging and bass. Lately, I've been using my preamp's h/p jack - it's better still. (not that this is a mod...) I'm considering a stack (e.g Schiit) for desktop use.

Next, I got a notch filter from Solderdude. It decreases response from 4 - 8kHz to soften edges. This is good, but the stock sound is not worse. I find the stock sound edgy in a marvelous way, not harsh or brittle. With the notch filter, it's little softer, more blended. I actually switch back and forth on this mod. Both ways are great.

Next, I tried versions of the felt mod (to the outside of magnet). It's been well-discussed.... I found the AKG 240 foam lost too much bass. The chair-felt mod is better and I customized the size of the punched hole to be larger than Solderdude's. Took some back and forth, but found a good compromise btw fun stock bass and a less warm mid-bass.

The last mod I did was the curtain mod (). This was a major improvement in sound. Replacing inner foam increased clarity and treble perception. In fact, it was too bright and occasionally piercing (e.g. flutes) with one layer, so I used a double layer. The sound with the above mods is outstanding.

I don't have other headphones to compare to. I'd love to hear from any who have both 58X and 6XX/650 who could compare. I've read much about the better clarity of the 6XX and I wonder how the close 58X with curtain mod is. I've tried to A/B with and without. It takes several minutes to switch.. To me, w/the foam, they sound a little fuzzy/smeared. Not everyone wants to mod, I know, but I've seen a big increase in SQ with little effort.
Nov 8, 2020 at 12:17 AM Post #4,439 of 4,856
I recently inherited a pair of 58X. First heard the headphone a couple years ago, friend had the 58X, 6XX, and 600 and I spent some time listening to them together. Came away with a strong preference for the 600, which I’ve since bought and loved. Between 6XX and 58X, as I recall, I had a hard time discerning much difference in frequency response, but found the 58X a bit warmer, and even moreso found the 58X a bit woolier slightly muddy.

Now I’ve got the 58X (via the same friend), which was useful reference in comparing with the new 560S. I like the 560S quite a bit better, largely because 560S has none of the midbassy bloom that clouds up the 58X. I figured I’d use the 58X as a reference, but not likely use for enjoyment. So when I found out about the mods described by DIY Audio Heaven, I was pretty interested.

I don’t have any felt on hand. I probably do have some furniture pads, but that FR change didn’t seem as appealing (based on DIY’s measurements). So taking some principles from the DIY experiments — more blockage = less bass — I experimented with what I do have on hand.

Started with some 3M micropore tape. The effect on reducing the bass is immediately obvious. Seemed to significantly clean up the mud. Listened a bit longer... OK, it removed all the bass 😛 I am not one to complain about a lack of bass (#nobassgang), but the effect with micropore is too strong. It brings some space to the sound and cleaner definition between instruments — actual imaging! — but it feels a bit lifeless without the bass support.

So I tried another material I have: Aeropress coffee filters. Cut small circles 2 cm in diameter and affixed with small dabs of Blu Tack. There we go! Mid bass is reduced, but not eliminated. More importantly, the 58X’s sub-bass is retained. Midrange is allowed to breathe vs the stock sound. Treble gains some prominence. I haven’t spent a ton of time with it, but to my ear it sounds strictly better than the stock 58X. I miss nothing from the un-modded sound.

Is it an HD 600 now? Nah. 600 treble is still smoother, midrange richer and better textured. The Aeropress 58X sub-bass is better extended. For a $150 can, not a bad compromise.


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Nov 16, 2020 at 2:09 PM Post #4,440 of 4,856
I am seriously thinking about buying an HD58X. I would very much like to know how they compare to the bаyer DT250 80 - these are the headphones that I have been listening to for the last 8 years, unfortunately one of the drivers recently broke.
DT250 80 good headphones and I wanted to buy new ones, but still they have their own problems. As it seems to me, the main problem is the blurring of electric guitars (not everywhere and not always this is the case, but still I often felt the lack of details). In addition, there is the problem of unbalanced channels and a slight lack of high frequencies (above 10k I think)
Earlier (more than 8 years ago) I had DT990 250 - to my ear they have too many high frequencies and many things sound unpleasant. Lots of low frequencies, though ... that's not always a bad thing. I probably forgot a lot about their sound, I would like to listen again.
There were also Sen HD555. I hardly remember their sound, it seems too harsh maybe.

I recently bought AKG K361. They seem to have a lot of peaks and dips at high frequencies. The peaks are bright, very bright. I was getting tinnitus effect after that. Very strange. In my opinion, this was not even with the DT990. Maybe I got defective ones. I tried to get used to them for 10 days, but could not. Returned to the store (it is possible to return within 14 days). I can't do the same with HD58X (return if I don't like it) - they are not sold in my country.
I hope you understand my google translation = P

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