Massdrop x Alex Cavalli Tube Hybrid Amp (CTH) - Dropping Monday
Mar 16, 2019 at 1:42 PM Post #1,052 of 1,442
I was just messaged by another member with some questions as to my experience with that LPS I linked so I figured I'd answer them here. First of all is the size comparisons. I have the LPS on the left next to my CTH and Mytek Liberty DAC. 20190316_130829.jpg 20190316_130552.jpg 20190316_130531.jpg
(Please excuse my egregious lack of cable management lol)
Very comparable in size and design, they all go together well. In regards to changes in sound, I heard it immidiately. No need to A/B back and forth. I have a number of test tracks that I listen to when ever I make component changes, always the same songs so I have a base line to compare. The #1 thing that hit my ears was a marked change in energy and speed. My HD600's just came alive. Now I'm very sensitive to changes in soundstage and imaging. Constriction or dampening of that aspect is probably my number one reason for rejecting components in my system. There were no changes on that front, which to me is a great thing. Possibly better definition of instruments in space if you really pressed me but nothing that is overwhelming. I was just pleased that nothing was detracted. I'm very happy over all and at like $120 shipped to my door (really fast too, I was surprised) it was a worthwile experiment. I think I'm going to order another for my Mytek! Now there are a few sellers on Ebay that are using the same pictures and description, I can't speak as to that product. Maybe they are related and are pulling from the same stock, I have no idea. This is the seller I bought from and I can speak to that unit. If you try one out just make sure to specify your wall voltage and output voltage!
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Mar 16, 2019 at 6:38 PM Post #1,053 of 1,442
Did you literally just take it out of the box and plug it into your CTH?. Is the plug an exact match for the one that comes with the CTH wall wart? Did you ask the seller specifically whether it would work with the CTH?
I was thinking of building an LPS but this could be a game changer...
Mar 16, 2019 at 7:04 PM Post #1,055 of 1,442
There's another power supply from these guys that uses a version of the well known AMB 'Sigma 11' regulator inside and is quite a bit better in specs, but just a little bit better in actual performance - it's also a lot more expensive! This version does an amazing job of improving the sound and is 'plug & play' - if you select the 28v setting, it comes already adjusted, I think.

As you can expect, there's no end to the mods and changes to this little headamp but apart from the power supply and a different valve (plus a socket, perhaps) that's about it. I've gone to a fair bit of effort and increased the hole on the top of the case to fit a tube changing socket (now using a Tung Sol 6C8G), built a Sigma 11 power supply plus a different connecting cable (not much difference there) and fed it a decent signal - I found that the Senn 650s did come alive and even the AKG 701s took on a new live, particularly in the bass area, and the HiFiman 'phones are excellent all aver, so I think these changes, especially with any of the power supplies, will be well worth the effort.
Mar 16, 2019 at 7:45 PM Post #1,056 of 1,442
It is the same size. The unit ships by default with a 2.1mm plug. I just made sure to order the 28v unit.
Do you know if these guys offer a dual or triple (different voltage) LPS solutions?
I would love to have a single LPS (granted physically bigger and more expensive) to drive my: LCX, CTH and RDAC... Would help AC outlet "situation" and cable management, too!
Mar 16, 2019 at 8:08 PM Post #1,057 of 1,442
Do you know if these guys offer a dual or triple (different voltage) LPS solutions?
I would love to have a single LPS (granted physically bigger and more expensive) to drive my: LCX, CTH and RDAC... Would help AC outlet "situation" and cable management, too!

I have asked, their response is : its possible! For dual output, case may be similar size. I asked for a dual output to both my CTH and Hugo and they mentioned its possible to do both 28v & 5v . I would imagine its also possible to do 3, just maybe bigger case.
Mar 16, 2019 at 8:21 PM Post #1,058 of 1,442
Don't forget that the single power supply, even with different voltage regulators, will interact with each other to some extent and this will depend on the requirements of each connected device. I don't know the current consumption of the Hugo, but you might keep it in mind - the CTH draws about 360mA (0.35A) at 28 volts (about 10VA)
Mar 16, 2019 at 9:43 PM Post #1,059 of 1,442
Hey folks, I would like to add a slight word of caution............

All of the SMPS Cavalli amps rely to more or less degree on the current limiting characteristics of the supplied SMPS. I your LPS has huge capacitors at its output or does not properly current limit you run the risk of blowing out the power circuits in these amps.

There was quite an extensive discussion about this on the Liquid Platinum thread.

I just wanted to let you know of this possibility.
Mar 17, 2019 at 2:42 AM Post #1,061 of 1,442
Hey folks, I would like to add a slight word of caution............

All of the SMPS Cavalli amps rely to more or less degree on the current limiting characteristics of the supplied SMPS. I your LPS has huge capacitors at its output or does not properly current limit you run the risk of blowing out the power circuits in these amps.

There was quite an extensive discussion about this on the Liquid Platinum thread.

I just wanted to let you know of this possibility.
Thanks Alex. Hopefully, Massdrop and Monoprice would eventually offer LPS for their Cavalli amps...
For me personally, in big part I am looking for a solution for a single box to power multiple amps for both better sound but also (power) cable management.
But I am taking your warning very seriously, and would wait a little longer (hoping for some "official" / approved solution).
Mar 17, 2019 at 2:35 PM Post #1,062 of 1,442
Hey folks, I would like to add a slight word of caution............

All of the SMPS Cavalli amps rely to more or less degree on the current limiting characteristics of the supplied SMPS. I your LPS has huge capacitors at its output or does not properly current limit you run the risk of blowing out the power circuits in these amps.

There was quite an extensive discussion about this on the Liquid Platinum thread.

I just wanted to let you know of this possibility.

Just for those not in the know, runeight is Alex Cavalli, so take his advice seriously.
Mar 19, 2019 at 1:37 AM Post #1,063 of 1,442
So, I've been trying to get my setup ready for the Tung-Sol 6C8G tube roll, however I'm having a bit of difficulty with the tube monger socket savers. The first one I got made a lot of sputtering when plugged in with the 6922 tube and no sound was playing. I returned it and got another one and this one is better but I still notice some minor sputtering with the new one. This issue is not present when the socket saver is not in place and I'm a little embarrassed to ask for a second replacement. The guys at tubemonger were very nice and prompt with their replacement and said defective units were exceedingly rare, so I don't know what's going on. Is this sort of noise normal with socket savers or something? I don't generally notice it when music is playing; however I really don't like that it's there...
Mar 19, 2019 at 3:02 AM Post #1,064 of 1,442
You might find that the 'saver doesn't go fully into the base socket so there might be a poor connection - I ended up enlarging the hole on the top of the case (to 38mm) so the convertor socket would fit directly into the socket on the pcb so the base of the 6C8G now sits flush with the top surface of the case - I've been waiting for 'vt4c' to reopen their website to purchase a 'tube guard' at a reasonable price - most of the eBay sites are ridiculous prices

I think the TungSol 6c8g is the better version but only compared with the Marconi - either of them have a difference balance to the Siemens PCC88 tube, but this is about personal taste too - the original EH is quite okay, but I like to play around a bit - the power supply is where the big difference is created

IMO again, this headamp is fast becoming a legend, and still relatively inexpensive even with a linear power supply.
Mar 25, 2019 at 5:48 PM Post #1,065 of 1,442
You might find that the 'saver doesn't go fully into the base socket so there might be a poor connection - I ended up enlarging the hole on the top of the case (to 38mm) so the convertor socket would fit directly into the socket on the pcb so the base of the 6C8G now sits flush with the top surface of the case - I've been waiting for 'vt4c' to reopen their website to purchase a 'tube guard' at a reasonable price - most of the eBay sites are ridiculous prices

I think the TungSol 6c8g is the better version but only compared with the Marconi - either of them have a difference balance to the Siemens PCC88 tube, but this is about personal taste too - the original EH is quite okay, but I like to play around a bit - the power supply is where the big difference is created

IMO again, this headamp is fast becoming a legend, and still relatively inexpensive even with a linear power supply.

I actually ended up discovering what was introducing the noise! It was the wifi adaptor in my room that was making the tube make that awful sputtering. Putting a box filled with CDs right next to the tube seems to fix the issue completely, so that's what I'm doing until I can figure out a more permanent solution. Also, my Tung-Sol 6c8g arrived yesterday and I have to say that switching to it was a bit of a shock! I don't really know what I was expecting but it's so nice to not have my music sound so clinical while auditioning the Focal Clears. I can't wait to get home and listen to it some more!

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