Massdrop x Alex Cavalli Tube Hybrid Amp (CTH) - Dropping Monday
Aug 15, 2017 at 8:25 AM Post #137 of 1,442
I was very tempted in this drop but I really questioned myself why I would need another amp. I already have a Project Ember, Jotunheim, Lake People G109S and Vali 2. Three of those head amps have a dedicated DAC. I think I'll put my audio savings toward another Modi MB instead.

Well based on the few impressions available so far, the CTH is above Ember and Vali 2 if that is enough of a reason for you :p
Aug 15, 2017 at 8:31 AM Post #138 of 1,442
A good hyrbid amp should give you some of the strengths of both types (tube and solid state) of amps. The hyrbrid amp will get along nicely with more types of headphones (including planars and low impedance headphones like the Fostex variants) but still provide some of that "tube"
sound and a touch of warmth. If all you have experience with is a Jotunheim or other solid state amp then you will be in for a pleasant surprise with just how nice a good hybrid amp can sound when it is done right. And by all accounts, the new CTH appears to be done right.
Aug 15, 2017 at 10:28 AM Post #140 of 1,442
Well based on the few impressions available so far, the CTH is above Ember and Vali 2 if that is enough of a reason for you :p

Where did you see the comparison to the Ember?
Aug 15, 2017 at 11:05 AM Post #141 of 1,442
I still don't get what to look for in amps and dacs in terms specs, what makes a amp or a dac better than another.
I understand some amp will have more power, so it can drive harder to drive headphones, is that the only difference?
I'm talking about solid state vs solid state and tubes vs tubes amps.
what are the key specs to look out for when buying dacs and amps?
Aug 15, 2017 at 1:11 PM Post #142 of 1,442
A good hyrbid amp should give you some of the strengths of both types (tube and solid state) of amps. The hyrbrid amp will get along nicely with more types of headphones (including planars and low impedance headphones like the Fostex variants) but still provide some of that "tube"
sound and a touch of warmth. If all you have experience with is a Jotunheim or other solid state amp then you will be in for a pleasant surprise with just how nice a good hybrid amp can sound when it is done right. And by all accounts, the new CTH appears to be done right.
Couldn't have been said better...and it'll be worth the wait.
Aug 15, 2017 at 2:09 PM Post #143 of 1,442
I am really interested in the CTH hybrid tube amp - itching to bite the bullet. Until I saw this drop, I was considering Linear Tube Audio MZ2, costing $1000 more. I understand that the latter is a pure tube amplifier, versus the hybrid tube amplifier in the CTH. Anyone have any insights or personal experiences with either of these two and how they should perform comparatively sound-wise? I only do about 25% of my listening on headphones, mostly with Grado sr325e and Oppo PM-3, with also an old VModa and a few low-priced IEMs. I currently have a Dragonfly Red that I use for both DAC and headphone amplifier at this time, but looking to try out some tube taste and the performance with a stronger discrete headphone amplifier. How would the Dragonfly Red DAC with line out pair to any of these two amplifiers? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I obviously can't comment on the Massdrop CTH, haven't heard it. I'm getting the sense that it is similar to the LC, but no one has actually posted a head to head comparison that I've seen going quickly through the thread (Alex seems to have said that the quality of the components will be similar, LC and CTH; doesn't mention power output or sonics, which could differ). I do have LC v1, and an early MicroZOTL2 (which I recently had modified by Mojo audio). My take, having gotten them both about the same time (not considering the ZOTL mods), is that the LC is a fine amp, reasonably priced (or at least it was when it was offered, think you have to find a used one now), good sounding and drives most everything. I think it has a bit of tube warmth designed in, even though it is a solid state design. I found the ZOTL to be better; more air, more detail, better imaging (it has less of that "tube" sound than the LC to my ears). I could live with the LC (and have) just fine; you pay twice as much to get to the ZOTL (and, there are power supply upgrades, tube rolling, that can increase the cost as well). The CTH is considerably less expensive then the LC was; if it's sonics are comparable to the LC, it is a real bargain. That doesn't mean it is better than the ZOTL, but you are now paying about 4 times as much for the improvements (lunatics such as myself will go for it-normal folks will be happy with the price/performance of the bargain Cavalli offerings).
My $0.02, ymmv, and any disclaimer you would like to enter here.
Aug 15, 2017 at 3:23 PM Post #144 of 1,442
I suppose the obvious competitor here (same price, similar power and tube complement) is the Garage 1217 Project Sunrise 3.1. It would be interesting to read a comparison.
Aug 15, 2017 at 6:45 PM Post #146 of 1,442
I am also particularly swayed by the account Dr. Cavalli's has given of his own input in redesigning the older DIY CTH for this project, and for his statement that "The component quality in this amp is equal to the quality in the Liquid Carbon," although I confess I am at some loss as to how to interpret what he calls equal "component quality" given the differences that exist between the technical makeup of the LC and and that this new model (not to mention the fact that the LC itself comes in two different iterations: a Gen 1 and a Gen 2--So to which of the two is Dr Cavalli's statement referring?).

In what sense might one say the "component quality" of hybrid tube amp with a single-ended topology, is equal to that of a SS amp with a fully balanced topology? I really can't answer that question, but I am willing to let my ears decide whether the two can match each other pound for pound..., the "devil" being in the so-called details.. and all...

As an engineer, we are always encouraged to make statements that are pleasing to the eye/ear and are most certainly not false. IMO all he is referring to here is that the quality of the "component" meaning discreet component parts used in the amp is the same as others. Wishful thinking would make one think circuitry is similar, but what he's factually probably inferring to is the resistor/capacitor/diode/etc. quality/tolerances. Aka the stitching of your seat in your gremlin is the same thread used as in the Ferrari McLaren. Absolutely nothing to do with the circuitry unfortunately.
Aug 16, 2017 at 7:56 PM Post #148 of 1,442
I've just signed up for this one and wondering how they will play with my setup. Currently at home have an Rega RP1 turntable with Ortofon Red cart., Marantz PM6004 integrated Amp, and at work an Audio-Technica AT-HA40USB Headphone Amp/DAC off my laptop (iTunes), and for headphones I have a set of Alessandro MS1, AKG K553 Pro and a set of Hifiman HE4XX on order through MD. All these are 32ohm cans and I read that this amp is really only useful driving higher loads.
The way I figure it is that even if I don't get much from this amp now, if/when I invest in something like a set of HD600's I'll have the amp ready to go.

Edit: sorry I might add that I intend on connecting this headphone amp up via the RCA out's (Recorder 1) from the Marantz Amp, and using the phono stage of the PM6004. Again is this wise? I can't see any other way of doing it other than getting a dedicated phono pre-amp.
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Aug 17, 2017 at 2:55 AM Post #149 of 1,442
Josh - I did end up joining the drop. My main concern, after reading all of the early impressions:
One or more mentioned that this amp does not really sound very "tubey". That kinda defeats my purpose for it, as I already got a decent SS amp (the Jot)...
I was initially looking at Little Dot Mk3 (same $250 price) or the Feliks Elise (approx $600-700 used on Head-Fi) for a "tube experience". Figured I will join the drop to avoid remorse of missing out on it.

I frankly could not recommend the Feliks Elise more***. It's just so good. :)
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Aug 17, 2017 at 3:09 AM Post #150 of 1,442
That would be nice! 6 months is a long time. I am itching to get a tube hybrid, the way I see it, I have 16 days to change my mind, maybe I'll trial the Lyr 2 in the mean time :)

You may already of thought of this, but if it reaches the limit before 16 days they will close the drop, so you should keep an eye on the count sold. I have nearly been caught on this before, almost made a purchase that I decided I didn't want...

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