Marantz CD5004 Questions (Updated with Review)
Jan 7, 2014 at 9:37 PM Post #16 of 27
Haven't heard the Graham Slee and don't own the HD650 so I can't comment on those two. It's been around two years since I've had the CD5004 and have used it with D2000, HE-500, LCD-2 and LCD-3 in the meantime. Still a great DAC and pushes for transparency. It sounds more on the analog sound rather than cold digital sounding. It's quite neutral, nothing exaggerated. Good soundstage for sure. It should work with HD650s and give them good body provided that the amp delivers. 

Thanks for the quick response, glad to hear the positive comments. By the sound of it, it will compliment my setup really well. Think I will take the plunge, can't really go wrong for £158. 
Thanks again
Jan 7, 2014 at 10:05 PM Post #17 of 27
  Thanks for the quick response, glad to hear the positive comments. By the sound of it, it will compliment my setup really well. Think I will take the plunge, can't really go wrong for £158. 
Thanks again

Yeah, no problem. Go for it! Full recommendation at that price.
Jan 8, 2014 at 5:39 PM Post #19 of 27
I have a CD5004 in my office system. If you guys haven't done so, play with the digital filters. It makes quite a difference, good or bad, depending on your preferences.

Edit: typo

There are digital filters on the CD5004???? I don't see any options for tone control. Do you mean the 3 power options mode, where the lights are ALWAYS ON vs. something in the middle vs. OFF as soon as the music plays. It's supposed to make the sound better apparently if everything else is quiet. Never bothered to check, so always kept it to off. Plus the light is annoying at night with lights off.
Jan 8, 2014 at 5:41 PM Post #20 of 27
There are digital filters on the CD5004???? I don't see any options for tone control. Do you mean the 3 power options mode, where the lights are ALWAYS ON vs. something in the middle vs. OFF as soon as the music plays. It's supposed to make the sound better apparently if everything else is quiet. Never bothered to check, so always kept it to off. Plus the light is annoying at night with lights off.

Yes. This doesn't just activate the lights.

Edit: FWIW, I found the EX2 setting (advertised as highest quality) to sound overly dark and lacking inner detail. It's as if it was trying to sound analog-y (in a negative sense). Not a success. The no-EX setting, for a lack of a better descriptor, is my personal favorite, as it sounds more vivid and upfront, makes music sound as if it's alive. At least more so. The EX1 is in between the two, IME. I turn of the lights with the remote.
Jan 8, 2014 at 6:04 PM Post #21 of 27
Yes. This doesn't just activate the lights.

Edit: FWIW, I found the EX2 setting (advertised as highest quality) to sound overly dark and lacking inner detail. It's as if it was trying to sound analog-y (in a negative sense). Not a success. The no-EX setting, for a lack of a better descriptor, is my personal favorite, as it sounds more vivid and upfront, makes music sound as if it's alive. At least more so. The EX1 is in between the two, IME. I turn of the lights with the remote.

Hmmm. I'll try it out one of these days to see if I can actually find a difference. I'll report back with my findings when I try it (most probably the weekend). I haven't touched that setting for over 2 years. Should be fun 

Jan 11, 2014 at 4:09 PM Post #22 of 27
So far I've tested Audio EX: OFF and Audio EX: 2 (the one I've been using for the last two years). I did find some minute differences between the sound. Haven't tried Audio EX:1 yet.
EX:OFF - slightly more 3d sounding. More upfront/louder presentation. Although with my LCD-3, I lost out on the transparency and the bass wasn't as controlled and lost it's speed. Kind of like a blurry layer.
EX:2 - more balanced sounding. Lost a bit of 3Dness. The reverb tails came out better. The sweet blackground - the main reason why this mode exists. With the LCD-3's, the extra blackground can both be noticed and appreciated.
I'll keep going back and forth between those two modes to see if I like one better for one genre or another, or even something as vocals vs. pure instrumental. Audio EX-1 will also come up at some point.
Mar 9, 2014 at 8:26 PM Post #23 of 27
I very recently bought the cd5004. It's my first new CD player. I'm using the headphone jack with my Sennheiser HD 429's. It's surprisingly good, slightly less dynamic than an amp, but still enjoyable to listen to. I can't help but get into the music. It seems to be quite a speedy, punchy player.
The headphone jack will be a more than adequate stop-gap until I get a proper amp that I can plug my beyer dt 990 250 ohm pro's into (the cd5004 doesn't drive them too well).
It's good value for money, it will do very nicely for the time being. An excellent budget player.
Mar 9, 2014 at 9:58 PM Post #24 of 27
I very recently bought the cd5004. It's my first new CD player. I'm using the headphone jack with my Sennheiser HD 429's. It's surprisingly good, slightly less dynamic than an amp, but still enjoyable to listen to. I can't help but get into the music. It seems to be quite a speedy, punchy player.
The headphone jack will be a more than adequate stop-gap until I get a proper amp that I can plug my beyer dt 990 250 ohm pro's into (the cd5004 doesn't drive them too well).
It's good value for money, it will do very nicely for the time being. An excellent budget player.

Glad you're enjoying it. It's a very reliable player and is excellent for it's price. Even though it doesn't have the power, it's still quite good sounding.
Mar 20, 2014 at 9:29 PM Post #25 of 27
Hi all, 

sorry to drag up an old thread, but can anyone here offer insight to how the CD5004 would buddy up with some senn HD650's running through a Graham Slee novo? 


I'm using the marantz cd5004, with my little dot mk3, and sennheiser hd650's, with high end driver tubes, and I'm totally blown away by performance! I think it's an awesome pair Pete....Coury :)

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