Making friends when low-self esteem and anxiety troubles?
Jul 12, 2009 at 6:48 PM Post #31 of 37

Originally Posted by Kirosia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If I'm depressed, I often exercise and it makes me feel so much better. Exercise may not be a cure all, but it definitely can't hurt.

same here man....its very uplifting if u had a dull day and that girl didnt call u back..if u know what i mean
Jul 12, 2009 at 9:41 PM Post #33 of 37
Hello my friend.
Diet is the most effective means of losing weight. If she is indeed obese as you say instead of simply overweight tell her to restrict her diet to 700-1100 calories a day (most of them at breakfast and least of them at dinner and skip lunch all together). Her body will probably burn somewhere between 1800 and 2500 calories a day depending on how unhealthy she is or how fast her metabolism is and a pound is equal to 3500 so every few days she will lose one pound. I suggest she has some celery or something at lunch to keep her metabolism fresh and so she doesnt get into the habit of skipping lunch. I would recomend she eat healthy food but its not necessary so long as the calories are low. *important: make sure she stops drinking soda (or at the very least swaps to a low calorie soda like pespi max
When she is confident enough, make her go places (out at night to grab a drink or whatever) and make her walk. This will get her heart going and will improve fitness (another problem typically associated with obesity that is not addressed above). Going out is the main problem for people not making friends/getting partners. No matter how low the chance of you making friends, going out has a mathematically infinite improvement over staying inside all day.

As she makes friends and loses weight she will find she has a lot of energy to burn and will become more active with friends, around the house and by herself.
Oh, make sure she weighs herself once a week on an empty stomach. This way the results will be most visible on the scale and you can be assured it works.
This method is mathematically justified, and if it fails to work that simply means she is eating too much.
Jul 12, 2009 at 10:51 PM Post #34 of 37

Originally Posted by Currawong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
EFT Home - World Center for EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) - Download the free manual. If the wafting in the first 20 or so pages is tiresome, skip to the basic method, learn it, try it on everything. YMMV, sometimes it has amazing results, sometimes doesn't do much, but it works. It'll help make it easier to do all the other things she wants to do in life.

+2 !
Jul 12, 2009 at 11:04 PM Post #35 of 37
LOL you people are telling him to tell her to go on a diet, yet you forget she does live with herself...its like preaching to a choir..just not going to work.

my advice is just lie to her and say she looks great and you have no clue why she would think other wise. tell her you were thinking of taking a walk and ask her to join, its such a beautiful day out.

her self esteem is not because her weight, its her weight thats the result of her self esteem. if you want to help her boost her confidence the rest will come into play.
thank her for something small, notice the small changes about her (new hair cut), and do small things for her (like buy her flowers) anything just to give her a reason to smile here and there.
Jul 13, 2009 at 1:19 AM Post #36 of 37
Another vote for diet and exercise. Mostly diet. If she isn't counting calories, she has to start now. Weight loss is about 95% diet and 5% exercise. Exercise is (of course) important, but walking 30 minutes a day works well along with a calorie-restricted diet. Over the past year, I dropped about 100 lbs. That involved a reduction to about 700-1,000 calories a day. The first month is awful, but then you get used to it and the pounds slip away. The reward that first month, however, is that you'll lose a huge amount of weight. Up to 20 lbs. is possible, so you get instant feedback and start feeling really good about what you're doing. People will notice and comment, so there's reinforcement there, too.

Diet is pretty simple. First, stop drinking calories. Switch to water, soda water, tea, and coffee. No diet sodas - they're just a stew of chemicals you don't need and they're more expensive than the alternatives. Next, fill up on bulky fruits and vegetables. Those are good for you, but the beauty is that they're bulky and make you feel full while having few calories. Keep at it and the weight comes off. I eat a maintenance diet on Saturdays and eat freely on national holidays and at family events. It works.

As for the friend aspect, she needs to get involved with hobbies/groups and hang out with co-workers. For example, the meet yesterday was awesome. I like all the equipment and listening, but going out to dinner with everyone was the best part.

She should also volunteer a charities and join groups. If she likes animals, have her volunteer at a shelter. She'll meet all sorts of people and will be thanked often for her help. There are many similar opportunities.

Just start doing that and the rest will take care of itself. She'll be fine.
Jul 13, 2009 at 2:10 AM Post #37 of 37
I feel that encouraging her to diet and exercise is treating only the symptom of perhaps a deeper, underlying problem. Dieting for someone who doesn't have positive self esteem can be very difficult and can result in increased feelings of failure at not achieving wanted results. So, what does the person do? Well, usually gives up, eats even more, and gains even more weight and the poor self esteem deepens until the next diet and then the next.

There is no shame or embarrassment involved in steering her to counseling which may help her understand the 'why' of how she acts and perceives herself. Once she can accept that she is a worthwhile person, the dieting will happen naturally.

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