"Mad Dog" by MrSpeakers, modified Fostex T50RP review
Feb 3, 2013 at 5:09 PM Post #3,001 of 6,388
This should be plastered and permanently attached to each page of this thread

Haha there's usually at least one similar comment per page. I was skeptical of the all too common FOTM/New toy syndrome for the first few months, but the 15-day trial is what sold me. I wonder how many people have actually sent their MD's back, besides those who were never intending to keep them in the first place.
Feb 3, 2013 at 5:14 PM Post #3,002 of 6,388
Haha there's usually at least one similar comment per page. I was skeptical of the all too common FOTM/New toy syndrome for the first few months, but the 15-day trial is what sold me. I wonder how many people have actually sent their MD's back, besides those who were never intending to keep them in the first place.

It's weird, I see a lot of them on the for sale forum and it boggles my mind. They have to be from people looking for something with a V shaped signature to go with modern day stuff like lil Wayne or something
Feb 3, 2013 at 5:18 PM Post #3,003 of 6,388
It's weird, I see a lot of them on the for sale forum and it boggles my mind. They have to be from people looking for something with a V shaped signature to go with modern day stuff like lil Wayne or something

Hey, I might put a pair up for sale eventually.  Although I should note that I have two pair of the Mad Dogs and will always have at least one...
Feb 3, 2013 at 5:24 PM Post #3,004 of 6,388
Could just be clipping; always EQ down. So if you just want a slightly elevated midbass, instead of adding a hump, you pull down everything except 50-200Hz by 0.5dB.

Wow, today I learned.
I just eq'd 'the right way' and now my MDs are sooooo smooth. I was doing it wrong this entire time dammit!
Feb 3, 2013 at 8:39 PM Post #3,007 of 6,388
You won't regret it. This is one of the best bargains out there period IMO. What are you amping with btw?

I have an E17/E09K right now. Tomorrow my Maverick Audio D1 Plus is suppose to arrive. Really hope it is capable of amping them and my DT990 600 for the time being until I can afford a better tube amp. 
Feb 4, 2013 at 12:45 AM Post #3,008 of 6,388
hey guys, I know this is a bit off topic and it doesn't affect orthos, but how does the 8x ohm rule affect a dynamic headphone? I have a Dacport (10ohm output impedance) and i'm using it with both my Mad Dogs and my W1000x's. Is there a significant difference if I change to a lower output impedance device?
Feb 4, 2013 at 2:26 AM Post #3,009 of 6,388
hey guys, I know this is a bit off topic and it doesn't affect orthos, but how does the 8x ohm rule affect a dynamic headphone? I have a Dacport (10ohm output impedance) and i'm using it with both my Mad Dogs and my W1000x's. Is there a significant difference if I change to a lower output impedance device?

For solid state or transformer coupled tube amplifiers, tThe effect of high output impedance is most noticeable with headphones whose impedance changes significantly with frequency, such as many Sennheisers and Beyerdynamics. Typically (not not always), this interaction results in a boost in the midbass around 100-120Hz. For many people, this is actually a nice sound. One of the more common comments by people who do the dacport/dacmini mod is that sound becomes more "clinical" sounding, which is usually the result of a shift towards treble presence or the lessening of bass/midbass. 
Headphones with a flat impedance curve will not have much frequency change. Instead, the effect of output impedance here is on damping itself which is how much control the amplifier has over the driver. This may affect transient/impulse response and settling times. For the most part, the effect of output impedance here is very difficult to detect even for a trained listener.
For OTL (output transformerless) tube amps, the output impedance interaction is a little more complex. Here, the damping factor may not be as important as impedance matching, which in the simplest terms is what maximizes power transfer from amp to headphone. 
Feb 4, 2013 at 3:32 AM Post #3,010 of 6,388
Could just be clipping; always EQ down. So if you just want a slightly elevated midbass, instead of adding a hump, you pull down everything except 50-200Hz by 0.5dB.

Thanks Jerg! This helped. I noticed something odd about EQing, though: if you drop everything down to -20db, it sounds all muddy and yucky. Is this the result of a shoddy equalizer? Perhaps since it only affects local frequencies, a parametric EQ would be better suited for that drastic drop to negative flatness, but I digress. I see some people doing the same thing to EQ down, but I can't foresee doing this for anything more than a few dbs adjustment.
Sorry for the slightly OT post. A small anecdote today, my friend is crazy. I let him try out my MD's at his house, and he cranked the soundtrack he was listening to the point that I could hear those clamped MD's leak across the room. Being able to hear that song clearly scared the crap out of me, just knowing how WELL the Mad Dogs prevent leaking, lol.
Feb 4, 2013 at 7:19 AM Post #3,011 of 6,388
It's weird, I see a lot of them on the for sale forum and it boggles my mind. They have to be from people looking for something with a V shaped signature to go with modern day stuff like lil Wayne or something

The MDs are slightly dark. Some person (including me) don't like that.
Not everyone want to (or can) play with EQ-ing to make the voicing more to their liking. I did and I couldn't be happier with the result.
I would be happy if the resulting voicing was the default one, YMMV.
Feb 4, 2013 at 11:37 AM Post #3,012 of 6,388
The Mad Dogs keep surprising me... Just listening to a Calvin Harris mix (18 Months...) and it sounds oh so sweet with slamming bass even! :wink:
Feb 4, 2013 at 2:47 PM Post #3,014 of 6,388
It's weird, I see a lot of them on the for sale forum and it boggles my mind. They have to be from people looking for something with a V shaped signature to go with modern day stuff like lil Wayne or something

Stay Tuned......
Feb 4, 2013 at 11:49 PM Post #3,015 of 6,388
I had you there for a minute didn't I?  To be honest, I have no intentions of selling off my second pair.  I may eventually upgrade the second pair from the 840 pads as well.

Well, there's only one reason to do that. 


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