LZ A7 IEM's impressions and reviews thread
Jan 10, 2021 at 11:40 PM Post #1,291 of 1,793
So I've been using the EQ I have previously posted on page 85 or 84. The EQ is made for the silver filters on monitor mode and I am beyond glad to report that this is so far my most favourite tuning/sound I have hears from the A7. Imagine all the precise, extreme detail, air, clarity, soundstage and fast attack of the silver filters but in a tuning (upper mids, treble) closer to the gold filters and black filter. Much less fatiguing but much more cleaner and clearer than red, gold, black and blue filter. You also get a closer bass more similar to red and gold filter. It's perfect 😁
Jan 11, 2021 at 12:29 AM Post #1,293 of 1,793
So I've been using the EQ I have previously posted on page 85 or 84. The EQ is made for the silver filters on monitor mode and I am beyond glad to report that this is so far my most favourite tuning/sound I have hears from the A7. Imagine all the precise, extreme detail, air, clarity, soundstage and fast attack of the silver filters but in a tuning (upper mids, treble) closer to the gold filters and black filter. Much less fatiguing but much more cleaner and clearer than red, gold, black and blue filter. You also get a closer bass more similar to red and gold filter. It's perfect 😁
finally going to change to silver filter and EQ..ing.. thnx for the heads up
Jan 11, 2021 at 12:47 AM Post #1,294 of 1,793

But another view point is that getting the LZ A7 might actually close the rabbithole for some IMO. Truly, the LZ A7 can be endgame for quite a few, due to the versatility (10 tuning signatures - or even more if u have aftermarket nozzles) and it scores high marks in tonality, timbre and technicalities and fit/isolation. I've tried auditioning some TOTL sets recently, and I do think they are just a bit better than the LZ A7 as a package (maybe 10 - 30% improvement), but these TOTL sets costs 3 - 5 times more at least. I do feel the LZ A7 hits the sweet spot in this hobby. Any higher up the ladder you go will be tremendous diminishing returns.

yes, i also find that this price seems to be the sweet spot. the ER4XR has long been my "shield" to not go beyond that to the higher priced IEMs. I always bring it to audio meet/testing as benchmark. sure there are better IEMs that I've tested that manages to surpass the ER4XR, but i just haven't feel the price to reward ratio is worth it yet.. This A7 (along with the MT100) have joined the ER4XR as that benchmark.

besides, one thing i learned is even if i do ended up having one of that TOTL priced IEMs, i think i would still purchase cheaper ones out of boredom anyway..so in other word, that isn't exactly endgame at all in the end
Jan 11, 2021 at 2:29 AM Post #1,296 of 1,793

But another view point is that getting the LZ A7 might actually close the rabbithole for some IMO. Truly, the LZ A7 can be endgame for quite a few, due to the versatility (10 tuning signatures - or even more if u have aftermarket nozzles) and it scores high marks in tonality, timbre and technicalities and fit/isolation. I've tried auditioning some TOTL sets recently, and I do think they are just a bit better than the LZ A7 as a package (maybe 10 - 30% improvement), but these TOTL sets costs 3 - 5 times more at least. I do feel the LZ A7 hits the sweet spot in this hobby. Any higher up the ladder you go will be tremendous diminishing returns.

OK - So I have to admit that, while really do like my LZ A7 earphones, I still prefer the Sub-Bass of my LZ A4 (Green Nozzles/Red Backs), slightly more than the low Bass of my LZ A7 (Blue Nozzles/Monitor).
Have you heard an earphone that compares with the LZ A7 overall, and has a bit more oomph in the Sub-Bass? :ksc75smile:
Jan 11, 2021 at 2:31 AM Post #1,297 of 1,793
OK - So I have to admit that, while really do like my LZ A7 earphones, I still prefer the Sub-Bass of my LZ A4 (Green Nozzles/Red Backs), slightly more than the low Bass of my LZ A7 (Blue Nozzles/Monitor).
Have you heard an earphone that compares with the LZ A7 overall, and has a bit more oomph in the Sub-Bass? :ksc75smile:
Try out the EQ I posted with silver filters on. Due to the silver filter having less mesh and stuff filtering. The sub bass can come through more easily.
Jan 11, 2021 at 2:36 AM Post #1,298 of 1,793
Have you heard an earphone that compares with the LZ A7 overall, and has a bit more oomph in the Sub-Bass? :ksc75smile:

The Audiosense AQ7 is a hybrid that is mostly neutral (though with higher treble rolloff) and quite a large subbass boost. Quite a niche tuning. It has very good technicalities, though slight BA timbre. Though it goes at $498 USD and I think LZ A7 is better value due to the tuning options.
Jan 11, 2021 at 2:36 AM Post #1,299 of 1,793
Try out the EQ I posted with silver filters on. Due to the silver filter having less mesh and stuff filtering. The sub bass can come through more easily.

Right now, I've got them connected to my Laptop - no EQ installed.
Jan 11, 2021 at 4:42 AM Post #1,300 of 1,793

But another view point is that getting the LZ A7 might actually close the rabbithole for some IMO. Truly, the LZ A7 can be endgame for quite a few, due to the versatility (10 tuning signatures - or even more if u have aftermarket nozzles) and it scores high marks in tonality, timbre and technicalities and fit/isolation. I've tried auditioning some TOTL sets recently, and I do think they are just a bit better than the LZ A7 as a package (maybe 10 - 30% improvement), but these TOTL sets costs 3 - 5 times more at least. I do feel the LZ A7 hits the sweet spot in this hobby. Any higher up the ladder you go will be tremendous diminishing returns.

I hope i haven't asked you this already but can you compare them to the ISN H40? That's another sub $500 (sub $200 actually) set that some people claim is paddling in the TOTL pool and both are sets i am considering.
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Jan 11, 2021 at 7:23 AM Post #1,301 of 1,793
I received the custom tuned BGVP filters, courtesy of @tgx78. To me, they sound ideal, and I may just be leaving them on indefinitely, and putting the stock filters away. I like it both in Monitor mode, if I want more note weight with thicker lower mids, and in Pop mode, if I want a lighter, airier, thinner sound. I haven‘t done critical comparisons with the other nozzles yet, but I kind of don’t feel the need to. Based off of limited memory, FWIW, I think the upper mids are similar to the gold nozzle, but the treble is similar to the silver nozzle. There is clear, crisp treble, with good upper treble air. The mids are full and natural sounding, with good clarity, but w/o any shoutiness or upper midrange glare. I liked the sound of the gold nozzles, except that the rolled off treble sounded too dark for my tastes.

As much as I like the sound, I think there may be even more non-sonic advantages to the BGVP filters. First off, since it’s an empty nozzle, then filled with dried alcohol swabs in a circumferential manner, I would guess that it should not have problems with developing channel imbalances due to humidity, since there are no filters to clog. The nozzles are also smaller, so this should help those that have had issues with the stock nozzles being too large, particularly in length. While the stock nozzles fit me fine, the issue I had with them was due to the length. I really like using the Eartune U elliptical ear tips with the LZ A7, but they are small and shallow ear tips. The end of the stock nozzles were almost completely flush with the end of the ear tips. While I suppose this would minimize or completely neutralize any effect that the ear tips would have on the sound, it just bothers me having the nozzles protrude so much. Lastly, it is MUCH easier to put on and take off ear tips from the BGVP filters compared to the stock LZ A7 filters. I couple of times I was almost sure I was going to rip the ear tip trying to pull it off the stock nozzles.

Here are some pics.


Stock nozzle on the right.

Stock nozzle on the left.

The one thing nicer about the stock nozzles is the rubber O-ring. I need to find some for the BGVP nozzle. They‘re not necessary, but are a nice touch.

Fwiw I'm using the BGVP filters with the vent blocked and a small piece of foam inside (see picturel), I don't know how this compares to the filters modded by @tgx78 bit I'm totally digging it. I also agree that the shorter filter may be better ergonomically for some people.

Jan 11, 2021 at 8:37 AM Post #1,303 of 1,793
What is the cheapest price for the A7 now? Is it $267, the cheapest I can get with all the codes and coupons?

I recall seeing it at $238 USD on 11/11 after coupon gymnastics, but that particular seller apparently scammed a few folks here by claiming it was out of stock and didn't ship it out (but swallowed their coupons). $267 is still quite a good deal IMO, it is usually north of $300.
Jan 11, 2021 at 8:58 AM Post #1,305 of 1,793
Hi @baskingshark how are the dimensions of LZ A7 compared to TRI I3?

I have to get the LZ A7 and I'm a little worried now because with the TRI I3's huge shells and nozzles I've never been able to find good comfort and fit.

TRI I3 is much bigger and heavier and more uncomfortable than the LZ A7 when used for longer sessions.

I have average sized ears so TRI I3 isn't the best fit for me, but LZ A7 is one of the more comfortable shells for me.

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