Losing faith.
Aug 26, 2008 at 11:49 PM Post #16 of 36
Sadly, the world is not what you were told it was in Sunday School. At least they didn't decide to harm you and that's the most important thing.
Aug 27, 2008 at 12:13 AM Post #17 of 36
That's really unfortunate. I know how you feel, someone took all of the electronics in my house about a year ago (TV, computers, camera, etc.) It really sucks, but it does get better in time. I would advise getting some form of visible protection to deter thieves, they like to get the same place after you've had enough time to replace what they took.
Sep 9, 2008 at 7:35 AM Post #18 of 36
sorry to hear about your bike, i know what u feel as i had mine stolen in the past. the police here are simple hopeless,i gave up all hope on them after dealing with them several times, good for nothing ,except catching people on speeding.
Sep 9, 2008 at 8:00 AM Post #19 of 36
I feel your pain,but everything happens for a reason.
I design high end bikes for black sheep and it has happens every so often that these bikes get stolen from our customers,the ones that post and report the theft on MTBR (it's the most popular forum for bikes in the states) surprisingly have a high recovery rate.Guys in the motorcycle community hate thieves just as much as the next guy (if not more) and I think that many would keep their eyes peeled if you posted on the local section of a popular motorcycle forum about this theft,they scan for bikes just like many of us scan for headphones (I check out EVERY bike that roles by me),so they just might catch the guy for ya.I caught a bike thief once who stole my friends bike in Germany,it was about two months after the theft but we got him.You have an advantage to the apparent fact that it was planed,the thieves must be local so it's probable that your bike is not too far.Don't give up and make a stink online,there still may be a happy ending to this story if you make an effort.
Good luck
Sep 9, 2008 at 10:53 AM Post #21 of 36
Ok, here is how to catch the thief..........Buy another inexpensive motorbike. Remove the seat and place it on your workbench. Carefully remove the seat upholstery and install a tazer. Carefully put upholstery back on. Put a switch on the bike that allows the tazer to be de-energized, when you are riding the bike. Wire the tazer so that it is on when the bike is started. Use a conductive foil in the groin position of the seat and paint black. Don't forget to use the switch when you are riding! Leave the bike in front of your garage and go to bed. Be ready with the baseball bat when you are awakened by the scream. :wink:
Sep 9, 2008 at 12:52 PM Post #22 of 36

Ok, here is how to catch the thief..........Buy another inexpensive motorbike. Remove the seat and place it on your workbench. Carefully remove the seat upholstery and install a tazer. Carefully put upholstery back on. Put a switch on the bike that allows the tazer to be de-energized, when you are riding the bike. Wire the tazer so that it is on when the bike is started. Use a conductive foil in the groin position of the seat and paint black. Don't forget to use the switch when you are riding! Leave the bike in front of your garage and go to bed. Be ready with the baseball bat when you are awakened by the scream. :wink:

How stupid..
What if some small neighbors' kid or your friend get hurt from this ****?
Sep 9, 2008 at 1:49 PM Post #23 of 36

Originally Posted by amphead /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok, here is how to catch the thief..........Buy another inexpensive motorbike. Remove the seat and place it on your workbench. Carefully remove the seat upholstery and install a tazer. Carefully put upholstery back on. Put a switch on the bike that allows the tazer to be de-energized, when you are riding the bike. Wire the tazer so that it is on when the bike is started. Use a conductive foil in the groin position of the seat and paint black. Don't forget to use the switch when you are riding! Leave the bike in front of your garage and go to bed. Be ready with the baseball bat when you are awakened by the scream. :wink:

Just buy a cheap webcam and a bunch of hard drive space. Hide the webcam looking at the bike. I bet whoever took it knows you and you would recognize them. I had some CD stolen and all evidence pointed to a premeditated grab. They were very careful what they took and how they took it. It turned out to be someone I knew.
Sep 9, 2008 at 2:44 PM Post #24 of 36

Originally Posted by QQQ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How stupid..
What if some small neighbors' kid or your friend get hurt from this ****?

Well, I think there was some sarcasm there...

But, anyways... Just as likely, here in the US the thief would promptly sue you and win. Then you'd be forced into foreclosure and bankruptcy with the other 2+ million people in this country.
Sep 10, 2008 at 12:00 AM Post #25 of 36
How about investing in a home security system? I mean come on man, you're lucky only your bike was taken and not you. You're an audiophile I'm willing to bet that there's at LEAST 8-10k worth of toys in your house alone. Come on man, do you think they'll ride it near you? It's probably chopped up somewhere, making a new wave of franken-bikes.

Take everything with a grain of salt. Understand that you should always brace yourself.

Good luck with your insurance, but honestly, people. Get some security. And advertise it let people know that they shouldn't steal from you. These tiny barriers such as a sign, a big dog, and what ever you fancy. Has been proven to deter thieves.
Sep 10, 2008 at 3:06 AM Post #26 of 36
Very unfortunate!

The last major theft happened to me about 10 years ago. I had spent the better part of a summer buying up car audio gear for my truck. Right when I had it the way I liked it, some jackasses hit up the apartment complex. They took everything and I do mean everything. That was the first and last time I ever put a system in a vehicle. Stock stereos from now on! Don't give them a reason to break in and take anything.

But, I think if I actually had transportation that was worth stealing, I'd install a GPS tracker that is well hidden. Put it in and never tell a soul. Even something as simple as a proximity alarm would be effective if properly implemented. You would probably get a break on your insurance policy!

It's a shame that we should have to resort to such methods. We would all like to believe people are honest and respectful, but sadly this is just not true. Especially today. Society is reaching an all time low and it will get worse before it gets better. Times are rough and people seem to care less and less about anything other than themselves. Look at the way we treat each other on the road for example. It's really not a pretty sight. Obey the law and you are punished by the very people that it is meant to protect. Break the law, do what everyone else is doing, you are now potentially a criminal in the eyes of law enforcement. Whats a person to do?

Anyway, hope you get it all sorted out. Take it easy.

Time to throw on some tunes and relax...

Sep 10, 2008 at 3:31 AM Post #27 of 36
Sorry about your loss. We live in a ****ty world. When I was a young college student, I thought that world-wide socialism was the answer. Hi ho Chairman Mao. I'm over that. I'm not quite into the Hobbesian world-view that we all are nasty bastards out to screw each other over for whatever we want when we want it whatever it may be...but on some days, I'm hanging with Hobbes.

The camera idea is a good one. Something infrared with motion activation.
An alarm system could be cool. Something really bloody loud and then a direct signal to the fuzz. Nice. I've been ripped off in the past and even though it's 15 years later, I'm still pissed. Pissed enough to get a big dog (okay, a nice big dog and I have 2--black lab and golden retriever), double-keyed deadbolts, and a parabolic mirror over my tv set so I can see the bastards sneaking up on me. I don't own a gun or a rifle and have no desire to have one (actually, I do like duck hunting, but that was another life and firing stuff on a shooting range and blowing up Volkswagons full of naptha with a Carl Gustav anti-tank weapon, but that was when I wore the olive drab).

It's awful to be ripped off and to lose something that one loves. But you are still well (okay, your blood pressure probably needs to be checked) and you can get another bike. I know, it still pisses you off. I think there should be a campaign button, "Life Sucks, Vote Republican!" or, better yet, "Life's a bitch: Vote Democrat!"

Chill out, listen to your favourite tunes, and think nice thoughts (i.e, like boiling bike thievin' bastards in boiling oil or forcing them to listen to Abba for all eternity).

All the best.
Sep 10, 2008 at 3:39 AM Post #28 of 36
Whatever you do, don't lose faith. Yes, there is a lot of evil and bad people around, but there are always silver-linings in the clouds. if you get to the point that you can not trust anybody and think bad of everybody, then the bad guys have won. There is still good in the world. Is it there. I know it.
Sep 10, 2008 at 3:50 AM Post #30 of 36

Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Grrrr! I totally feel with you...
Never got anything stolen from me (knock on wood), but I fully understand how mad it makes you.

Hopefully the @$$holes get caught!

Wow, when krmathis says @sshole you know something must be amiss! Sorry to hear about your bike, hope the little bastards who did it die in a fire..after being caught and return your bike to you unharmed of course. Then fire.

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