Long time ER-4P user wanting advice on new in-ear monitors
May 20, 2011 at 7:57 PM Post #61 of 64
You're suggestions have definitely been helpful Tomscy2000. I really enjoy learning in more detail about this area: sound and sound technology is a brilliant area. 
I would very much hope that one or more of you could explain to me my above questions in good detail. I know relatively little about this subject and would really benefit from solid lessons that assume I know little of the subject! :)
In the end, if the ER-4P>S converter doesn't bring what I am hoping for, then I would agree that a set of IEMs that approach sound in a different way would be best. 
Concerning one of the above questions that I raised about all sounds in a single driver being amalgamated into one single signal; I guess really what I'm saying is that if this is the case, perhaps multiple drivers is what I'm looking for. I recall many electronic instruments only being able to cope with a certain number of sounds before another signal is unable to be produced for example. Is this a similar case in IEMs with a single driver? Are these missing, individual sounds what I endeavour for? Is this what the perceived lack of response is in the sound?
Forgive me for my many questions, but I really love to learn! Thank you to all of you for what insights you have already given too.

This thread is from three years ago but still interesting to read through. http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/364089/single-driver-vs-multiple-drivers-my-thoughts-on-the-trend
May 21, 2011 at 6:59 AM Post #62 of 64
After the huge bout with Clieos and Dookiex, I've decided that sound and sound technology is a potential for high blood pressure induction..
It went at least some way to answering the question, although perhaps not in the way that I'd hoped. I wanted to cry by the end of that 'lesson' :)
I'll start, I guess, by addressing one of the mentioned factors in single or multiple armatures: What is a crossover?
I can see myself being a potentially annoying new member. Sorry guys...
May 21, 2011 at 11:20 AM Post #64 of 64
Here is another explanation of the crossover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXjCodzFI9Y

Just be aware that more drivers or speakers are not necessarily always better due to the added complexity of the design and factors associated with crossovers.

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