Light Harmonic Geek Wave
Nov 15, 2015 at 9:10 PM Post #2,717 of 5,933
The worst part of all this is that absolutely nobody at lhlabs feel apologetic or the least bit remorseful about missing deadlines.

Right. I think that's probably the part that pisses me off the most. I guess when you have everybody's money you don't have to give a crap.

Nov 15, 2015 at 9:24 PM Post #2,719 of 5,933
What's insulting is every time a deadline is missed they try to spin it to "we missed this deadline for you." Wish I could do that more than once at work.
Nov 15, 2015 at 10:15 PM Post #2,721 of 5,933
What's insulting is every time a deadline is missed they try to spin it to "we missed this deadline for you." Wish I could do that more than once at work.

Nail on head.
The old adage of honesty being the best policy is very relevant here. If they'd held up their hands and admitted that they had messed up or overestimated their production capabilities, I would have been much more accommodating, as I suspect many on here would have been. No, it doesn't mean that I'd be content at the long wait, but certainly the amount of negative sentiment would have been much more proportionate.
I don't want to hear the same old BS of how most of us not understanding crowdfunding or not having worked in a supply chain/production line of work for X number of years.
This isn't about business acumen, aptitude or anything technical. It's plain ethics and morals.
Yes and I get that 99.99% of companies wouldn't give an apology over a specific cause with detailed reasoning in a public domain. Unfortunately, this is crowdfunding - you get some advantages out of it like having capital inflow from the onset, but at the expense of more transparent, honest and upfront communication with your backers.
You can't take something without giving something in return. That's just the way most things work in this world.
Nov 15, 2015 at 10:25 PM Post #2,722 of 5,933
And on that topic.
I'd be interested to know which of the following scenarios most people would be preferable with in the current context:
After consistently missing deadlines, do you
A) Promise another certain deadline, which in theory is possible, but practically difficult to achieve. But you do it anyway in hope that everything falls into place. We need to placate unhappy customers and anything later than this date won't do. If it works out, great! Everybody wins (relatively) here and doubters of this deadline are quietly impressed. And although chances are it won't work out... we'll address that later.
B) Promise another certain deadline, this time much later than that in option A. It's going to be very far off, but we have absolute confidence that, since this is a deadline was calculated very big margin of error, we can accommodate a major setback or two. Customers have been disappointed with our many delays, but even though the reaction to this given deadline is going to a major PITA, we have assurance that they will not be shortchanged this time round.
C) No deadline. We'll just make it public that there are too many variables to control, and based on past experiences, it's too difficult to give an exact date of delivery. We'll just bust a gut to complete everything in the quickest time possible with quality assurance. If there's a delay, we'll just put it out in the open. Same as in B, you can't fail a promise you didn't make, though of course there will be a select group of customers who want absolute dates and absolute promises. We believe its still an overall preferable course of action.
Nov 15, 2015 at 10:47 PM Post #2,723 of 5,933
Absolutely!!  LHL is finally getting the design right.  
But it has been quite a while.  I feel it has been harsh on them.  I think what they really need now is a new crowd sourcing round!!
This would give chance for them to explore new ultra-duper-cool atto-clock alternatives, enable folks to upgrade their perks to max out their Waves, and make once again the awesome Wave experience available for the community at large.
Nov 16, 2015 at 6:30 AM Post #2,724 of 5,933
And then while Larry is actually designing the non crowd sourced GO v3, which shall not miss any deadlines, claim that designing the v3 is actually having no impact WHATSOEVER on the new Wave and then make a post saying actually, you know that prototype we were talking about the other day? It doesnt actually exist and in fact we are going to use the analog output stage of the v3 which Larry has been designing instead of the wave as the replacement analog output stage of the new wave.

We all win!
Nov 20, 2015 at 5:17 PM Post #2,725 of 5,933
I see Casey Hartwell's LinkedIn shows he's with another company now.  IMO, much of the PR damage done was a direct result of his lack of tact.  Gavin can give off a patronizing personality too, but you can tell there's a little sensitivity in him to counter that.

I'll respect your opinion, as you are completely entitled to it, and t's very easy to criticize what you are unfamiliar with or simply lack the full story of. I do however appreciate the interest that you've expressed in checking out my LinkedIn profile. Best of luck to you all.

Nov 20, 2015 at 5:55 PM Post #2,726 of 5,933
I'll respect your opinion, as you are completely entitled to it, and t's very easy to criticize what you are unfamiliar with or simply lack the full story of. I do however appreciate the interest that you've expressed in checking out my LinkedIn profile. Best of luck to you all.


Thanks Casey for all your help while at LH Labs, I wish you all the best at your new job and please keep in touch.
Nov 20, 2015 at 5:58 PM Post #2,727 of 5,933
Casey did well by me as well, wish him all the best.
Nov 20, 2015 at 8:07 PM Post #2,730 of 5,933
Thank you sir!  I tried to be as helpful as possible with resources I had at my disposal. Keep in touch! 

I hope you are in a better place. Best of luck.

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