Lets Talk Metal
Dec 19, 2016 at 6:29 PM Post #25,636 of 29,701

****** Brumpxit its the 2016 Metal and Hard N' Heavy Rock Poll Results Thread (With spotify and bandcamp links)

Rollout continued: http://www.ilxor.com/ILX/ThreadSelectedControllerServlet?action=showall&boardid=41&threadid=105029
60 Anaal Nathrakh - The Whole Of The Law 166 5 0
59 Amon Amarth - Jomsviking 174 5 0
58 Chthe'ilist - Le dernier crépuscule 177 6 0
57 Mesarthim - Pillars [EP] 180 5 0
56 Cult of Luna & Julie Christmas - Mariner 185 5 0
55 Lotus Thief - Gramarye 186 6 0
54 Ulcerate - Shrines Of Paralysis 187 5 0
53 Sabaton - The Last Stand 190 5 0
52 Skáphe - Skáphe² 195 6 0
51 The Dillinger Escape Plan - Dissociation 196 6 0
50 Inquisition - Bloodshed Across the Empyrean Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith 198 7 0
49 Blues Pills - Lady In Gold 200 4 1
48 Megadeth - Dystopia 200 5 1
47 Russian Circles - Guidance 200 6 0
46 Astronoid - Air 201 6 0
45 Mammoth Weed Wizard person - Y Proffwyd Dwell 209 6 0
44 Deftones - Gore 215 5 1
43 Blood Incantation - Starspawn 216 7 0
42 Moon Tooth - Chromaparagon 219 5 1
41 Ophidian Forest - Susurrus 222 6 0
40 Mesarthim - .- -... ... . -. -.-. . 228 7 0
39 Ulver - ATGCLVLSSCAP 228 9 0
38 Wormed - Krighsu 231 6 0
37 Comet Control - Center of the Maze 235 6 0
35 Krallice - Hyperion 246 8 0
35 Meshuggah - The Violent Sleep of Reason 246 8 0
34 Darkthrone - Arctic Thunder 259 8 0
33 Oathbreaker - Rheia 262 7 1
32 Cultes des Ghoules - Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love 263 7 0
31 Opeth - Sorceress 265 7 0

Dec 19, 2016 at 7:02 PM Post #25,637 of 29,701
Hey, was going to mentioned to you, when you posted your top 3016 list-good list BTW:evil: -I discovered Abyssal this year as you did and it has been a gateway album for me into dissonant death thing. Couldn't really get into the Ulcerate album from a couple of years ago-Destroyers of All. But, something about Abyssal's blackened dissonant death prepared me for Shrines of Paralysis, Zhrine and Phobocosm. I freaking love that Abyssal album, antikatastaseis. I think it's a little more accessible than some of the other dissonant stuff out there. And, the new DSO is really good stuff.

Abyssal changed me early this year. It somehow opened my way of listening to other bands I walked around for years. After Abyssal came attempting the whole Gorguts catalog in full. At one point I'm in public listening thinking " this is crazy, this is just crazy music".

In the end of the first part of the year I felt I did my musical growth, where it really felt like musical education listening to the three Abyssal albums only to then feel that they were somehow accessible and easy to listen to when starting Gorguts.

But what's amazing is we both went back to old albums we knew of but could not begin to comprehend. Then that feeling of being able to enjoy (some) and somewhat tolerate (some) of the genre at hand. In the end maybe even feeling part of that special (dissidence) club.

So it all comes down to the idea that if there truly is a group of people who like a bands records that there is truly something of worth there. It's so easy (for the ego in us all) to write off some of the alien subgenres and dispel the entire group as lost or wrong, just because they don't share the same musical taste as us.

For years I was like Gorguts is not for me, now only 1/4 of it is not for me.

And that's the thing, both of us had already had long acepted and understood the dissonant black thing with maybe MoRT................(Blut_Aus_Nord_album) being the absolute pinnacle? And the other bands like DSO going and forging a complete dissonant subgenre of black for the generations to come in 3016.

Somehow dissonant black is more accessible?
Dec 19, 2016 at 7:51 PM Post #25,638 of 29,701
Somehow dissonant black is more accessible?

Yeah, I would say that's true-at least for me-BAN, DSO-I tend to think as black metal as a kind of canvas onto which many things can be applied, whereas death metal is more structured and tightly controlled. Some of the cross over-blackened death is interesting. 
I listened to the new Ulcerate album maybe half a dozen times, and then something shifted in my listening. Before where I heard confusions, noise chaos I started hearing shards of melody-beauty and ugliness at the same time. It's a really intense album. It's one of my favorites now. 
Zhrines was much easier for me to get. I read  a review somewhere that Zhrine is for people who would like Ulcerate with like a little less technicality and a little more atmosphere. That's me. And, then with a black metal influence. 
And, DSO? They're just bat schiit crazy and I love them for it.
Dec 19, 2016 at 8:02 PM Post #25,639 of 29,701
I've been into Deathspell Omega for over a decade, so their new album just sounded like more of the same to me. That's not a bad thing, since their style is well above average. I was just hoping for something a bit different, I guess.
Just heard Extol's 2013 self-titled album. It was better than I was expecting. I like their old technical/melodic death/black metal style a lot more than their current progressive/death/thrash, though. Their 2000 masterpiece Undeceived is the only essential Extol album for me. Their albums after that one come off a bit too much as whiny emo pop metal to me at times.
Dec 19, 2016 at 8:05 PM Post #25,640 of 29,701
Yeah, I would say that's true-at least for me-BAN, DSO-I tend to think as black metal as a kind of canvas onto which many things can be applied, whereas death metal is more structured and tightly controlled. Some of the cross over-blackened death is interesting. 

I listened to the new Ulcerate album maybe half a dozen times, and then something shifted in my listening. Before where I heard confusions, noise chaos I started hearing shards of melody-beauty and ugliness at the same time. It's a really intense album. It's one of my favorites now. 

Zhrines was much easier for me to get. I read  a review somewhere that Zhrine is for people who would like Ulcerate with like a little less technicality and a little more atmosphere. That's me. And, then with a black metal influence. 

And, DSO? They're just bat schiit crazy and I love them for it.

Zhrines was as acessable as ever but had that quality that there was still more to be understood with new listens. I love easy to listen to music that has that. If my year list was 15 it would be there.
Dec 19, 2016 at 8:46 PM Post #25,641 of 29,701
I've been into Deathspell Omega for over a decade, so their new album just sounded like more of the same to me. That's not a bad thing, since their style is well above average. I was just hoping for something a bit different, I guess.

Just heard Extol's 2013 self-titled album. It was better than I was expecting. I like their old technical/melodic death/black metal style a lot more than their current progressive/death/thrash, though. Their 2000 masterpiece Undeceived is the only essential Extol album for me. Their albums after that one come off a bit too much as whiny emo pop metal to me at times.

Kénôse 2005 was my first humble journey into what would become the DSO institution. You and I talked one about the beautiful package the EP came in. A perfect example of an EP being the correct playing time.

It would be two years later before http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Deathspell_Omega/Fas_-_Ite%2C_Maledicti%2C_in_Ignem_Aeternum/157375 put the band into an almost mainstream light, if you could even call DSO mainstream.

Still magazines like the UK Terrorizer would do nothing but drool over the new invention of dissonant black metal, basically called the two albums a breakthrough.
Dec 19, 2016 at 9:01 PM Post #25,642 of 29,701
Kénôse 2005 was my first humble journey into what would become the DSO institution. You and I talked one about the beautiful package the EP came in. A perfect example of an EP being the correct playing time.

It would be two years later before http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Deathspell_Omega/Fas_-_Ite%2C_Maledicti%2C_in_Ignem_Aeternum/157375 put the band into an almost mainstream light, if you could even call DSO mainstream.

Still magazines like the UK Terrorizer would do nothing but drool over the new invention of dissonant black metal, basically called the two albums a breakthrough.

That EP is still my favorite release by them.
New invention? Hardly. Dissonant BM has been around a lot longer than that.
Dec 19, 2016 at 9:04 PM Post #25,643 of 29,701
It's the movements in metal which fascinate me. An example was in the mid eighties how all Metallica fans just had home brew cassette tapes. No one had a store baught record, you couldn't even find them for awhile. When MOP came out THEN you could buy it everywhere. I tend to think that (even as mentioned fractured) there are still going to be trends. It's these trends which somehow make the music even better. So now we just have mini trends which don't even cross pollenate at times. More choice is always good. We can't stop this trend of micro-communities and I guess have to be grateful to at least have a few albums we have all heard the same this year.
Dec 19, 2016 at 9:10 PM Post #25,644 of 29,701
That EP is still my favorite release by them.

New invention? Hardly. Dissonant BM has been around a lot longer than that.

It seemed new to many in how the style was done. Maybe only for me anyway, as I had been listening to Black Metal for 9 years before the EP, but never heard the style exactly like that? Your right it was maybe around much more early. I had been 100% Nordic but then these artsy fartsey French crazy dudes showed up!

Some times when a band does a subgenre right, they almost sound like they invented it?
Dec 19, 2016 at 9:19 PM Post #25,645 of 29,701
It seemed new to many in how the style was done. Maybe only for me anyway, as I had been listening to Black Metal for 9 years before the EP, but never heard the style exactly like that? Your right it was maybe around much more early. I had been 100% Nordic but then these artsy fartsey French crazy dudes showed up!

Some times when a band does a sungenre right, they almost sound like they invented it?

They also had three albums and other releases before that one.
"Artsy fartsy French crazy dudes" is an amusing way of putting it. One of my top three BM bands, Antaeus, is also French. Nowhere near as creative as DSO, but much more direct and passionately hateful, at least for me. And Aosoth and VI are related bands.
Dec 19, 2016 at 9:32 PM Post #25,646 of 29,701
They also had three albums and other releases before that one.

"Artsy fartsy French crazy dudes" is an amusing way of putting it. One of my top three BM bands, Antaeus, is also French. Nowhere near as creative as DSO, but much more direct and passionately hateful, at least for me. And Aosoth and VI are related bands.

Yes, but I don't remember hearing about them in magazines until that EP landed in 2005, and becoming many a favorite.

Interesting too to read good things about the album 2016 Magma by Gojira on AMG as prior trends there seemed to boycott the ultra-hype and ultra- hipster trend the band parlayed.

We are also greeted with http://www.angrymetalguy.com/avenged-sevenfold-the-stage-things-you-might-have-missed-2016/

Showing A7X the love and respect on AMG that they rightfully deserve for producing such a solid slab of music this year!
Dec 19, 2016 at 9:48 PM Post #25,648 of 29,701
You guys and your acronyms are killing me:wink:

initialism: "an abbreviation consisting of initial letters pronounced separately (e.g., CPU )."
acronym: "an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g., NASA )."


So did ya like Slugdge?
Dec 19, 2016 at 10:05 PM Post #25,649 of 29,701
Sideshow Symphonies by Arcturus
If someone somehow has not heard this album...play it NAO! Truly an enchanting avant-garde progressive metal experience.
I used to play this one oftentimes while driving to metal band practice (or to a bandmate's house) in the middle of the night.
Dec 19, 2016 at 10:10 PM Post #25,650 of 29,701
Sideshow Symphonies by Arcturus

If someone somehow has not heard this album...play it NAO! Truly an enchanting avant-garde progressive metal experience.

I used to play this one oftentimes while driving to metal band practice (or to a bandmate's house) in the middle of the night.

The album has both great sound quality but also some type of mastering issue that even got the band involved, something about different volume levels and a couple songs being mastered and pressed too low. Still I never noticed having the album become an all time favorite for the band and the year it came out. I use it to test equipment at times.

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