Lets Talk Metal
Oct 7, 2015 at 6:27 AM Post #20,911 of 29,693
Dude, the production on Fornever Laid to Rest is great. Same with Symphonies of Sickness. I prefer the sound of a lot of old school death metal albums over most modern production. For example, I dig Archspire quite a bit, but their production just sounds loud and sterile. There's no depth to the music.
Oct 7, 2015 at 6:42 AM Post #20,912 of 29,693
Mate, its a personal thing, I know it will probably limit me from a lot supposedly good albums, but its personal preference, we can't all like the same stuff. I tried to like Seance, it just didn't fit with me.
Glad you managed to get into it.
Oct 7, 2015 at 1:54 PM Post #20,919 of 29,693
No, you must like everything I like, right down to teas, body washes, and thread count on sheets.

I love this post so much. :two_hearts:
Oct 7, 2015 at 2:10 PM Post #20,920 of 29,693
Dude, the production on Fornever Laid to Rest is great. Same with Symphonies of Sickness. I prefer the sound of a lot of old school death metal albums over most modern production. For example, I dig Archspire quite a bit, but their production just sounds loud and sterile. There's no depth to the music.

I struggle with this all the time. I actually hate most old school production and have gotten a lot of **** for it in the past. I LOOOOOOVE Archspire and I hope that more people start to make music like that. I enjoy the instrument separation and impact to it. I understand that some people interpret that as sterile, but I feel like it lets me experience more of the music since the mix isn't so congested. I think a lot of metalheads interpret "depth" differently as well. Some people like a very thick sound with no wasted space and they see that as depth. Some people, like me, prefer as much separation as possible and call that depth. It's hard to differentiate sometimes, especially when I can prefer one over the other just depending on what band it is. Artificial Brain is a good example. I loooove their last album, but it certainly isn't as analytical and separated as Archspire, but that production style fits their music really well.
Overall, I find it awesome that metal has such a wide variety of sound and production because a lot of other genres are very limited in how the fans of that genre will accept the music.

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