Lets Talk Metal
Jun 14, 2013 at 10:14 PM Post #10,081 of 29,701
finally got some new metal LOL...i'm really glad i'm not into vinyl or shopping like this would broke me...(i got another 10-12 albums in other genres also)
black sabbath, black dahlia, dillinger escape, fell voices, leucosis, altar of plagues, ash borer/fell voices split, leprous, QOTSA, immolation
only listened to sabbath and dillinger so far, great stuff from both of those guys.  waiting till late night to really listen to leucosis, i'm excited based on trogdor's review

Please post your reaction to your purchases. Several of those are on my want list-particularly Altar of Plagues. I'm on the fence about the new DT. I've streamed it a couple of times.....I want to love it, but not sure it really grabs me. OTH, I thought the Black Sabbath (despite the sound issues) was a more than respectable return to their origins. I like the new Kylesa release as well-but I like these kinds of hybrid sludge/metal/punk genres and I loved their last release....just like their vibe. Still making my mind about the new Deafhaven, but overall I think it's a keeper. I also enjoy prog-I checked out-I'm pretty much streaming everything I can via Sonos that I can before buying-check out Tesseract who I haven't heard before....eh....interesting...no Mars Volta, but not bad. I'm curious to hear Leprous-haven't yet. And, leaving metal for straight up prog-Steven Wilson's "The Raven..." IMO is a slam dunk tour de force....not metal at all, tho.
Jun 14, 2013 at 10:38 PM Post #10,082 of 29,701
While Construct hasn't wowed me I don't dislike it in the least. Dark Tranquility was a gateway drug for me and they're just amazing. Construct isn't character, or Damage Done, but it's still good.

Solid effort, and the LP comes with a bonus 7" for $22. Why not?

Then again, I juat blew $75 on Gojira stuff so I'm a loat cause anyway.
Jun 15, 2013 at 2:06 AM Post #10,083 of 29,701
Let me know....I can't imagine you won't totally fall in love with this record....seriously, "Grasp." Enough said.

Ahhhh....just a brilliant record. Completely in love with this already (is is that in hate?)
superb example of Cascadian BM, the riff layering is incredible and the doomier side is devastating...I'm not going to say this is better than cold of ages (cause its not IMO) but this is better than Bloodlines and Saturnium Regis (which were both honestly great albums), and easily my favorite metal record this year so far! just incredible, Trogdor you're gonna kill me with all these amazing rec's

I'm actually drained after a careful listen, that's a good record! This is a must-own for anyone who is into BM, and if you enjoy the Cascadian scene this is one of the best examples I've heard. My only fault is the **** production but it is underground BM after all...
Jun 15, 2013 at 2:41 AM Post #10,084 of 29,701
Please post your reaction to your purchases. Several of those are on my want list-particularly Altar of Plagues. I'm on the fence about the new DT. I've streamed it a couple of times.....I want to love it, but not sure it really grabs me. OTH, I thought the Black Sabbath (despite the sound issues) was a more than respectable return to their origins. I like the new Kylesa release as well-but I like these kinds of hybrid sludge/metal/punk genres and I loved their last release....just like their vibe. Still making my mind about the new Deafhaven, but overall I think it's a keeper. I also enjoy prog-I checked out-I'm pretty much streaming everything I can via Sonos that I can before buying-check out Tesseract who I haven't heard before....eh....interesting...no Mars Volta, but not bad. I'm curious to hear Leprous-haven't yet. And, leaving metal for straight up prog-Steven Wilson's "The Raven..." IMO is a slam dunk tour de force....not metal at all, tho.

I've never loved altar of plagues, I own their catalog but they've never jumped out at me. On first listen, the new record is easily my favourite, the electronic side is very noticeable and adds an unsettling edge to the organic, fluid sounds of BM...it's an extremely different kind of atmosphere than the current Cascadian style bands. I'm not sure it's for everyone, it's more experimental than any of their previous releases...but thats probably why I really like it. If you own any of their records, this one is a must have!

I also like the new kylesia, I'm not really into prog at all (but ill check out your Steven Wilson rec), and I literally can't stand Devin Townsend outside of SYL. I really like the new Dillinger escape, and will probably like the new black dahlia as I am a long time fan.

Im listened out tonight, the leucosis record emotionally destroyed me so the rest will have to wait...tomorrow is leprous since everyone seems to love them and this is my first record from them
Jun 15, 2013 at 8:13 AM Post #10,085 of 29,701
I've never loved altar of plagues, I own their catalog but they've never jumped out at me. On first listen, the new record is easily my favourite, the electronic side is very noticeable and adds an unsettling edge to the organic, fluid sounds of BM...it's an extremely different kind of atmosphere than the current Cascadian style bands. I'm not sure it's for everyone, it's more experimental than any of their previous releases...but thats probably why I really like it. If you own any of their records, this one is a must have!

I also like the new kylesia, I'm not really into prog at all (but ill check out your Steven Wilson rec), and I literally can't stand Devin Townsend outside of SYL. I really like the new Dillinger escape, and will probably like the new black dahlia as I am a long time fan.

Im listened out tonight, the leucosis record emotionally destroyed me so the rest will have to wait...tomorrow is leprous since everyone seems to love them and this is my first record from them

Cool....I like DIP. Last album I have is Ire Works. ATC, I prefer the sound of Miss Machine, after that I thought they kind of got a NIN/Trent Reznor thing which isn't bad, but just not as unique. Killswitch totally lost me in the direction they went. I know they are very different bands, but kind of see a parallel. Their new album seems to be getting a lot of good reviews. will check it out.
Hey, be advised, Steven Wilson is full on prog-very tasteful, with really amazing musicians. But, there's an old school English Prog influence (King Crimson, early Genesis, P Floyd, Yes). He goes for some complex instrumental compositions as well, you'll hear strings, piano, organ and even some jazz fusion. Somewhat experimental and solidly in the prog "rock" genre. But, it's very well done.
Jun 15, 2013 at 9:04 AM Post #10,086 of 29,701
Ahhhh....just a brilliant record. Completely in love with this already (is is that in hate?)
superb example of Cascadian BM, the riff layering is incredible and the doomier side is devastating...I'm not going to say this is better than cold of ages (cause its not IMO) but this is better than Bloodlines and Saturnium Regis (which were both honestly great albums), and easily my favorite metal record this year so far! just incredible, Trogdor you're gonna kill me with all these amazing rec's

I'm actually drained after a careful listen, that's a good record! This is a must-own for anyone who is into BM, and if you enjoy the Cascadian scene this is one of the best examples I've heard. My only fault is the **** production but it is underground BM after all...

I'm glad you dig this. Its one of my little gems this year (including Progenie and Henbane). I got to tell you, from my perspective this is a banner year for metal - its just not coming from the *known* entities. EDIT: Cult of Luna and Summoning have delivered probably their best work to date (or on par with their best work).

I really do stand by my DT review. Its a middle of the road album but nothing to really rave about (still better than We Are the Void).
Jun 15, 2013 at 12:22 PM Post #10,087 of 29,701
Then again, I juat blew $75 on Gojira stuff so I'm a loat cause anyway.

LOL yeah I just bought From Mars To Sirius as well (sea blue)
Also without posting again somebody posted this on facebook

Holy crap
Jun 15, 2013 at 3:59 PM Post #10,088 of 29,701
the wife took the kids out of the house this morning, so i had a chance to hit some new music on the big hi-fi, which is a rare pleasure these days ha ha
loving the new Black Dahlia, more memorable songs than ritual and killer big system listening...this is as good as metalcore gets, take it or leave it
Leprous (coal)...hmm...not sure what to think here.  some really cool stuff...but not my style at all, this one won't be making my favourites but it's a well done and well recorded album for fans of this kind of stuff
megadeth...LOL honestly i can dig this, as long as i pretend it's not a megadeth album.  as far as radio friendly balls out rawk, it's better than a lot of the other bands in this vein right now, dave can still write a killer riff and it is really, really well recorded.  on a massive system this one sounds pretty good ha ha but it's NOT megadeth although the country tune is really fun i love that track
immolation...this is really strong, well recorded traditional death metal.  this record definitely deserved a spin on the hi-fi, this is not headphone music.  strong effort and will be making my regular driving music rotation for sure
started into deafhaven but this is a headphone record, will return later
Jun 15, 2013 at 4:13 PM Post #10,089 of 29,701

Stumbled across a new band on AllMusic blog-stoner/doom and really more indie rock with a strong stoner/doom thing....but kind of cool...also dig the female ensemble.  Sort of a more accessible/less Sabbath worshiping Acid King (great female fronted stoner/doom outfit from the 90's). I'm going to keep my eyes on them, so to speak

Jun 15, 2013 at 4:13 PM Post #10,090 of 29,701
I've never loved altar of plagues, I own their catalog but they've never jumped out at me. On first listen, the new record is easily my favourite, the electronic side is very noticeable and adds an unsettling edge to the organic, fluid sounds of BM...it's an extremely different kind of atmosphere than the current Cascadian style bands. I'm not sure it's for everyone, it's more experimental than any of their previous releases...but thats probably why I really like it. If you own any of their records, this one is a must have!

I found their first album to be much more unsettling... "When the Sun Drowns" is completely disturbing from start to finish.
Jun 15, 2013 at 4:22 PM Post #10,091 of 29,701

Stumbled across a new band on AllMusic blog-stoner/doom and really more indie rock with a strong stoner/doom thing....but kind of cool...also dig the female ensemble.  Sort of a more accessible/less Sabbath worshiping Acid King (great female fronted stoner/doom outfit from the 90's). I'm going to keep my eyes on them, so to speak

And the name of the band is:
Jun 15, 2013 at 4:23 PM Post #10,092 of 29,701
Stumbled across a new band on AllMusic blog-stoner/doom and really more indie rock with a strong stoner/doom thing....but kind of cool...also dig the female ensemble.  Sort of a more accessible/less Sabbath worshiping Acid King (great female fronted stoner/doom outfit from the 90's). I'm going to keep my eyes on them, so to speak

umm...do you have a name?  i don't feel like searching through all music to match that picture up :)
Jun 15, 2013 at 4:41 PM Post #10,093 of 29,701
That would be what you would call an oversight on my part....sorry!
Heliotropes-debut full length A constant Sea...been listening on Rhapsody
allMusicBlog writes:


[-] by Fred Thomas

Brooklyn-based genre-bending indie quartet Heliotropes began in 2009 when vocalist/songwriters Jessica Numsuwankijkul and Amber Myers posted an ad on craigslist, initially seeking out musicians to play Brian Eno covers with. They were eventually joined by drummer Cici Harrison and bassist Nya Abudu, with singers Numsuwankijkul and Myers doubling on guitar and percussion, respectively. Their sound grew from their earliest days of covers of Eno and Spacemen 3 into a wide-ranging quilt of heavy sludge metal guitar tones, shoegaze drone rock, and occasional girl group vocal
On their debut full-length, A Constant Sea, Brooklyn-based quartet Heliotropes extract all the doom from doom metal, all the sludge from sludge metal, and all the red-eyed confusion from stoner metal, and siphon it into an aloof and arid hybrid that lacks any metal impulses at all, retaining the weighty dread without sacrificing restraint in terms of volume or overstatement. Falling somewhere between the punishing guitar tones of doom metal's slickest shredders and the psyched-out wasteland of early drug-obsessed droners like Spacemen 3 and Opal, and bearing hints of the '90s Seattle grunge that followed, Heliotropes have made some of the heaviest indie rock available.
Heliotropes’ debut album, A Constant Sea, is out next week via Manimal Vinyl, and we’re pretty stoked. The stoner rock vibe is heavy, the spaced out jams are really sweet, the droning guitars and fuzzed solos are quite nice, and the quartet play with plenty of power, but also a considerable amount of finesse
And, that's a strong enough endorsement for me to check them out

....I likes

Jun 15, 2013 at 4:53 PM Post #10,094 of 29,701
Thanks! Sounds nice so far.

And as a nice contrast, the ugliest band I know :D

Jun 15, 2013 at 5:51 PM Post #10,095 of 29,701
megadeth...LOL honestly i can dig this, as long as i pretend it's not a megadeth album.  as far as radio friendly balls out rawk, it's better than a lot of the other bands in this vein right now, dave can still write a killer riff and it is really, really well recorded.  on a massive system this one sounds pretty good ha ha but it's NOT megadeth although the country tune is really fun i love that track

Definitely pick up the HDTracks version. Its well worth it if you like this album.

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