500+ Head-Fier
NOTE: I am curious to hear feedback from those recently upgraded to the Creator's Windows 10 version and how these binaural recordings (many of which are HRTF) sound with the Windows Sonic for Headphones Surround Audio and/or Dolby Atmos for Headphones Surround options now present in the Windows audio control panel under the "Spatial Sound" tab. It definitely seems to make quite a difference to me, with Atmos winning hands-down for field recordings, and Windows Sonic being more subtle and seeming a bit more accurate for musical tracks. I posted my impressions in this thread, where there is general discussion of them going on: http://www.head-fi.org/t/844611/dolby-atmos-for-headphones-now-available-in-windows-10#post_13443674
First off, some fun! The AXE hair gel folks made three fun ads taking off from the famous "Virtual Barbershop" idea. I found one YouTuber who has re-uploaded them so we can all enjoy those once again! Be sure to close your eyes!
But first, the virtual haircut! Luigi!!!
And these are two of the three original "choose a girl" AXE ads - never could find the third one again:
And here is the playlist these are from.
(Thanks to Тёма Купер at YouTube for keeping these alive!)
Reason I started this thread:
Over at the There’s Something About Ultrasones… thread, Contrastique, another proud owner of Proline 750's like myself, posted a bunch of binaural cuts she got at the Benelux Meet on a CD everyone got from the sponsor of that meet, thrillmetoo. (Sorry, the recordings are no longer available...) This got me thinking about binaural again, since I am a big fan, and even have some equipment for recording that way myself. So, inspiration set in to find more stuff!
I saw a couple threads inspired by the Ultrasone demo CD of people wanting to hear more of this binaural technique. The other threads have become discussions of binaural vs single-point recording and questions and answers about binaural itself, and listings of purchasable recordings. This thread is just for links to freely and legally available downloads of binaurally recorded materials, but single-point recordings are fine to list, along with HRTF and DSM ones, which are finer branches of binaural.
I will update this first post with ones I find, and I'll also take your additions (as posts) and copy them up here to this first post when feasible, or will provide a link here to your post if it is lengthy, like my post #9 (where I can be found leeching from the Ultrasone Demo Cd thread). I'll bold links to files for an easy scan, leaving other kinds as regular links.
Yes, leeching from other threads and providing links to those thread's posts is OK! For Head-fi posts, just right click on a post number in the upper right corner of the post and "copy link location" to paste it into a post here in this thread, and it will jump us over there in a new tab or window. You can also hit the "quote" button on a post, copy that entire text including the quote and /quote tags, and paste the quote whole into a post here, like I did several times in my post #9.
Please keep this thread on-topic, listing only links to downloads, or to elegant sources of downloads, OK? Oh, and rave reviews (or otherwise) are welcomed as well, of course!
For an excellent article on "binaural" audio and what it is, its history, and more than you can shake a stick at (including some demo recordings), try www.binaural.com, suggested by Sovkiller:
The Binaural Source FAQ Page
Sonic Studios
Any headphones can be used to enjoy binaural recordings. HRTF ones even sound impressive over speakers, especially the type made using Sonic Studios' "DSM stereo-surround HRTF" mics. (DSM stands for 'Dimensional Stereo-surround Microphones.') Check Sonic Studios HRTF Baffled/Headworn Ambient Stereo & Surround Microphone Systems for all you could possibly want to know about field recording and/or stealth recording using portables, check out their (Leonardo and Debbie Lombardo's) patented DSM mics (I own a pair!) and theory, definitely listen to their demos, and perhaps contribute links here to some of your own recordings! I will be!
There is a huge wealth of stuff out here on the internet for free. For instance, Contrastique just turned me on to this fact:
In February 2007, the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra began to offer downloads of in-concert binaural recordings through its website. The link is to the samples. They also offer full albums of the symphony's recordings for only $5 as binaural mp3s via their web store.
Jahn just added this reference - an article about the Milwaukee Symphony's binaural recordings in Stereophile:
Here is the Milwaukee Symphony's download page (The link in the above referenced article is broken.)
mobayrasta added the IUA free loops collection location:
freesound :: home page
I noticed that this page at freesound specifically shows files tagged as "binaural"
freesound :: view tag :: binaural
I added a bunch more in post #9 as copies of quotes from the Must try! Ultrasone Demo Cd thread
immersifi added this great post listing many of his recordings:
krmathis suggested this Italian language site:
INDEED! Right from the first track you can tell the high quality of these recordings, performed using the same Neumann KU 100 head-mic that the Milwaukee Symphony is using above. Very high quality streams here. Adjust your headband according to the first link! Eyes closed!
These collected links from TERZO ORECCHIO | mp3 below will load and play directly in your browser if you have Quicktime or another player browser helper app installed.
My favorites:
1) Carta 3D (Alternate Link)
(A great demo - shaking some shredded paper or something all around you!)
Thanks Carol!
13) Toccata e fuga in re minore (Alternate Link)
(Organ in its natural surroundings)
15) Temporale (Alternate Link)
(A good "thunder" recording)
16) Le (povere) orecchie di Bellini (Alternate Link)
(a very cool composite street-scene "composition" 20 minutes long!)
And the piano pieces:
2) Concerto per la mano sinistra (Alternate Link)
3) Sonetto del Petrarca (Alternate Link)
4) Rondò capriccioso (Alternate Link)
I didn't choose the vocal, chorale, and opera pieces because I'm not crazy about the way these "head mic's" pick up the room acoustics in any other musical setting other than with organ performances (where the hall is part of the great instrument!) You may feel differently, of course, so visit the site and listen to the others!
I cannot believe I never noticed that Franko Russo (of TERZO ORECCHIO fame) had this fantastic playlist of recordings done with his "head" mic!
He has some other playlists at his channel as well, but this one blew me away! Guaranteed a winner!
They are mentioned at the Sonic Studios website, but AlmazovKB also mentioned here:
The Quiet American is a series of field recordings made mostly around Vietnam by a traveler, but are presented on a nice website and are good quality. I believe these use Leonard and Debbie's Sonic Studios' DSM mics throughout.
steel102 gave this offering:
Charles Morrow Productions offers nice binaural sample trackings of Madonna's "Music", some Charles Ives, much more. Quality is not as high as in other places, but gives a good representation of the NYC experimental scene surrounding these folks.
asmox provided this info:
Holophonic Sound - this sample and more can be downloaded from this multi-language research site.
You can hear this (the Cereni Holophonic) via Flash Player at the Odeo site.
ugester found another link to apparently the same file (the matches file) that plays from a flashplayer loader.
USER NAME: added this interesting sidenote:
roadtonowhere08 recommends the soundtracker.com site, where you can sample the wares.
papy had this to add to his also suggesting The Quiet American
Here was another offering from the Ultrasone Demo CD thread, by Dept_of_Alchemy:
And bonesinc there also mentioned this excellent source of field recordings, though the navigation is a little "odd" being all search-engine centered:
I found the following few pages at the top of a google search for binaural samples:
THE BINAURAL SOURCE Free Demos to Download!
And here is
Duen Hsi Yen's Binaural, 3D, Holographic Sound Page!
And Michael Oster is an enthusiastic recordist/phonographer who has a few nice samples of sounds he's collected:
F7 Sound and Vision Field Recording/Sound Art documents
And here's a feature on Holophonic Sound from Interesting Thing of the Day
A couple more from krmathis:
Some new stuff!
From werdwerdus:
This is really very, very funny! Here is a direct link to the MP3 to download a copy (the above link leads to an embedded web-mediaplayer but not the file...)
(Right click on these and choose to save target)
(Mirrors courtesy of R1CH):
http://r-1.ch/VB1.mp3 (Barbershop)
Also these:
http://r-1.ch/voce.mp3 (Whispers)
http://r-1.ch/phon.mp3 (Dryer)
http://r-1.ch/cereni-holophonic.mp3 (Matches)
Those links courtesy of Mexican Samuri at "The Something Awful Forums" where he started an extensive discussion thread all about the Virtual Haircut.
And from kryss:
As indicated, the following offering by bebanovich is a "within site" search done at archive.org on the word "binaural". The site itself has much more to offer than these binaural selections.
This place has a ton of stuff! Great search result page!
And here are a few from jazzzy:
Check this page of theirs for several demos:
AND some more!!!
Thanks, jazzzy!
And tosh1000 offers this:
(Yes, all of these have been represented already here in post 1, but this is a nice alternative location to hear these, with the built-in player embedded in his blog. Thanks, Tosh1000!)
Also, forever headphone had these to contribute from YouTube:
Thanks, forever headphone for those. There was also a nice stereo vs binaural one there, among others at YouTube. Check out the related ones as well as the others contributed by the same person.
These three collections of 3D Sound "Holophonics" from washijaaa at YouTube include pictures to clue you in adequately to what you are hearing, and seem to be very good recordings - higher quality than others I've heard of similar or the same material (the original matchsticks are there, but sound much clearer. And... get that paper bag off of my head!!)
The folks at Otophonics in Japan are trying to reproduce binaural sounds in a more believable way, taking our perceptual methods into account. Their demos are fun. The seascape one in particular captures the motion of waves well by the middle. The first audio-only piece is a compilation of familiar pieces but they do sound distinctly different.
And these tracks are not complete ones, but the sampler tracks are very nice examples of what a high-end "Head" by Neumann can do. This album was featured in episode 006 of Head-Fi TV.
Audiophile 176kHz/24bit: https://www.hdtracks.com/index.php?file=catalogdetail&valbum_code=HX090368035264
Audiophile 88kHz/24bit: https://www.hdtracks.com/index.php?file=catalogdetail&valbum_code=HD090368035264
44.1kHz/16bit: https://www.hdtracks.com/index.php?file=catalogdetail&valbum_code=090368035264
"Lenny White, the drummer from Return to Forever, joins Jamey Haddad - one of the most sought-out world percussionists - and trained classical percussionist Mark Sherman for the ultimate and most unique Drum and Percussion session ever recorded. Funk meets world, meets classical! The Explorations in Space and Time album features both the Soundfield and binaural versions as well as bonus binaural tracks. "
First off, some fun! The AXE hair gel folks made three fun ads taking off from the famous "Virtual Barbershop" idea. I found one YouTuber who has re-uploaded them so we can all enjoy those once again! Be sure to close your eyes!

But first, the virtual haircut! Luigi!!!
And these are two of the three original "choose a girl" AXE ads - never could find the third one again:
And here is the playlist these are from.
(Thanks to Тёма Купер at YouTube for keeping these alive!)
Reason I started this thread:
Over at the There’s Something About Ultrasones… thread, Contrastique, another proud owner of Proline 750's like myself, posted a bunch of binaural cuts she got at the Benelux Meet on a CD everyone got from the sponsor of that meet, thrillmetoo. (Sorry, the recordings are no longer available...) This got me thinking about binaural again, since I am a big fan, and even have some equipment for recording that way myself. So, inspiration set in to find more stuff!
I saw a couple threads inspired by the Ultrasone demo CD of people wanting to hear more of this binaural technique. The other threads have become discussions of binaural vs single-point recording and questions and answers about binaural itself, and listings of purchasable recordings. This thread is just for links to freely and legally available downloads of binaurally recorded materials, but single-point recordings are fine to list, along with HRTF and DSM ones, which are finer branches of binaural.
I will update this first post with ones I find, and I'll also take your additions (as posts) and copy them up here to this first post when feasible, or will provide a link here to your post if it is lengthy, like my post #9 (where I can be found leeching from the Ultrasone Demo Cd thread). I'll bold links to files for an easy scan, leaving other kinds as regular links.
Yes, leeching from other threads and providing links to those thread's posts is OK! For Head-fi posts, just right click on a post number in the upper right corner of the post and "copy link location" to paste it into a post here in this thread, and it will jump us over there in a new tab or window. You can also hit the "quote" button on a post, copy that entire text including the quote and /quote tags, and paste the quote whole into a post here, like I did several times in my post #9.
Please keep this thread on-topic, listing only links to downloads, or to elegant sources of downloads, OK? Oh, and rave reviews (or otherwise) are welcomed as well, of course!
For an excellent article on "binaural" audio and what it is, its history, and more than you can shake a stick at (including some demo recordings), try www.binaural.com, suggested by Sovkiller:
Originally Posted by Sovkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif Binaural is a recording in which the mikes are placed in the exact place where the ears are, so that gives you the exact way you should hear the event recorded, with the soundstage and spacial distribution of the intruments the exact real life way, instead of a simulated distribution done on the console in the recording studio.... You can find more info here... |
The Binaural Source FAQ Page
Sonic Studios
Any headphones can be used to enjoy binaural recordings. HRTF ones even sound impressive over speakers, especially the type made using Sonic Studios' "DSM stereo-surround HRTF" mics. (DSM stands for 'Dimensional Stereo-surround Microphones.') Check Sonic Studios HRTF Baffled/Headworn Ambient Stereo & Surround Microphone Systems for all you could possibly want to know about field recording and/or stealth recording using portables, check out their (Leonardo and Debbie Lombardo's) patented DSM mics (I own a pair!) and theory, definitely listen to their demos, and perhaps contribute links here to some of your own recordings! I will be!
There is a huge wealth of stuff out here on the internet for free. For instance, Contrastique just turned me on to this fact:
In February 2007, the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra began to offer downloads of in-concert binaural recordings through its website. The link is to the samples. They also offer full albums of the symphony's recordings for only $5 as binaural mp3s via their web store.
Jahn just added this reference - an article about the Milwaukee Symphony's binaural recordings in Stereophile:
Originally Posted by Jahn /img/forum/go_quote.gif well to keep this going i'll crossref with the other binaural thread with the free clip on stereophile for now- Stereophile: Milwaukee Symphony Goes Binaura |
Here is the Milwaukee Symphony's download page (The link in the above referenced article is broken.)
mobayrasta added the IUA free loops collection location:
freesound :: home page
I noticed that this page at freesound specifically shows files tagged as "binaural"
freesound :: view tag :: binaural
I added a bunch more in post #9 as copies of quotes from the Must try! Ultrasone Demo Cd thread
immersifi added this great post listing many of his recordings:
krmathis suggested this Italian language site:
Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif You might also want to check out this website: TERZO ORECCHIO | mp3 |
INDEED! Right from the first track you can tell the high quality of these recordings, performed using the same Neumann KU 100 head-mic that the Milwaukee Symphony is using above. Very high quality streams here. Adjust your headband according to the first link! Eyes closed!
These collected links from TERZO ORECCHIO | mp3 below will load and play directly in your browser if you have Quicktime or another player browser helper app installed.
My favorites:
1) Carta 3D (Alternate Link)
(A great demo - shaking some shredded paper or something all around you!)
Originally Posted by Tolovana TERZO ORECCHIO | mp3 This one is isn't paper, it's a sparkler. I looked through the thread, and was suprised that no one else said they recognized the sound. Knowing that it's a sparkler makes it all the more fun to listen to! Great list! Carol |
Thanks Carol!
13) Toccata e fuga in re minore (Alternate Link)
(Organ in its natural surroundings)
15) Temporale (Alternate Link)
(A good "thunder" recording)
16) Le (povere) orecchie di Bellini (Alternate Link)
(a very cool composite street-scene "composition" 20 minutes long!)
And the piano pieces:
2) Concerto per la mano sinistra (Alternate Link)
3) Sonetto del Petrarca (Alternate Link)
4) Rondò capriccioso (Alternate Link)
I didn't choose the vocal, chorale, and opera pieces because I'm not crazy about the way these "head mic's" pick up the room acoustics in any other musical setting other than with organ performances (where the hall is part of the great instrument!) You may feel differently, of course, so visit the site and listen to the others!
I cannot believe I never noticed that Franko Russo (of TERZO ORECCHIO fame) had this fantastic playlist of recordings done with his "head" mic!
He has some other playlists at his channel as well, but this one blew me away! Guaranteed a winner!
They are mentioned at the Sonic Studios website, but AlmazovKB also mentioned here:
The Quiet American is a series of field recordings made mostly around Vietnam by a traveler, but are presented on a nice website and are good quality. I believe these use Leonard and Debbie's Sonic Studios' DSM mics throughout.
steel102 gave this offering:
Charles Morrow Productions offers nice binaural sample trackings of Madonna's "Music", some Charles Ives, much more. Quality is not as high as in other places, but gives a good representation of the NYC experimental scene surrounding these folks.
asmox provided this info:
Holophonic Sound - this sample and more can be downloaded from this multi-language research site.
You can hear this (the Cereni Holophonic) via Flash Player at the Odeo site.
ugester found another link to apparently the same file (the matches file) that plays from a flashplayer loader.
Originally Posted by ugester /img/forum/go_quote.gif (Link appears to be broken) |
USER NAME: added this interesting sidenote:
Originally Posted by USER NAME: /img/forum/go_quote.gif That was indeed a binaural recording. It was recorded by one of the pioneers of binaural recordings Hugo Zuccarelli. His stuff is amazing. There is a compilation of clips like this (just do a search) grab it if you can find it, it's rare. |
roadtonowhere08 recommends the soundtracker.com site, where you can sample the wares.
Originally Posted by roadtonowhere08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Sound Tracker Absolute best binaural recordings I have ever heard. I have a handful of CD's from this guy and they are out of this world. They are only nature recordings though, so keep that in mind. Nevertheless, I think even one CD from him is essential for really hearing what headphones can do. |
papy had this to add to his also suggesting The Quiet American
Originally Posted by papy /img/forum/go_quote.gif and from an older thread here : Dallas Simpson's Homepage the fireworks recording works a treat ! Papy |
Here was another offering from the Ultrasone Demo CD thread, by Dept_of_Alchemy:
Originally Posted by Dept_of_Alchemy /img/forum/go_quote.gif Listening to track 6 confirms that this is definitely a binaural compilation. Speaking of binaural recordings, check out this site: The '2 running dogs' file is uncanny. |
And bonesinc there also mentioned this excellent source of field recordings, though the navigation is a little "odd" being all search-engine centered:
Originally Posted by bonesinc /img/forum/go_quote.gif For people who like field recordings, check this site: :: soundtransit :: home |
I found the following few pages at the top of a google search for binaural samples:
THE BINAURAL SOURCE Free Demos to Download!
And here is
Duen Hsi Yen's Binaural, 3D, Holographic Sound Page!
And Michael Oster is an enthusiastic recordist/phonographer who has a few nice samples of sounds he's collected:
F7 Sound and Vision Field Recording/Sound Art documents
And here's a feature on Holophonic Sound from Interesting Thing of the Day
A couple more from krmathis:
Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif A couple more links to free binaural clips: binaural music cds and mp3s. worldwide mail order. 24 hour dispatch. The Binaural Source |
Some new stuff!
From werdwerdus:
Originally Posted by werdwerdus /img/forum/go_quote.gif Virtual Haircut Virtual Barbershop - Putfile.com it's so cool! |
This is really very, very funny! Here is a direct link to the MP3 to download a copy (the above link leads to an embedded web-mediaplayer but not the file...)
(Right click on these and choose to save target)
(Mirrors courtesy of R1CH):
http://r-1.ch/VB1.mp3 (Barbershop)
Also these:
http://r-1.ch/voce.mp3 (Whispers)
http://r-1.ch/phon.mp3 (Dryer)
http://r-1.ch/cereni-holophonic.mp3 (Matches)
Those links courtesy of Mexican Samuri at "The Something Awful Forums" where he started an extensive discussion thread all about the Virtual Haircut.
And from kryss:
Originally Posted by kryss /img/forum/go_quote.gif the best binaural I ever heard: Royal Oakland Gramophone: January 15th, 2006 Royal Oakland Gramophone: January 22nd, 2006 |
As indicated, the following offering by bebanovich is a "within site" search done at archive.org on the word "binaural". The site itself has much more to offer than these binaural selections.
This place has a ton of stuff! Great search result page!
Originally Posted by bebanovich /img/forum/go_quote.gif This is simply a "binaural" search results page of one of my all-time favorite places on the web - archive.org. Audio is just the tip of the iceberg . . . it's full of public domain Films Noir, old drive-in ads, government propaganda shorts, you name it. Internet Archive Search: binaural |
And here are a few from jazzzy:
Originally Posted by jazzzy /img/forum/go_quote.gif I've found some impressive binaural recordings on these sites : http://radiantslab.com/musiek/phonography/ 3D Audio Deomos BINAURAL They've got fireworks video - cool to watch http://www.binaural.nl/vuurwerk%20la...0audio%202.wmv |
Check this page of theirs for several demos:
AND some more!!!
Originally Posted by jazzzy /img/forum/go_quote.gif Fresh links for you guys Binaural sounds WOW, military chopper videos with binaural sound, you've to check this out [edit - added this quote] The best one IMHO is 20051016d0.wmv - amazing binaural effect, I felt like getting into this helicopter ... and while listening to this one 20040815a.mp3 I took off my headphones because I thought there are some birds nearby my window ( recording !!! Binaural My Recordings SoundFX ƒoƒCƒm[ƒ‰ƒ‹˜^‰¹‚ð’®‚±‚¤I Blind Cool Tech Podcast http://www.disp.duke.edu/~esmiley/binaural_audio.htm 173binaural_ir_en and don't forget about sound searching websites :: soundtransit :: home Ourmedia: Homepage BTW: They have nice binaural mic for low price eBay Store on eBay Canada: Search results for CHURCH AUDIO. |
Thanks, jazzzy!
And tosh1000 offers this:
Originally Posted by tosh1000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif These are interesting holographic sounds. Has this link been mentioned? * Get Your Virtual Haircut and Other Auditory Illusions*-*One Mans Blog |
(Yes, all of these have been represented already here in post 1, but this is a nice alternative location to hear these, with the built-in player embedded in his blog. Thanks, Tosh1000!)
Also, forever headphone had these to contribute from YouTube:
Thanks, forever headphone for those. There was also a nice stereo vs binaural one there, among others at YouTube. Check out the related ones as well as the others contributed by the same person.
These three collections of 3D Sound "Holophonics" from washijaaa at YouTube include pictures to clue you in adequately to what you are hearing, and seem to be very good recordings - higher quality than others I've heard of similar or the same material (the original matchsticks are there, but sound much clearer. And... get that paper bag off of my head!!)
The folks at Otophonics in Japan are trying to reproduce binaural sounds in a more believable way, taking our perceptual methods into account. Their demos are fun. The seascape one in particular captures the motion of waves well by the middle. The first audio-only piece is a compilation of familiar pieces but they do sound distinctly different.
And these tracks are not complete ones, but the sampler tracks are very nice examples of what a high-end "Head" by Neumann can do. This album was featured in episode 006 of Head-Fi TV.
Audiophile 176kHz/24bit: https://www.hdtracks.com/index.php?file=catalogdetail&valbum_code=HX090368035264
Audiophile 88kHz/24bit: https://www.hdtracks.com/index.php?file=catalogdetail&valbum_code=HD090368035264
44.1kHz/16bit: https://www.hdtracks.com/index.php?file=catalogdetail&valbum_code=090368035264
"Lenny White, the drummer from Return to Forever, joins Jamey Haddad - one of the most sought-out world percussionists - and trained classical percussionist Mark Sherman for the ultimate and most unique Drum and Percussion session ever recorded. Funk meets world, meets classical! The Explorations in Space and Time album features both the Soundfield and binaural versions as well as bonus binaural tracks. "
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