500+ Head-Fier
Check the WBF TRP Tube Rolling thread, one of the guys I recommended 6J5’s to ran a TRP2 and had no issues at all. He other triodes as well and I think settled in 7193’s prior to purchasing a Poseidon. I’m not sure if he kept the TRP but none the less he had no issues. The only issues I’ve heard of so far surrounding the use of 4V rectifiers and adapters. A recent case occurred with one of our friends who had to have his dac returned to Poland for repair over a transformer issue. I don’t know what the final verdict was on the cause of failure- bad tranny or shorted tube/bad adapter.Yup, I’ll check with the engineer before plugging anything new, but given the bounds of 6J5 (0.3A) to KT150 (2.0A) per socket, there is a definitely huge range of possibility from extrapolating the bias used from the 6J5
Nevertheless, better safe than sorry - best to double check with the engineer, and minimally I'll probably aim for things that can take 6V6 bias and cap out at the F2A11 as my maximum bound