La Figaro 339
Apr 6, 2011 at 2:37 PM Post #271 of 6,909
Don't panic mate, it happened the same with my WA3: check every connection, interconnect, power cable, put the stock tubes back, try a different pair of headphones. And consider the different time in China, so he will probably reply tonight.
Apr 6, 2011 at 3:05 PM Post #272 of 6,909
yeah, I checked all that, but its dead. can't even here the right tubes hum.
Lets see what they reply. If not I guess I'll be looking for a tube repair shop :s
Apr 7, 2011 at 3:54 AM Post #274 of 6,909
Yuking replied overnight that it's probably the source resistance that got damaged during transport

This is going to be fun, I hardly know what a screwdriver is, and now I'm gonna have to replace these things

As you can see, Yuking pointed to the LEFT channel(White) while my RIGHT channel (Red) is dead.
I suppose Left and Right have the same type of resistors? Anyone?
Apr 7, 2011 at 8:12 AM Post #275 of 6,909
I *absolutely* would NOT go poking around the inside of a tube amp unless you REALLY know what you are doing.  There are LETHAL voltages in tube amps, even when unplugged!  Make them take it back and fix it for you.
Apr 7, 2011 at 9:07 AM Post #277 of 6,909
I'll just have to take it to a shop then or ask someone who knows what to do. Sending it back costs hundreds of euros...
I sent another email saying I can not do these reparations myself, and I asked if he will pay for the costs.
Oh the joy of english - chinese communication... one thing to remember is not buying expensive things abroad anymore

Edit: I already found a shop that is specialized in reparing tube amps. lucky me. Lets hope yuking pays the invoice :wink:
Apr 8, 2011 at 3:29 AM Post #278 of 6,909

I'll just have to take it to a shop then or ask someone who knows what to do. Sending it back costs hundreds of euros...
I sent another email saying I can not do these reparations myself, and I asked if he will pay for the costs.
Oh the joy of english - chinese communication... one thing to remember is not buying expensive things abroad anymore

Edit: I already found a shop that is specialized in reparing tube amps. lucky me. Lets hope yuking pays the invoice :wink:

Update: Yuking will be paying for the reparation costs.

Apr 10, 2011 at 3:59 AM Post #279 of 6,909
I didn't receive the cage to put over the tubes btw, or aren't they shipped anymore?

I'm not sure about shipping internationally (from China) but ordering it from within got me the cage.
Hope you get your problem fixed out for you!

I very recently (a month ago) added the DT990 600 to my growing headphone collection, and I have to agree with Ultrainferno, the 339 *can* power these cans properly- with lots of (non-muddy) room to spare.
Most (>75%) of the things I listen to are treble-heavy electronica such as asian electropop  (Perfume, T-ara, immi, saori@destiny, etc) and vocaloid (all synth, even the voices). I find myself enjoying my electronica much MUCH MUCH more with the dt990 that with my hd650. Ever since getting the dt990, I've been the victim of "lost time" hehe. "It's 4:30 am already!?!"
I'm not too fond of gratitious amounts of bass, but I luuurve my sparkling, piercing highs. I guess you can call me a treblehead if there was such a term.. The hd650 made me turn the 339's knob all the way to 3oclock trying to look for extreme highs, but we all know that's an exercise in futility hehe, and DEM BASS (not in a good way, for me). With the dt990 2oclock is usually enough. Finally, the 339 is able to provide a strong bass punch to the dt990 and I'm not left wanting.
A short bit about the 339 and the hd650- I'm not sure if anything in the price range can do better with capturing the true emotion of jazz music. At least nothing I've auditioned so far!
I have one component of the chain missing though. a DAC. Will it really give me a noticeable, non-"tweaking minute" difference? Playing from laptop->339->headphone.
Apr 11, 2011 at 9:55 AM Post #280 of 6,909
I went ahead and bought an Audio-gd NFB-3 Dac. I recommend it highly! It is a great complement to one of my laptop set-ups which includes: MacBook Pro (non-lossless files via USB))—>Audio-gd Digital Interface w/PSU—>NFB-3—>LF339—>HD-800 (or HD-600).
Best regards.
Apr 12, 2011 at 9:56 PM Post #282 of 6,909
I have never been very satisfied with the output from my MacBook Pro. It's quite passable—for movies, taped TV shows, etc.—but not for the best music fidelity. To the best of my ability, I would describe the sound of the MacBook without a Dac as “artificial.” Similar to the sounds that can be concocted via electronic keyboards in trying to emulate the timbres of an orchestral group.
I have always had decent Dacs (not expensive) between laptop and amp. Most recently, I used an MHDT “Paradisea 3” and auditioned the “Havana.” I have also owned the very economical Lite Dac (with mods). The latter, a terrific value but doesn't do more than 16/44.1 (neither do the MHDT models). The NFB-3, considering how affordable and well built it is, sounds pretty amazing. Having been spoiled for years by the sublime sound of the Audiomeca Enkianthus X Dac in my speaker-based system, I am in awe of the NFB-3. Almost certainly my impression is being colored by the other recent arrivals (LF 339 and Audio-gd DI) which contribute to the wealth of good sounds emanating from my HD-800 and 600.
My suggestion to you would be to acquire and try an economical model like the Lite or the Maverick Audio “D1,” preferably used, and hear if you like the sound. However, if you are happy and enjoying what you are hearing from your present system (without Dac), then please ignore my suggestion and avoid crossing to the “dark side.”
Best regards.
Apr 13, 2011 at 6:11 AM Post #283 of 6,909
My 2 cents: The first time I added a DAC in my laptop chain a new world of sound opened up to me. I could hear things I never heared before in my life even on my favorite songs.
So yes, I would definately say a DAC will improve your musical experience.
Oh and I happen to have a D1 DAc up for sale next week :D
On another matter, my replacement parts just arrived. I'm hoping now that that's actually what's wrong and that the shop can fix it.
Did the 339 smell weird with you guys as well in the beginning? (and man it gets steaming hot!)
Apr 13, 2011 at 5:47 PM Post #284 of 6,909
Thanks for the inputs, Mambosenior and Ultrainferno!
I am actually willing to spend ~300 USD on a DAC by the third quarter of 2011 if it was worth the investment. And going by your two opinions, I guess it's worth the time to do some auditioning! I'm getting some time off next month so I'm going with a friend to the local audiophile store. Me to check out DAC's, him to check out some grados.
P.S. Ultrainferno, I might actually be interested in your sale if I wasn't based in China

Apr 19, 2011 at 10:43 AM Post #285 of 6,909
My quest for the ultimate OTL amp to drive my high impedance super combo (HD650, DT880/600) has led me to the LF339. Does the 339 offer that much better performance over the LF332s that it should be a no brainer to pick up the 339 for the extra cost? Is there any alternatives within North America that offers such a great performance/price ratio as the darkvoice/lafigaro amps?

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