Kuro's Reviews, Impressions and Shootouts
Jul 4, 2021 at 8:16 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 59


Headphoneus Supremus
May 25, 2018
North of Toronto
So I've been in this hobby for about 4 years going now (Circa 2017), and thanks to some local members I've met here and local brick & mortar Headfoneshop (of which I shill hard for GTA folks) I've been able to go through a LOT of iems, close to the entire S and A tiers on Crin's ranking (pre-clean up) for reference. I started posting impressions in August 2020 as I finally had a solid idea of what sound signature I preferred. My first review was posted on the famous nest of porta-fi lunatics with deep pockets (aka Flickenick's thread) in August 2020 with my first shootout in May 2021. Many more to follow I hope!

I have some guidelines for my reviews and shootouts as follows (Mostly my response after a couple of years of reading reviews):

No Marketing Fluff: You can find that from the manufacturer. No more having to go 3 pages before you get to the sound. Tech and design will be mentioned in line if I feel that it contributes to fit and/or sound.

No Pictures (Mostly reviews): I'm a landscape photographer, macro not so much. Again plenty of eye candy shots are available on the site. I'll most likely be breaking that rule with at least a picture for shootouts (or whenever I can make @riverground take pictures for me)

Entertaining: I aim to have a theme for post, sometimes there will be more references (or fewer) depending on how it flows. Overall, it's meant to make it a short(er) but entertaining read.

No reviewer units: All units are either a) Personally owned , b) a demo model at a B&M or c) a loan from a friend. I like having the freedom to say what I want without a constraint. It also means that I'm funding it myself, but welcome to Head Fi, sorry about your wallet and all that. (As of 7/4/21 current spending is at ~$60K CAD)

Genres: Western Pop and Rock (pre 2010), Contemporary Christian (Encompasses a variety of sub-genres), Asian Pop (Mandarin, Japanese and Korean). OSTs/Orchestral

Preferred Signature: I have a sub bass bias but not what I would consider basshead territory. My ears are sensitive to mid bass and too much of that causes fatigue, I find sub bass baised low end comes across as "balanced" to me for the region. The lower mid/upper bass area tends to be a bit tricky since I want male vocals to have body, but not bass bleed into the mids. A slight bump in the 1k to bring vocals slightly forward, but not overly forward. Upper mids/lower treble peak is a must. My ears don't like the region being recessed or linear and is an absolute for me for female vocals. Now about treble: I really really really absolute love treble, I may be a treblehead when I think about it. 5k and 7k peaks are essential non negotiables. Of course, they can be relative to the lower treble and upper mids respectively but they have to be there. Energy and sparkle? YES PLEASE. Onto soundstage: Height, Width, Depth in that order. Height is very hard to get right in the presentation of iems and makes a world of difference. Width is a given and depth is a preference. I lean very strongly to the technicality side and I don't like compromising it for musicality. As I use my iems for both work and play, my preference between the two are essentially the same. Imaging hands down is the number 1 thing I value in iems above the $1K mark and will make or break it.
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Jul 4, 2021 at 8:17 PM Post #2 of 59
Demo Track List (As of Janurary 10th 2023)
10 Favourite IEMS (As of Jan 10th 2023):
  • 64 Audio A12t
  • Empire Ears Odin
  • Empire Ears Legend Evo
  • FiR Audio M4
  • 64 Audio A18s
  • MEST Indigo
  • AK Pathfinder
  • MMR Balmung
  • Final A8000
  • Sony Z1R
BLON 03 and the Blessing 2 have special mentions for "Technicalities be damned, the musicality makes for such a good listen"

IEMs heard/owned (Some are too old to warrant review impressions due to the inaccuracy of aural memory, but feel free to ask) :
Empire Ears: Spartan, Athena, Apollo, Zeus, Phantom, LX, Valkyrie, Wraith, Hero, Odin, ESR MKII, Phantom SE, Evo
64 Audio: A3, A6t, U12t, U18t, A12t, Trio, Fourte, A18s
FiR Audio: M4, KR5
JH Audio: Layla, Lola, Jolene
Campfire Audio: Andromeda (2019, S, Gold, MW10, 2020), Solaris 2020 , Ara
Sennheiser: IE900, IE600
Sony: M9, Z1R
Noble: K10u, Khan, Sultan, Ragnar
Final: A3000, A4000, Shichiku Kangen, A8000
Vision Ears: VE8, Elysium ,EXT, Phonix
Hidition: Viento (B)
QDC: V14, VX, DMagic
Unique Melody: MEST , MEST Indigo, Multiverse Mentor, MEST JP
MMR Balmung
Earsonic: Velvet V2 , Stark
Accoustone 1551
Etymotic: E4SE, Evo
Moondrop Blessing 2
Shozy Blackhole
Aroma Jewel
Oriolus Trailli
Softears RSV
Hyla CE5
AK: Zero 1, Pathfinder
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Jul 4, 2021 at 8:18 PM Post #3 of 59
Jul 5, 2021 at 8:57 PM Post #4 of 59
Reviews WIP:
Brain farting

Impressions Planned:
64 Audio A12t
JH Lola
Dunu Zen
Campfire Andromeda MW10
JH Jolene
Etymotic Evo
Empire Ears Phantom LE
VE Phonix
FiR Krypton 5
Oriolus Trailli
Aroma Jewel
64 Audio A18s
AK Pathfinder
MEST Indigo

Shootouts WIP:
Odin v Wraith v Evo

Suggestions are welcome!
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Jul 11, 2021 at 12:42 AM Post #5 of 59
Editing done, time to get started!

Impressions: Final A3/4K *Note* Impressions will follow a format similar to my reviews but shorter.

Preamble: I've personally have heard one brand where trickle down into the budget range has truly wowed me. Final now joins that lone manufacturer with the release of their budget options. Units were provided courtesy of @riverground , who had surprised me with both in a blind test session during a park meetup (because no dining) back in May. I was quite impressed with both. And having been in the kilobuck territory, it was refreshing to hear something that blew my expectations in a lower bracket not called the Blessing 2 or Blon 03. I've heard the SK, but not the A8K yet. May revise once I have the A8K in hand

Design: The colours of the shells are rather muted when compared to the shiny A8K or the lacquered SK. However they are super light in comparison and not as inclined to give you a sinking feeling if the earpieces clank into each other. The change to a 2 pin socket rather than mmcx is welcome, it's recessed as well. The lighter weight also helps as adjusting the position actually sticks. There's no sharp edge to cut your ears on compared to its more expensive brothers.

Testing: I went for the Radius Deepmounts and the PW Audio Xerxes to take advantage of the 4.4 on my WM1A. The A3K was slightly hard to drive and were at 55 on high gain. The A4K was slightly easier and at 50 on high gain.

Sound: The A3K has a more warm laidback sound, making it significantly more suited for longer periods of listening. There's a nice sub bass bias that really sits well with my ears. Mids sit slightly forward in the mix, but have good body. Treble has good energy, but like the Zeus has no sparkle at all. This will benefit those with a sensitivity in the 5K peak, but makes the A3K too boring for me in the region,

A4K is bright....really bright, it was a very exciting listen, but fatigue set in rather quickly for me, a treblehead. Thus A4K is more suited for longer periods or for commuting where external noises are a nuisance. The bass shifts to a bit of a mid bass bias, but good amounts of impact and slam are present. Mids are more forward and also more emotional coming from the 3K. Treble takes the energy and restores that 5K peak adding plenty of sparkle. This makes for a very dynamic sound and contrast to the 3K. However the brightness of the overall signature, will definitely make it unbearable for some of you.

Conclusion: My first reaction to these were "these are some really fast DDs". Despite not being the beryllium driver in the flagships, there is clear trickle down in the driver being used by Final's latest entry level offerings. This actually makes both very tempting propositions given how they sound for the price. Had I not know the price tag, I would have guess these were $300+ and not $100+. It comes down a preference on which one to choose. While extension in both ends of the sound range are lacking, as are other technicalities, these are definitely "technicalities be damned, they sound good"
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Jul 12, 2021 at 8:25 PM Post #7 of 59
Impressions: 64 Audio Tia Fourte

Preamble: Long story short, I like 64 Audio (almost as much as Empire). U18t, Trio and Fourte were always out of my reach , mostly due to the price tag. With thanks to fellow Canuck Headfiers, I conquered Trio in mid 2020 (shameless plug to read my review for that). And now in 2021 Q1, good old Tiger Ears @Vitaly2017 helped me conquer the U18t and Fourte. To make matters worse, I had forgotten my DAP so I ended up doing those on Tiger Ears 1Z (that's another story). Thankfully @riverground brought his 1A and I was able to get impressions using my frame of reference source. I ended up trading my Shichiku Kangen for Tiger's Fourte a week later. 2 weeks in, I've put the 1960's 2 wire on it and haven't looked back, so either the honeymoon is still ongoing or it's never ending. I had my reservations about the Fourte for the longest time due to owning the M4, so I was quite surprised by the result. The Air Supply is plenty and I'm still Lost in Love (nods to full review theme).

Design: Fourte is one of those iems that look significantly better and is difficult to photograph well. Full points to the copper facepales and metallic orange top half. Overall, Fourte and Trio have a similar shell. It's a much better fit than say the 18t and 12t and stays in place much better due to a lower weight and despite not having nozzle lips (as usual) holds onto tips really well. The 2 pin connector is almost flush and sticks out very slightly from the main shell. This works very well with the standard 2 pin connectors made for recessed sockets that come with the majority of cables out there resulting in a much better fit (Similar to my A12t which has flushed sockets). As my unit is rather new, it comes with the redesigned 64 logo as well as the "leather" case. While small it works much better than the case of old for those of us that instantly rip out the stock cable off 64 iems, it's a bit smaller than the FiR case as well.

Testing: The True Fidelity tips that came stock just wouldn't cooperate with me, so I ended using my Radius Deepmounts which are doing double duty on the M4. Paired with the 1960s (Sorry Odin!) off the 4.4 on my WM1A, 50 on low gain.

Sound: Fourte has a sub bass bias just the way I like it, while mid bass has good slam and impact. The bass region is very clean, and it's effortless to pick out the individual hits due to the incredible separation. It's not basshead bass and I would consider it closer to reference levels , but is enough to satisfy most the tastes of most. The DD is bit slower than I'm use to relative to the rest of my collection, but it works incredibly well with the wide soundstage and air, allowing the sound to expand and reverberate. It's a rather unique take and takes a bit of getting use to.

Those who know me outside of the forums know that I'm a shill of Tia treble. the Trio only reinforced that with the backing of a full Tia tubeless design. The Fourte introduced me to Tia mids, and now I won't shut up about it. Besides the tuning that 64 crafted, the Tia mids driver is the biggest differentiator to the M4, quashing any doubts I held and resulting in holding onto both iems. Again the mids are slightly forward and clear like the M4, but with superior imaging. Again, there is an interplay with the wide soundstage and air, in this case it brings the emotion that a lot of folks here talk about with the Elysium and warmer sources. While the M4 is crystal clear and also brings a tinge of emotion in the presentation, Fourte dials it up to 12 but without relying on nerfing the bass and treble to do so. Fourte has definitely supplanted the Zeus and Wraith for mids in my book. Normally the dip going into 1K would bother, but in this case, the resulting peak in the upper mids, despite being lower than the A12t works very well. The no chill and super polarizing treble tuning also ties into this somehow (I have yet to figure this out.

Treble seems to be the most polarizing aspect of the Fourte. It's either a love or hate with no in between. There's plenty of energy and sparkle in the presentation to satisfy most treble heads, though those peaks are not gonna be doing any favours for folks sensitive to them. Again, I need to hammer how much the air and soundstage width plays into this aspect of the presentation as well. While there is quite a bit of treble, for me, this is balance by the room that the notes have to work in. I've been looking for something with the holographic chops in the treble presentation to surpass the Andromeda for the longest time, and this it. 64 Audio also decide to take a no chill approach to the upper treble, and while it might not be everyone's cup of tea you can't deny the benefits the harmonics give.

Conclusion: Taken separately and as a whole, the Fourte is a technical marvel even in today's market. Between the unique tuning, and the full suite of Tia tech it manages to be technically proficient and musical at the same time. This is difficult to do and the M4 is a distance second, with my other iems leaning towards the technical aspect of things. The presentation definitely takes some time to get use to and may sound disjointed at first for those that prefer or come from a musical approach to listening. For me it was love at first listen, once I got over the technical part and I started hearing how musical the Fourte was as well, I knew had to have it. It's biggest weakness however is also due to the presentation. For those with treble sensitivities, this simply might not be for you. Hoping @riverground gets the Noir now :grin:
Jul 12, 2021 at 9:45 PM Post #8 of 59
That S.K is getting little love, traded now twice amongst you guys, is @Vitaly2017 switching it up as well?
Jul 12, 2021 at 9:49 PM Post #9 of 59
That S.K is getting little love, traded now twice amongst you guys, is @Vitaly2017 switching it up as well?
I think Tiger Ears had some fit issues, but he's trying to make it work. @riverground hyped it up a little too much and we were both disappointed by a couple things that we were expecting. I would solidly recommend it to others, and the artisanship on it is amazing. For me personally the MRSP, and focus on musicality just didn't do it. It's not Sultan disappointing though. Hoping to bang out the SK impressions soon as well.
Jul 12, 2021 at 10:52 PM Post #10 of 59
That S.K is getting little love, traded now twice amongst you guys, is @Vitaly2017 switching it up as well?

I think Tiger Ears had some fit issues, but he's trying to make it work. @riverground hyped it up a little too much and we were both disappointed by a couple things that we were expecting. I would solidly recommend it to others, and the artisanship on it is amazing. For me personally the MRSP, and focus on musicality just didn't do it. It's not Sultan disappointing though. Hoping to bang out the SK impressions soon as well.

Oh no no not all guys I just got away from headfi busy with life stuff and work and all that stuff.

Sk is actually my new end game, it has very unique features and sound tuning you simply need to appreciate the love and the hard craftsmanship that was put behind this unique iem.

I find it quite superior to anything I ever had, only few iems comes to my mind that I would group together along with SK. The ierz1r and Jolene. The rest simply dont seems right. Yea yes you will say yea but your fourté??? The all time best right?

Well I think it was time for me to pull up my pants and be a man, time to let fourte go, it been to long for our marriage and eventually I was trying new iems I found out flaws in forte I never believed that they existed. But once you taste the blood of the other tunings it is done you cannot go back to your previous normal life. It has to be done and I chosen the sk as my successor for new end game. Of course it comes with flaws too but dang what can you do, this time the flaws are still in the favor of the overall trade forth!

My only concern with sk is the sound isolation it is inferior the 20db and that in my noisy environment causes a problem. Still very manageable just with a slightly more noise....

But overall I am super happy with sk, its one of the rarest unique iem on the market. There is no other single dd flagship with pure all in one piece berillium membrane driver.
Jul 13, 2021 at 12:39 PM Post #12 of 59
Great Fourte review Kuro. You definitely got the better end of that bargain! 😉
Tiger's Ears are happy and mine are as well. Fourte isn't aesthetic as the JP weed iem, but the technicalities make my toes curl.
Aug 11, 2021 at 3:38 PM Post #13 of 59
SK impressions incoming tonight!

Also will be making my demo tracklist public as well in the next day or two.

A8K impressions within the next week.
Aug 11, 2021 at 3:44 PM Post #14 of 59
What's this SK? Sorry I'm new to this thread.
Aug 11, 2021 at 3:45 PM Post #15 of 59
Shichiku Kangen, got it.

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